
Beefs and Bouquets for Sept. 2

BOUQUETS of dog biscuits and sloppy puppy kisses to all the people who leave a fresh bowl of water for dogs in their yard/ driveway near the sidewalks during the summer. Bonus to those who include an umbrella to provide some shade near it. We carry water with us for our dog but not everyone does. On behalf of the sweet, cute, cuddly companions who can't ask their human for a drink on hot days or long walks, we thank you. With the recent heat waves, your kind thoughtfulness could have been the difference between mere convenience and a dog's illness or death. Thank you!

BOUQUETS of dog biscuits and sloppy puppy kisses to all the people who leave a fresh bowl of water for dogs in their yard/ driveway near the sidewalks during the summer. Bonus to those who include an umbrella to provide some shade near it. We carry water with us for our dog but not everyone does. On behalf of the sweet, cute, cuddly companions who can’t ask their human for a drink on hot days or long walks, we thank you. With the recent heat waves, your kind thoughtfulness could have been the difference between mere convenience and a dog’s illness or death. Thank you!

BEEF: After work one day last week on a sunny bright afternoon, I was pulling out of the lot with my signal on. A young man in a black Acura was speeding down Goldstream Avenue and then swore at me in a rage – words I won’t repeat – for pulling out with my signal on. Calm down and slow down as this is a busy road.

BEEF: I love dogs and want a lot around Langford but here is a beef that really bugs me: To the dog owners that do not pick on after their dogs and then also all the litterbugs and smokers who throw their beer cans and cigarette butts all over the streets, parking lots and parks. Please pick up and think of others. There are garbage bins all over and doggie bags are also available.

BOUQUET: While grocery shopping may be dull and I don’t really enjoy it but I would like to thank Damon and his staff of Quality Foods West Shore who are always so cheerful and courteous and the store is always so clean and neat. It is a pleasure shopping at your store.

BEEF: To the new drivers out there with the N on your vehicle – there should be more police around to ticket the N drivers who speed, talk on their phones while driving and then don’t signal because their hands are busy talking!

BOUQUET: After the doom and gloom of this pandemic gets us all down. It is wonderful to see so many small businesses opening up. Cheers and success to all the new business owners on the West Shore that have opened in the last few months. It is great to see a community thriving and a bright future ahead. I hope you all do well and continue to grow.

BOUQUET: It brightens my day to see all beautiful flowers in the boulevards when driving around. I want to thank Victoria Contracting and the City of Langford for keeping up the good job with the beautiful flower displays around the city.

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to or drop it off in the Gazette office mailbox.

We reserve the right to edit submissions and discard Beefs deemed to be libellous or mean-spirited.

Please limit submissions to 150 words.

Goldstream News Gazette