Beefs & Bouquets, April 28

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thanks to the attractive young lady who left $5 towards our breakfast bill at Tim Hortons recently. It was much appreciated. The McEwans.

A big bouquet to Greg, Jeremy and Runners of Compassion for raising the bar at the Fletcher’s Challenge trail race on Good Friday at Westwood Lake. Everyone had a fun time at the race, family walk and Easter egg hunt. It’s great to see a charity fundraiser staged entirely by volunteers.

WORDS ARE NOT ENOUGH to thank everyone who helped search for our lost whippet Nelly at the beginning of the month. Your concern and caring meant so much to our family in a time of great distress. We are so thankful that Nelly found her way to Jake and John, who contacted us, fed her and kept her safe until we were reunited.

A big bouquet to Ann at the recent Nanaimo Concert Band performance who helped me (an unstable senior) to my seat – down and up the stairs – during intermission. It was a great help.

Huge bouquets of bright, sunny tulips for Allen, a techie working at Future Shop at Country Club Centre. Allen was calm, cool and collected when I called in a panic with a 20-minute deadline to get my document printed and on the way to the courier. I’d been working several nights in a row, I was a wreck, and all was about to be lost. I had my hand on the bottle of scotch.  Allen knew right away what the problem was and talked me through it in less than two minutes.

A thank you bouquet to Cathy who works at Canadian Tire from the two seniors. Your advice on the clogged sink worked very well.

A bouquet of passports to Val of Nanaimo Singles Travel Club. Yes, there are single people in Nanaimo who like to travel. Thanks for the fun opportunity to travel and make new friends.

a healthy bouquet to parents who take their families on long walks in our city’s beautiful parks on weekends. It is so important to the future health and well-being of your children. Healthy habits must be established early.

a gigantic bouquet to the organizers and dancers who performed at Dance Gala 2012 at the Port Theatre. A fabulous show.

an insurance claim bouquet to Cam from Belfor Restorations and Mike from Colonial Countertops. Your friendly and professional service made replacing our kitchen countertop a stress-free experience.

A warm thank you to the young couple who helped me up when I fell on the corner of Rosehill Street and Terminal Avenue. I wish you all good things.

a bouquet of beautiful daisies to the man walking by me on a sidewalk in Harewood who smiled at me, said hello and wished me a nice day. It’s so rare that someone is willing to make idle conversation and brighten another stranger’s day.

a bouquet to the SalsaMan. I never even liked salsa until I tried yours. Now I can’t get enough. The fact that my classes smell like that wonderful brew on Tuesdays is just a bonus. Thank you.

A bouquet to Dr. Crowley and staff at Island Oral Facial and Implant Surgery. I was apprehensive about the procedure, but thanks to the friendly assistants, my nervousness soon disappeared. It wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated.

a beautiful spring day bouquet to the children enjoying a sunny afternoon in Colliery Dam Park. The children had rowed out to the swimming dock on a small inflatable boat and were enjoying the scenery. Summer is just around the corner.

a bouquet of daffodils to those exuding positive energy in this city. Keep up the good work.

A BOUQUET to Tasha at Best Buy for the outstanding customer service when I purchased my Android phone. I was afraid to make the technology jump, but you made it all seem so simple. I’m loving it.

a beef. What a sad world when you hear humans saying that certain animals should be culled. Be honest, people are guilty for all the problems on this Earth.

a beef. What is needed now in the NHL is punishment fitting the crime. Any player who deliberately injures another player with an elbow to the head, causing a concussion, should be suspended for the same length of time that it takes the injured player to fully recover. I am sure that this policy would reduce such incidents.

A beef to the woman who came to a CPR C course with a cold. We partnered up and shared dolls. It’s no surprise that I caught your cold. As you are going into heath care, I was surprised you didn’t ask the teacher if you could attend her next class instead so you wouldn’t pass your cold on to others. As an LPN, I’m sure she would have understood.

A careless beef to the Harper goverment for doing everything possible to ruin the environment. Harper’s government is the worst government Canada has ever had. When the environment is destroyed, everything is gone. In the end, money cannot be eaten.

a huge beef to the teachers and the B.C. Teachers’ Federation. You sit there and say it’s about the students. But it is not about the students at all. If it was, you wouldn’t be taking all the extra-curricular activities away and making the kids suffer.

a beef to the City of Nanaimo for installing enough irrigation heads in the new gardens on Bowen Road to create the Bellagio fountains. Whatever happened to water conservation? It applies to all of us.

a beef to the City of Nanaimo for allowing a rock crusher to come into a neighbourhood in the city and haul rock to it from somewhere else to be crushed.

a who’s-kidding-who beef to the genius who decided we needed yet another stoplight on Terminal Avenue. The people on the east side of Cypress Street learned how to go around the block.

a beef to the Mansfield Park dog beefer. What have you done for the park lately? I’ve called the police to break up a fight, helped children who needed assistance, warned parents of falling branches and picked up garbage. These are all human-related things. I rarely see trouble with dogs. It’s a great little park, I hope you come back.

a beef. I thought the bus stop at one shopping centre was awful, but when I got off the bus at another centre, it was an even bigger nightmare.

a tired beef to people who keep complaining about the same issue over and over again. Sure, get it out of your system, but then move on. There are plenty of other issues out there to moan about, no need to duplicate.

a they-Should-Be-Ashamed-Of-Themselves Beef to a local strata council for refusing to allow a hardship case that would allow an owner that was recently disabled following a tragic accident to rent out a three-level townhouse. I wonder what they would define as a true hardship.

a beef to the bottle depot for moving out of the north end. I liked recycling my empties at that fine north Nanaimo location.

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