Beefs & Bouquets, April 23

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To the honest gentleman who found and turned in my purse on Highland Boulevard. You saved me untold inconveniences. I am lucky you found it.

BEEF To the crybaby in the RV park. I need to warm my diesel up in the morning. Maybe you should talk to me first before you cry to the landlords.

BOUQUET To Long Lake Automotive, for quickly diagnosing a minor but serious-sounding problem with my vehicle and then fixing the problem at no charge. How refreshing and uplifting to find a professional and trustworthy mechanic.

BOUQUET To Nanaimo’s parks department for the restoration to the Brookwood pond trail. BEEF To the people who let their dogs foul it up.

BOUQUET To the Nanaimo Yacht Club for the awesome Easter egg hunt on Newcastle Island. Kids had a blast and hope it will happen again next year.

BEEF To the parents of the girl who let her keep the spirit-wear hoodie she ‘found.’ My daughter’s friends watched her take it. It has my daughter’s name on the arm.

BOUQUET To emergency and hospital staff for your exemplary care of our father. Your team’s care, courtesy, compassion and thoughtfulness with competence, all imbued with humanity and humility, made Dad’s last days as pleasant as possible.

BEEF To the two drivers behind me while I waited for a green light coming off Extension Road onto the highway. You split up and passed on either side of me while the light was red. You don’t make my car payments or buy my gas so don’t tell me how to drive.

BOUQUET To Nanaimo North Town Centre for providing the space to produce and display the 2015 Festival of Banners. Nowhere else can we see all the creations in full colour in one large space.

BEEF To traffic control at the corner of Townsite and Terminal Avenue. Cars are in the turn lanes on Townsite in both directions and cars are in the other lane. No traffic is coming on Terminal, yet the light still takes forever to change.

BOUQUET To the Caledonia Life Labs gal who made getting tests with a complicated test kit no problem. She found a solution immediately and did so with a nice smile.

BEEF To the prime minister for suggesting Canadians should arm themselves for protection at a time when his government is setting an example of international war-mongering. This government is setting society backward when we can and should be moving toward peace.

BOUQUET To Pier 97 from the Dads In Charge of Kicks Sunday morning breakfast club. We appreciate your kindness dealing with all the kids and the fathers, too.

BEEF To the person who runs the mobile home park. Tenants’ private life is not your business. You need to learn how to keep your nose out of other people’s lives.

BOUQUET to the very kind lady in the drive-thru at Dairy Queen in February. You paid $15.75 for my box of buster bars. That was a huge purchase and your kindness still has me smiling. I loved your gesture so much that I now randomly do it as well.

BOUQUET To Nathan at Nanaimo North Town Centre’s London Drugs, who unlocked my computer after scammers hacked it and locked it when I refused to pay up. An extra bouquet for not charging me.

BOUQUET To Maureen and Lynn for doing such a wonderful and entertaining 102nd birthday party for Olga.

BOUQUET To Vancouver Island Tree Services for the great work they did in removing several trees on my property. They cut down, removed branches, and cleaned the yard in record time.

BOUQUET To my wonderful neighbours for looking out for me during my recent illness. Being alone made it difficult for me to get the medications or items I needed. Their unwavering kindness has shown me that there are still some amazing people in our sometimes unkind world.

BOUQUET To the caring staff at Benson View Veterinary Hospital when we had to put our beloved dog Dusty down and for the wonderful sympathy card with his final photo on it.

BOUQUET To Don, whom I met at Colliery Dam Park when he came to my rescue when my car had radiator trouble. I haven’t had any problem since. You saved me from a lot of hassle and expense.

BOUQUET To all the School District 68 teachers ever. You are the best in the world. We love and care for you all.

BOUQUET To Florrie Ingram on her 100th birthday. You go, girl.

BOUQUET To Lou at Concord Roofing. Wonderful job. Great price. I highly recommend him.

BOUQUET To the person complaining that handicap people take up parking spaces by staying in the car. Guilty. It happens suddenly when the person says ‘I’ll wait for you.’ I never liked it and will not do it again.

BOUQUET To Vancouver Island University professor Mark Blackell for running the Boston Marathon.

BOUQUET To the guys at Madman McKay for offering their equipment for a movie night at McGirr Elementary School to raise money for the school parent advisory council.

BOUQUET To the dedicated volunteers at Nanaimo Citizen Advocacy.

BOUQUET To Marcus Nguyen for donating his birthday money to our Canuck Place fundraiser. The money and your kindness will bring smiles to the children and families.

BOUQUET To Alex at Panago Pizza and to everyone who helped make our fundraiser for Canuck Place children’s hospice a success. This will go a long way to help families make memories.

BOUQUET To Bernice B. at H&R Block for going above the call of duty. Your help and expertise were greatly appreciated.

BOUQUET To all the generous individuals and businesses who contributed to this spring’s community radio fund drive. Your support allows us to continue to provide public access radio for the valuable arts, cultural and social organizations in the region.

BOUQUET To the News Bulletin readers who follow @BeefsBouquets on Twitter.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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