

Beefs and Bouquets, Sept. 16

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BOUQUET: A huge bouquet to Todd Preston, officer in charge of the West Shore RCMP for stating that these offensive letters should be removed from the mural in Bastion Square. I don’t understand why they are still there, the mayor of Victoria should have them spray painted over. Someone, please act now.

Re: last week’s BEEF on spandex-wearing cyclists: The simple answer to this is to walk on the left facing the traffic. I have been doing this and still do since being taught before starting school 80 years ago. It’s just common sense. You can see them and they can see you. Having a silent missile coming up behind and passing you at warp speed is scary at best.

BEEF: To the Real Canadian Superstore who have introduced a “mandatory” mask requirement in their store, but decided not to enforce it. I was shocked to enter the store and find that 20 per cent of customers still had no mask on. Why mandate something if you are not willing to enforce it? Perhaps they should change the policy to a suggested mask or request people wear masks?

BOUQUET: A red rose goes to Costco for how well organized they have been through this pandemic. I truly believe they have set a new precedent and deserve our appreciation.

Well done Costco, well done!

BOUQUET: Thank you for still printing your paper. I always read them from cover to cover and of course make my grocery lists from the flyers, so appreciate that you are still doing so, in spite of everything going on. Big Bouquets to the staff at Goldstream Gazette!

BEEF: Well it’s time people. Am I the only one that sees the Vancouver Island Corridor Foundation has run its course? It’s a waste that we continue to make room for a train that is never coming back, and the time and money spent on keeping these crossing tracks is ridiculous. Time to grow some flowers and make a trail that everyone can use!

BEEF: The West Shore is looking to gentrify into something unrecognizable. When did we allow developers to create boring, uncreative monstrosities with no forethought of retaining this natural beauty? It’s 2020 and new builds lack green initiatives (ex. living roofs) and for some unfathomable reason can’t be built around old growth trees – especially the beautiful arbutus. Someone step up to protect what we have before it’s all gone, please.

BOUQUET: Thank you Ruth King elementary teachers and staff for a safe return of my littles. They had a great orientation day and are looking forward to starting their school year because of the way you make them feel safe and secure. It takes a village to raise a child and I am thankful you are a part of ours! Have a great school year and may you all have the support you need to have a successful year.

BOUQUET: For the awesome gentleman who bought my coffee at the WestShore Town Centre Tim Horton’s.

It was last Thursday, Sept. 10 at around 8:20am. It seemed like it was a morning of paying it forward and everyone was enjoying free coffees and treats from all the good Samaritans of the West Shore! It made my day and that of so many others.

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets

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