Beef to ICBC for the insulting rebate. Mine was $5. Forty-plus years incident-free and this is how they thank us.

Beefs Bouquets, April 28

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET Good luck to the beefer complaining about his neighbours’ bright lights shining in his windows. This could have been written by me. Five years and nothing has changed. Also beef to businesses that have bright lighting that not only illuminates their premises but all the residential homes across from them. You’re right, this is light pollution that is happening way to much now.

BEEF To the ‘affordable housing’ top-heavy management. Who would have ever thought poverty could be turned into a very luxurious business? You did.

BOUQUET Thank you to all those people who wear a mask outdoors when walking, biking or hiking. You are respectful and care about your community. It is because of you that the pandemic will come to an end and everyone will be able to enjoy life again.

BEEF To B.C. Ferries for adding additional sailings over the Easter weekend. There must have been a substantial amount of essential travel during this time.

BOUQUET To the young lady who returned my cellphone after I lost it mountain biking behind Westwood Lake. You saved my bacon. Thank you.

BEEF To the lady in the complex who feels it is OK to bully, shame, and humiliate young children from another country. Your children have also learned this behaviour from you and now bully the children as well. It is heartbreaking to listen to and it needs to stop. Shame on you.

BOUQUET Thanks to Blaine and the rest of the crew at Harbourview VW for ensuring that our cars are safe

BEEF To the lady who crossed, in the middle of the block, on a busy Fifth Street. Take a hint from the kids who used the controlled crosswalk just metres from where you crossed.

BOUQUET To Johnny for using his blade on Robert Sheldon and saving Ponyboy. Those Socs got what was coming to ’em. Maybe Nanaimo needs a rumble with the left-lane slow drivers and the people who know how to drive.

BEEF I find it disgusting to drive along roads or walk down the sidewalks to see so much litter. No excuse. Humans do not ride in cars with their heads hanging out the window like a dog and saying ‘oops, my mask blew off!’

BOUQUET to Jim and the Irrigators for their honesty, professionalism, and excellent customer service. Thank you for getting our irrigation system ready for the gardening season and for coming to our rescue with our recent ‘oops’ in attempts at said gardening. We appreciate you very much.

BEEF To all the people who feel they can have a fire in their backyard in Cedar when it’s windy. Give your head a shake and think about other people in your neighbourhoods. Don’t be surprised if the fire department gets called on you.

BOUQUET To the wonderful people who are helping citizens when those people arrive at Beban Park for their COVID-19 vaccination. The workers are well dressed in identifying vests and are friendly, helpful and efficient. A very smooth operation and the needle doesn’t hurt either.

BEEF To the family near Westwood Lake that hosted a child’s birthday party. There were way more than 10 kids, no masks and no social distancing. I hope no one gets COVID and takes it home to their parent or grandparents. Shame on you; nice example for your kids.

BOUQUET To staff at Thrifty Foods Port Place. On a busy Sunday morning you cheerfully helped this senior searching for an item. Next time I’ll remember my glasses.

BEEF To the woman who goes round the neighbourhood spreading her malicious gossip depending on who’ll listen and who she’s mad at this week. Get a life; stop bothering us.

BOUQUET To our fabulous B.C. Ambulance Service. Kathryn and Donna were absolutely outstanding coming to my aid. You ladies rock. Your dedication, compassion and care is very much appreciated. I cannot believe your knees have held out for 30 years and 24 years respectively. Three cheers!

BEEF To the mechanic. Numerous times you have been witnessed flying through the downtown core swearing at every less fortunate and cyclist. You need to relax. I couldn’t imagine having to be stuck working with you day in and day out. You might want to try being kind and show some consideration once in a while before Karma makes you. Sincerely, the cyclist sharing the road with you.

BOUQUET To the honest person who turned in my credit card to the gas attendant at the Mobil station when my daughter left it at the pump. Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity. Cheers!

BEEF To the woman with a passenger in the lifted blue pickup near McGirr and Turner Road. You screamed profanities at my daughter as you drove past, then circled back to take her picture while spewing further hate. My daughter was simply out for a quiet walk and minding her own business after receiving heart-breaking news about her grandfather. I can assure you my presence would have easily revealed the cowardice beneath your bullying and you wouldn’t have proven so tough.

BOUQUET To all the politicians and management types wielding golden shovels and ribbon cutters. You provide me with endless laughter.

BEEF I was stopped waiting to turn left from Jingle Pot onto Harwell when a school bus pulled out across the solid white line and passed me on the right. This is illegal and dangerous. As a professional driver you should know better.

BOUQUET Thank you to the person in the black Ford who paid for our order at the Southgate Tim Hortons. I had a tough week and this made it so much better.

BEEF To the person defending the young person playing video games on his phone while sitting at a red light. I assume he is your child and can do no wrong.

BOUQUET I think it’s time for another thank you to our essential workers, including grocery and drug store workers, who have not had a break for more than year, from the ongoing COVID fatigue of cleaning, wearing masks all day and dealing with frustrated customers and co-workers. Take a moment to say thank you – they need to hear it.

BOUQUET A huge thank you to the young man who stopped to help when I fell off my bike at Bowen and the highway. Kindness makes the world go round and you sure are keeping it spinning.

BEEF To the restaurant for turning away takeout orders an hour before closing and being extremely rude about it. Left a really bad taste in my mouth when I was just trying to support local. If you expect customers to know what time the kitchen closes you should really include it in your social media posts.

BOUQUET To the (older) people hearing my granddaughter playing 1960s rock ‘n’ roll on the car stereo who enjoyed it and told her that her grandmother had “style.” She loves to see the reactions of people of my generation who can’t help moving to the music. Better than today’s stuff, isn’t it?

BEEF To the flat deck rounding a corner on Shady Mile. Those retaining-wall rocks tumbling off your truck could have seriously injured someone.

BOUQUET To my fabulous parents for hosting me in Departure Bay for a very special ‘work-from-home winter.’ Your hospitality and vitality made a winter I’ll never forget, and I’m stoked for many more arrivals and departures.

BEEF To the couple in Harewood who do not go out to work and entertain friends outside at night. We have to get up early and go to work so please show some consideration.

BOUQUET to all the locally owned businesses open right now. And a beef to all the obnoxious people who are too lazy to go get a mask from their car; I don’t believe they understand who pays for the mask that they are just going to toss out. The less you take, the less you pay.

BEEF To the drugstore for not providing COVID vaccine. You claim to be a community pharmacy, yet you do not step up to help during a pandemic when the community needs you most? Shameful.

BOUQUET To the coffee shop. I have now profited over $912 trillion US from your scam and now own planet Earth. Closure of your store is now needed. Captain Jack has spoken.

BEEF To the lady whose dog ran over my fishing gear at the park; I stated dogs should be on a leash in the park, she replied that her dog has an electric collar. For her info, those collars are not a leash.

BOUQUET My hat goes off to Darcy who found my wallet in the parking lot of Canadian Tire in Nanaimo and drove to my home in Nanoose Bay to deliver it. I can’t thank you enough.

BEEF To the doctors who close their practice without finding a replacement and recently returned to work after being on maternity leave. I’m a diabetic and can’t find a doctor taking new patients.

BOUQUET A well-deserved retirement to home support worker Charlie. You were a role model to your colleagues and the highlight of the day to your clients. Your humour, dedication, and selflessness were an inspiration. Enjoy your retirement, we miss you greatly.

BEEF To the Nanaimo businessman who publicly slammed the provincial government for shutting down restaurants with short notice. There were 155 COVID cases from restaurants and bars during the preceding period. Financial support has been offered as well as encouragement for people to use takeout and patio dining. Stop politicking.

BOUQUET To the seasoned staff at Value Village. You may sometimes be grumpy, but it makes me smile.

BEEF To delivery drivers who don’t follow delivery instructions for packages or leave your package in the lobby of the building, where it could easily be stolen, instead of walking down the hall and leaving it at the correct door. Sigh.

BOUQUET Thank you to Marc and all of the staff at Canadian Tire. What a fantastic place to work. I am going to miss being a part of the team.

BEEF To ICBC for the insulting rebate. Mine was $5. Forty-plus years incident-free and this is how they thank us.

BOUQUET To watchmaker Brian for his masterful skill at restoring an antique clock back to original working order. Outstanding devotion to his trade. Thank you.

BEEF To the driver of a white flatdeck with your company name on the side driving on the fast lane of the highway with a dog sitting on top of the lawnmower. This is not only dangerous for the dog but terrible for us animal lovers having to drive behind you. How irresponsible.

BOUQUET To the guys from Milner. Thank you so much for filling in the swamp in the back corner of our property. We can finally finish our fence.

BEEF To the federal government. Budgeting is an integral basic component of any household. Why the delay? My guess is inexperienced leadership.

BOUQUET To the staff at NRGH ER and RADU unit. Also the ambulance drivers who got me there. I’d never had an overnight stay, much less two nights. I was made to feel comfortable the whole time when I was so scared, and they even found me a phone charger so I could call my parents. Then they referred me to a GP after I had spent the last 10 years looking for one. Thank you.

BEEF To the dog walker who claimed her pet is “never like this” after it approached and barked aggressively at another trail user. If you respected other trail users you would accept that your dog is indeed “like this” and keep it leashed, but I suppose you just don’t care.

BOUQUET To Callum and the rest of the crew at Great Canadian Oil Change on Metral – always good service and good attitude. Will return.

BEEF To the food truck staff overheard complaining about customers using the provided garbage can, rather than bringing the garbage home. Who wants to eat out and bring stuff home to clean up? Why not provide a recycling and compost bin that would eliminate most of the garbage? Why not reduce your packaging?

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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