

Beefs and Bouquets, Sept. 2

To submit a beef or a bouquet, email

BOUQUET: To Larry Stevenson of the Island Corridor Foundation for his tireless efforts to restore much needed rail service to Vancouver Island.

His work with all levels of government, First Nations and many special interest groups is going to benefit us all. In just a few years our growing communities will have efficient and environmentally responsible rail functioning on a regular schedule for commuters and tourists alike and a wonderful trail alongside for people that want to run, walk, or ride portions of or the whole trail. Thank you.

BEEF: To all the condo construction workers on Orono and Jacklin roads. You park on residential streets and leave your cigarette butts, food wrappers, coffee cups, napkins and other garbage on our streets and lawns. It’s terrible! Not to mention the horns honking, loud talking, swearing, music blasting at 6:15 a.m. Why is this allowed to happen?

Also local bylaws clearly state work is not to commence until 7 a.m. Show some respect!

BEEF: To the you-know-what in the big white truck who tried to bully me while I was driving down Metchosin Road on Saturday afternoon, you think by honking at me and tailgating you can push me around? I don’t think so! You cannot see what I see.

For your information, I will merge when I feel safe, not when some impatient you-know-what wants me to go. Also, there was an older gentlemen who was partially in the lane trying to back into a driveway.

Unlike the other motorists who illegally crossed a double solid to get around him, I gave him the time and space he needed to safely park his truck. It took literally five seconds! How dare you be so rude that you can’t spare a couple seconds to be courteous to others on the road. I sincerely hope you read this!

BEEF: Either you can’t read or don’t understand the sign. When the sign says “Road Closed” it means just that. Not “come on down this road,” then you can turn around in someone’s driveway. If you don’t live on this street, obey the sign and let the workmen do their job.

BOUQUET: Thank you SD62 for all of the hard work you are doing to make these times easier for families returning to school. I know you are getting some flack out there, and my family would just like to say thank you.

You won’t make everyone happy and I think some individuals don’t realize how much hard work is going into the plan. Things will change I’m sure as we move through fall and we can only ask that you do your best. Looking forward to having the kids back in as safely as possible.

BEEF: I have a big beef with all the inconsiderate and dangerous drivers on the Malahat. For some reason you believe the rules and laws of the road do not apply to you. You have cost BC taxpayers millions for the accidents and injuries you have caused. I also attribute the cost of the Malahat upgrades to you because of the accidents and deaths your reckless driving has caused. The BC government has spent millions upgrading the Malahat trying to make it safer for drivers who obey the speed limits, not for you to use the extra lane as your personal race track. If everyone drove it as it should be and there was more enforcement, we the taxpayers would have saved millions of dollars.

BEEF: I would like thank the person(s) who stole my turquoise mountain bike, helmet, gloves, bike lock and headlamp from a secure underground parking lot on Goldstream Avenue. Your parents must be proud of you.

BOUQUET: To the organizers of the Metchosin Farmer’s Market. I have really enjoyed my visits there to get fresh veggies. You have created a safe atmosphere and have the most lovely vendors!

READ MORE: Beefs & Bouquets Aug. 19

Gazette staff reserve the right to edit submissions and discard Beefs deemed to be libelous or mean-spirited.

Please limit your submissions to within 150 words.

Goldstream News Gazette