Beefs & Bouquets, Aug. 1

To submit your beefs and bouquets to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET Orange roses to Dr. Marwood in Nanaimo Regional General Hospital’s emergency room. Thank you to a nice nurse on the third floor.

BEEF To Nanaimo’s city administration and city council for the in-house hiring of the new city manager with a starting salary of $209,000. Our taxpayers’ money should have been spent for an open competition. It is time for a refreshing and healthy different approach to our financial affairs.

BOUQUET Thanks to Wexford Creek for looking after a lady that was 93 years old until her last day. They are so caring and kind. They were also very good to family and friends, staff explained everything that was going on, which helped a lot.

BEEF To the person who says broom is a delight. You obviously have never suffered with allergies. It is bad for those who are allergic to it and that’s a lot of people. It is also a very invasive species and choking out the plants that are supposed to be here.

BOUQUET To the extremely helpful staff at Canadian Tire. Stephane Pilon and Desire went beyond the ordinary to help 2422 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps, C Scottish Regiment, get ready for upcoming adventures for the cadets. Thank you so much.

BEEF To the drug store for receiving a prescription and two days later still a 45-minute wait to fill it and 10 minutes more at your counter. You could learn customer service from the staff at the front counter of your store – they are great and do an awesome job.

BOUQUET To Amit at Future Shop for fixing three issues I had with my iPad 4 in less than 10 minutes. They were my issues, not those of the iPad – he was friendly, efficient and non-condescending. He came out from behind the counter and explained to me what I had done incorrectly and I was on my way.

BEEF To the provincial non-partisan office of the legislature for their deplorable ethics and human rights violations toward their Nanaimo-North Cowichan temporary field workers. It’s more than four months and have yet to pay allotted lunch allowances and travel reimbursements.

BOUQUET Apology accepted to the lady who almost ran me over in the cross walk at Norwell Drive and Victoria Avenue. It was a close call and although you didn’t stop to offer any type of an apology, I do accept your apology bouquet and appreciate you taking the time to write in and show your concern.

BEEF To some yogurt companies that put carmine to give it the pink colour. I suggest you do a search on this ingredient to those who like yogurt. It sure made me sick once I knew what it was from a TV report.

BOUQUET To Shane at Craftsman Collision. You quickly reattached my bumper and got me on my way. Thank you for your reassurance and help with what could have been a costly repair.

BEEF To the person at the thrift store on July 19. My two long sleeve shirts and my son’s bag of toys (dinosaurs and mechanical man) got into your bag by mistake. A store clerk error and you decided to keep them instead of looking for the owner. Great way to teach a crying boy the finders keepers rule of life.

BOUQUET To all the ladies at the LifeLabs at Rock City Plaza who really know how to enjoy their working day by having such great attitudes, wonderful personalities and a real skill in making our waiting time pass so much quicker with your pleasant greetings, wonderful comments and no-pain injection. LifeLabs is lucky to have you.

BEEF Please leave your adorable pooches at home when you are venturing to the waterfront. Too many people and too hot. Pets would be happier at home with their bowl of water and shade.

BOUQUET To Shannon, the good samaritan/ex-soldier/ex-firefighter who stopped to help when my car ran out of gas, while I had my infant son in the car, on Brechin Road as a ferry was unloading. You truly saved the day. Every time I pay it forward, I will think of what you did for us

BEEF Flat tires and blown engines to the people who speed along Metral Drive, especially those on motorcycles doing wheelies and the black Nissan. Also, a beef to the police for not heeding complaints better.

BOUQUET Thank you to Rob from the Jolly Miner Pub. That was the best burger I’ve ever had in a pub. You make your own patties and the generous amount of beef and cheese, topped with two onion rings. So filling. The bonus of winning the helicopter ride too was amazing.

BEEF To the city bylaw officers for not enforcing the barking dog bylaw next door to my house. We have had to listen to this dog for over a year and they do nothing to enforce the law. It is 30 C in my house and I can’t open my windows because this dog is driving us crazy. Why have a law or a bylaw office? My taxes are obviously for nothing.

BOUQUET To the lady who found my boyfriend’s wallet on Bowen Road and went out to South Wellington to return it. The world could use a lot more people as honest as you.

BEEF To the person who bought my son’s stolen bicycle. You probably pride yourself on the bargain you got buying from a desperate person. How does it feel to be even lower than a drug-addicted thief?

BOUQUET To Norm and Ilene for taking excellent care if our dog Gracie while we were in Germany. Puppy kisses.

BEEF Last weekend I had occasion to call 911 for an ambulance to transport my very sick spouse to the emergency ward. To my total amazement I was put on hold with a very nasal recorded message, “please do not hang up, your call will be answered by the first available operator in the order it was received.” This went on for five minutes – I was sure glad that I was not phoning to report my house was on fire.

BOUQUET Yellow and pink roses to a beautiful surgeon, Dr. Peter Gutmanis, who operated on my arm in April 2013. Also thank you to all the people who helped me there.

BEEF To dumpster divers. It would be so much simpler to put my recyclables in the bin outside my apartment, but instead I need to take my empty bottles all the way to the recycling depot so as not to encourage you.

To submit your beefs and bouquets to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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