
Beefs and Bouquets, March 3

To submit a beef or a bouquet, email

BOUQUET: My husband and I and the dog love to walk everywhere and do between eight and 10 kilometres a day. So when CRD trails started to be resurfaced and levelled, it was and is a very nice surprise. It helps with walking along those trails, but still keeping the lovely natural look, especially in wooded areas. Thank you so much for everyone involved, from the decision to the workers on site. LOVELY!

BEEF: Last Saturday, my wife and I took our youngest granddaughter for a walk at Esquimalt Lagoon. The atmosphere was fantastic – the ocean view, the weather, the friendly people! A pleasant afternoon to wipe out the memories of COVID-19 that is affecting almost every part of our daily lives. When we returned to our car, our granddaughter noticed some foreign item on the bottom of her boots. We had a difficult time to clean it off. It was dog poop! What a way to end this wonderful day. To those of you who walk your dog at the lagoon – it’s in the doggie handbook people, if you dog poops, pick it up!

BEEF: For the member of the fire department driving a utility vehicle the morning of Feb. 24, for parking his truck in a handicap parking stall at the Tim Horton’s at the West Shore Town Centre.

BOUQUET: To the City of Colwood for their 2021 calendar, it is beautiful and very well put together … looking for more copies if you have any?

BEEF: A big beef to the person playing ball with their Australian shepherd dog on Tuesday at 4:15 p.m. in the Ruth King schoolyard. You saw your dog poop, you walked over looked at it and carried on. Children play here every day, your disgraceful behaviour is appalling! Smarten up or walk your dog elsewhere.

BOUQUET: Looking on the bright side of COVID-19 … these are the things that I am thankful for: A Bouquet goes out to Insurance companies as we are able to renew by phone … what a timesaver. No more people licking their fingers and opening produce bags, no more shopping carts riding my ass at the grocery store, clean salt and pepper shakers at the restaurants, virtual doctors appointments through Babylon, The Colwood Crawl is better, and a big bouquet to people staying home when sick.

BOUQUET: To London Drugs, for providing an excellent recycling service for clean soft plastics; shopping bags, dog and cat food bags, food and other product bags and wraps, except the stretchy cling wraps. Clean foam trays and packaging, used batteries and light bulbs, etc. Thanks London Drugs for enabling us to help our planet.

BEEF: Beefs and blowouts to the construction on Sooke Rd…What a disaster!

BOUQUET: A big batch of roses to all the local Heroes nominated by you, our readers of the Goldstream Gazette. Read all their stories here:

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to or drop it off in the mailbox in front of the Gazette office.

The Gazette reserves the right to edit submissions and discard Beefs that are deemed to be libellous or mean-spirited. Please limit submissions to 150 words.


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