Beefs & Bouquets, April 28

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A BOUQUET OF THANKS to everyone who supported our recent garage sale. Together we raised more than $100 for B.C. Children’s Hospital.

A bouquet to the Nanaimo Girl Guides troop that was out on Thursday night cleaning up the Jingle Pot Road area. Your care and work for the community is inspiring.

A six-foot bouquet to my co-workers and clients from the Nanaimo News Bulletin. I am on to a new challenge but have enjoyed meeting so many great people in the past three years. I will miss the laughs and the visits. Please keep in touch. From Teresa.

A bouquet of prayers to each person who surrounded me when I fell hard and hit my head last November at the Tsawwassen ferry terminal. One lady even stayed on after I got up to make sure I was all right. A  beautiful and very touching experience.

a king-size bed full of sweet dreams to Claire at VitalAire Healthcare. She went above and beyond normal customer service by extending the store’s hours to accommodate my work hours. I really appreciate your commitment to your work. My new CPAP mask is working wonderfully.

a Big bouquet to the ladies’ 10-pin bowling team from Splitsville Entertainment, which finished first in the provincial tournament in Vancouver recently. They will now represent B.C. in Ontario in May at the national tournament.

A Big, Beautiful Bouquet to the retired teacher who drove many times to referee our season and playoff basketball games. You willingly gave your time and fuel and we thank and miss you.

A large bouquet to the kind lady in a Honda SUV who pulled up to me in the parking lot at Save-On-Foods and handed me $20 to pay for my groceries. I am 83 and had walked to the north end store from Nanaimo Seniors Village. I did not realize that I had forgotten to put my purse in my push cart until I went to pay for my items at the checkout. As I walked across the parking lot – headed back home without my groceries – she came up to me and handed me the money to go back and pay. Thank you for your kindness toward a complete stranger.

An enormous bouquet of daffodils to Dr. J. Birchard and the floor three nurses at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital for the extraordinary care. Your time and patience is greatly appreciated and means so much to me.

A bouquet of elegant flowers to Koko in the housewares and linens section of the Nanaimo Sears store for outstanding service when I was buying many burgundy and gold bed linens. She manoeuvred extra savings for this grateful customer.

A spring bouquet to Rachel Stern, a reporter with the Nanaimo News Bulletin, for her excellent reflection of my thoughts and opinions after interviewing me on my political viewpoint.

An edible bouquet to Michael Geselbracht and all who helped rejuvenate the Pioneer Park forest using only hand tools. We can build better communities by working together, as Michael frequently demonstrates.

A grateful bouquet to Jeff at Broco Auto Glass for preparing the glass windshield for my quad. It is perfect and it was not an easy job.

A rainbow thank you to Randy at the Quality Foods in University Village mall for donating juice for the children in the program.

A great big thank you to the city gardeners. Your beds of daffodils around City Hall and in the parks are just beautiful. They brighten our days.

A beef to all the ladies out there who drive a vehicle and put on makeup at the same time – especially those who do their eye makeup while driving. You can cause an accident or put your life at risk or someone else’s life at risk.

A beef to Nanaimo Regional Transit for shutting down service on Good Friday. My options were to soak up a $30 cab fee or ride my bike in the rain for hours to get to work. Why is my bus schedule being determined by someone else’s religious holiday?

A beef to the two women who were picking daffodils on the Parkway Trail at Northfield Road.  Those are for all to enjoy.

A BEEF to Nanaimo Regional Transit for not running any buses on Good Friday. I pay $60/month for a bus pass and had to pay the same amount in one day on taxi fare. Transit is an essential service. If the malls are open, you should be, too. A lot of the employees who work in low-income jobs such as these depend on you.

a beef to people who just can’t wait for someone backing out of a parking spot. They will race across the lot to get past that driver like they get some satisfaction from zooming in the parking lot. Maybe Speed Watch should move to parking lots for a month.

a huge, Easter Egg beef to the person driving a fancy car who had to park in the last of the two disabled parking spaces at Pipers Lagoon. You displayed no placard, no plates indicating you were entitled to park there. I suppose entitlement comes with the car? Luckily we managed to find a space so we could also enjoy the park.

A beef to the beefer complaining about bulk food ties. One side rejects ink, but flip the tag over. It’s not rocket science.

a beef. I am tired of those rude people who retire here and can only say bad things about B.C. work ethics and the unions here. I, for one, believe that the four generations of my family who lived on the Island all worked as hard as any group of people anywhere. I love my Island, my province and my country and I am proud of all the hard working people who make these places so great.

a beef to a male pickup driver. You honked your horn and madly gestured for me to merge into oncoming traffic. There is a yield sign at the merge lane of Aulds Road and the Parkway for a reason. What you didn’t bother to notice was that while you were harassing me, cars were coming off of the Parkway and changing lanes. I would have been hit if I had let your inconsideration get to me and pulled out. Sad that you think you are the only important person on the road.

A beef to the city for the condition of the grass at Sway-a-lana Lagoon. What happened to the beautiful, lush green grass? Last year for the Silly Boat Regatta, all the grass was dead. I thought that was a mistake. Looks like the same thing is going to happen this year. When did the city stop caring what downtown looked like?

A gentle reminder to those on an unfamiliar route due to the Bowen Road bridge construction project – 30 km/h applies to all. A slightly earlier start will allow you to keep within this and allow local residents to safely exit their driveways. Be good neighbours.

A frustrated beef to a union for not having the seniority list book posted where it used to be at my workplace. Now we have to go to the union office.

a beef to people who consistently drive 10 km/hr under the posted speed limit. We’re not all retired and have all the time in the world to get to where we are going. Driving the speed limit keeps traffic moving efficiently.

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