Beefs & Bouquets April 4

NANAIMO – Submit your beef or bouquet by e-mail to

A happy dog bouquet to all the wonderful dog owners in the city who walk their dogs in every kind of weather and diligently clean up the feces, knowing full well that the morning dew or constant rains will get rid of any “residue.”

a bouquet to Fern at Eagle Point Dental who, when the clinic ran out of toys when my four-year-old was in, gave my child a $5 Tim Hortons card. You made her day so much better. It’s people like you who need to be noticed.

A Class Act Bouquet to Wayne at Home Hardware.  Without hesitation you repaired my collapsible dolly. This certainly gives me lots of incentive to continue shopping there.

A bouquet to Brad at Color Glo Vancouver Island for re-dying the leather purse I purchased in Florence, Italy. Your fast, friendly, personalized service was appreciated. My purse looks like new.

A sporting bouquet to Bill Merriman and his family for his many years of devotion to local soccer. Succour in soccer.

A humble bouquet to Steve for helping a damsel in distress. Thank you for renewing my faith in random acts of kindness. I will pay it forward.

A big bouquet of multi-flavoured ice cream scoops to Just Desserts at Pioneer Plaza on the waterfront for serving us a scoop and a half of ice cream when we ask for a one-scoop cone.

Thank you to Frankie at the Nanaimo News Bulletin for dropping off my coupon.

Bouquets of rare and lovely flowers to the brave sponsors who supported the Wireless Technology: Nothing But the Truth discussion. You cleared a path to open discussion of a controversial subject.

A bouquet to my love for being so great this past year. Even at the worst time, my partner still stands next to me. This is just a thanks for being there.

A Valentine bouquet to staff at the Cutting Room for the great gift basket I won. A terrific hairstyle and presents, too.

Great appreciation and thanks to Tracy at Wendy’s restaurant downtown. Tracy is pleasant and respectful to all customers.

A huge bouquet for the owner of Super Shine Car Wash. They happily washed this grandma’s car and refused the payment offered. I will return to your business and have informed my family and friends of your act of kindness.

Thanks to the RCMP for stopping the guy driving a red car on the Island Highway near Wendy’s. He was out to kill someone the way he was speeding.

an amazing bouquet to Adrian at Steve Marshall Ford. He gives amazing service and goes above and beyond to make his customers happy.

A sweet bouquet to Dr. Krasowski and his team at Diver Lake Dental Clinic for taking excellent care of his patients. We have been clients for more than a dozen years.

a huge debt of gratitude to Jim who risked his own safety recently to alert motorists about a confused driver heading north in the southbound lane on the Island Highway. You are a true humanitarian and my hero.

a big bouquet to Sloan’s Painting for a great job of painting the inside of my house. Reasonably priced, too.

a grateful bouquet of thanks to the Nanaimo News Bulletin and Turley’s Florist for choosing me as the recipient of the bouquet in one of last month’s Beefs and Bouquets pages. The flowers looked lovely on my dining room table.

a big, early bouquet to Knappett Industries for bringing a good feeling moment by creating a beautiful forest cover – better than what was there originally – along our driveway, lightening six months of major construction and upset on our street for the city’s new water treatment plant on South Forks Road.

Happy Easter and beautiful bouquets of Easter roses to the special people at the Nanaimo News Bulletin – Toby Gorman, Chris Bush, Chris Hamlyn, Rachel Stern and others. Thanks for your good articles from different spectrums.

Thank you kindly to the nice people, like myself, who shop at thrift stores to get by in life. While I only paid $1 for a pair of shoes, I excitedly left my wallet and all my identification cards and cash for rent and food. Now I can’t even get food from the food bank or pay my bills let alone replace my ID cards. Thanks to the kind Nanaimo people. I will pay it forward.

A Yellow Beef to the woman beside me in the shower at the aquatic centre. Do you think you could have consideration for others and use the washroom to urinate? You may do that at home, but you are in public.

a beef to the lazy, careless folks who decide to leave junk and garbage near residential areas. Please stop. Be friendly to our environment.

A side of rotten beef to the speedy drivers in Cedar. Slow down,  obey the crosswalks and school zone speed limits. Your kids live here, too.

A beef to dog owners who think just because a dog is larger, it is more dangerous. Specifically, a beef to the woman at the off-leash park who ignored the growls and sounds from the mid-sized dogs, but as soon as my larger dog made one sound, she said he was having a bad day, being aggressive and should leave. He wasn’t even playing with her dog.

a beef to a junior hockey referee. You should know how to call before things get out of control. The referees are too young to be involved in the games and they need better training.

a Beef to people who park cars behind the bookstore on Commercial Street on the sidewalk that runs behind the Island Highway. There are a few parking lots to the north of where you park and the cars using them can’t exit safely onto the highway because of these parked cars on the sidewalk. I saw a lady almost get hit a couple of weeks ago. Someone could really get hurt.

a huge beef to people who use the office washroom and don’t change the toilet paper roll when it is empty. It only takes five seconds and then the bathroom is ready for the next person.

a beef. When is B.C. Ferries going to get it? They keep raising the rates, but they fail to realize that they are losing money because no one can afford to ride the ferry anymore. It is becoming more appealing to fly over to Vancouver. Lower the rates and more people will use the service.

a beef to the people who visit the recycling depot and drive right by the no exit sign. These people are an accident waiting to happen. The signs are there for a reason.

a beef to the sadist who came up with the idea of oral presentations at school and felt it was reasonable to force teens to stand at the front of the class with their acne and their braces and their hastily researched subject matter, to be judged, and oh yes, it counts toward their final grade.

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