While I am all for exercise, I am wondering why skateboarders, bicyclists, and in-line skaters think that they are allowed to do it at the seawall. There are signs up posted that those things are not allowed and they certainly are not being enforced.

While I am all for exercise, I am wondering why skateboarders, bicyclists, and in-line skaters think that they are allowed to do it at the seawall. There are signs up posted that those things are not allowed and they certainly are not being enforced.

Beefs & Bouquets, Aug. 12

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail editor@nanaimobulletin.com

BOUQUET To the Vancouver Island Regional Library for offering the Mango Language Learning App. This is a wonderful free resource. Thank you.

BEEF Shame to the incompetent staff of the veterinary clinic for misdiagnosing twice the illness of my beloved pet thus prolonging unnecessarily its suffering and anguish for me. I have reported you to proper authorities. Karma will get you.

BOUQUET To Berwick on the Lake for the great care they are giving us. Wonderful staff and management. Exercise, yoga with Megan, crossword puzzles, brain puzzles, movies, great barbecue.

BEEF To all those whining about zero COVID-19 cases and COVID-19 restrictions. It’s because the Island has followed the rules that we are in such a great position. I for one applaud all V.I. residents for a job well done. Maybe the beefers should peek across the border.

BOUQUET Thank you to the News Bulletin staff.

BEEF To the evening beach-goers at Cedar-by-the-Sea who left their campfire (they walked past the ‘no fires’ sign). The next morning I found a spreading blaze among the logs. The fire department had to be called.

BOUQUET To the nice cashier Rita R. at Thrifty Foods at Port Place for her dignity.

BEEF To the government and Dr. Bonnie Henry. Order all the clinics to open. Phone-ins don’t always work. Hopefully those phone doctors are only getting half pay if they are only working half time. Thanks to the Medical Arts Centre at Port Place for being open.

BOUQUET To Darcy at MLA Sheila Malcolmson’s office for the much-needed support and help through a very difficult time. Her advice was invaluable.

BEEF While I am all for exercise, I am wondering why skateboarders, bicyclists, and in-line skaters think that they are allowed to do it at the seawall. There are signs up posted that those things are not allowed and they certainly are not being enforced. Are they waiting for the day when an elderly person or a child or a pet is hit by the users who don’t slow down?

BOUQUET To the City of Nanaimo for doing an awesome job pruning the maple trees at Bowen Road and Dufferin Crescent. Thanks again.

BEEF To Dr. Bonnie Henry who stated it’s OK to attend BLM protest gatherings as no one got COVID at the last one, but gives the thumbs down to gatherings that are fun and enjoyable. Confusing.

BOUQUET To Bob and the Motion team for doing an excellent job at installing a stairlift for my parents. Thank you, they really appreciate it.

BEEF I tried to get on a bus with my grocery cart which had my recyclables to take to the depot; I was told not allowed to get on with these recyclables because of COVID. My grocery cart is clean and had a liner to cover the recyclables. I felt I was discriminated against as I am 65 years old with no car.

BOUQUET Big thanks goes out to Charlie Brown’s Health Food Store for not reneging on their sales day at this time. You have two new customers because of it.

BEEF This is the new reality. Please no opening of schools in September. It only takes one person to spread this virus. We love our children and our teachers. Please stay home.

BOUQUET To Lynn, Lori, J.W. and his delivery sidekick at John’s Bedrooms for the exceptional service with the purchase and delivery of my bedroom suite and in replacing the dresser, no questions asked. Thank you.

BEEF To the Jeep driver. You turned off the Parkway at Third Street in the wide turn lane and cut me off when you ran out of room and squirted left so you could turn left at Second Street. You knew you had to be in the through lane, but you waited till the last minute.

BOUQUET To the staff and residents of Nanaimo Seniors Village, the ambulance attendants and the doctors and nurses of NRGH who with kind hearts and hands ensured our mother was safe and loved after falling and breaking her shoulder. With deep appreciation and admiration.

BEEF How safe is the ferry? With another spike in COVID-19 cases on the mainland, you would think it would be mandatory to wear masks but I did a count and only 5-10 per cent of people were wearing them once they got on the ferry. People were coming up from their cars with no masks as well.

BOUQUET To Smokin George’s restaurant. Thank you for the exceptional service and delicious food for our four staff lunches. You even came in on your day off. You also delivered a meal that was accidentally left off one of our orders before we even noticed it was missing.

BEEF What is wrong with this city? I have been living here for more than 20 years, having three doctors. One became a specialist, another retired and one moved. I am now 67 years of age with a medical condition needing a regular doctor but cannot get one.

BOUQUET To Ashley at Eye One. With very unusual circumstances, she was able to get me a specialist appointment much sooner than usual. It was such a huge relief and so very much appreciated.

BEEF To the neighbours. Kids running wild, campfires within city limits, barking dogs, loud music, every available power tool known to man running at dinner time, early in the morning and every weekend.

BOUQUET To Myrna and the other recreation staff at Nanaimo Seniors Village for organizing weekly FaceTime sessions for the seniors to connect them with their families. It means the world to our mom. Thank you.

BEEF To the growing number of cars and motorcycles that come to Ambience Drive and Abalone Crescent every night to race, drink, light fires, light off fireworks and leave your garbage behind. You’re noisy, destructive and dangerous. Stay home and trash your own neighbourhoods.

BOUQUET To Chelsea at Best Buy. Your customer service is great, no problem taking your time to check on things, answer our questions and giggle with us. We left very happy with our new cell phones and the service. Thank you.

BEEF To poachers. There are far too many people crabbing without a licence, as well as keeping undersized and female crabs at the Sway’ A’ Lana fishing pier. And when I reported it nobody came.

BOUQUET A very big thank you to all the staff, including the nurses in the care unit, at the Berwick on the Lake retirement community. You are all doing a super job under such trying conditions.

BEEF To all those who can’t or won’t wear their masks properly. You need to have your nose covered as well as your mouth. You breathe through both your nose and mouth and both express droplets so cover them.

BOUQUET To Toni and the Power House Living Foods team for all the fantastic food and great service you have provided to the community of Nanaimo over the years.

BEEF To whoever is in charge of traffic and traffic lights in the city. No matter which speed you use on the old Island Highway or the Nanaimo Parkway, if you get caught at one light you get caught at them all. Get in your car and try it yourself and you will see how frustrating it is.

BOUQUET Thank you to Maria who brought the best spring rolls and noodles for the volunteers at the food bank at Generations Church. It was a delicious unexpected treat. Thank you for thinking of us. Everyone enjoyed it.

BEEF If construction workers were paid fairly you wouldn’t have a shortage. Greed over common sense is what is really at play here.

BOUQUET A heartfelt thank you to the volunteers who helped clean up Oliver Woods in June. Along with a special shout out to Woodgrove Save-On-Foods who supplied the refreshments and snacks to help fuel the volunteers.

BEEF To the condescending ambulance attendant. Treating me as though I’m overreacting to being short of breath only created anxiety I hadn’t been experiencing before you arrived. Your superior attitude was unwarranted. Family physician now confirmed pneumonia. Listen and be professional.

BOUQUET To the Stephenson Point Road driveway band for an entertaining performance that warmed our hearts on a summers afternoon. Play it again, Sam!

BEEF To the man with the green hair who half dragged a little girl down the beach at Westwood Lake. While I understand your frustration with a child who doesn’t listen, it is not appropriate to use your physical size and strength to discipline. Many on the beach realized the potential for harm and were waiting to make sure she was OK.

BOUQUET To the man from the City of Nanaimo water department who came to my home to check for a water leak when I could hear water running when I was in the house. He saw water gushing out of the irrigation box nearby and turned the water off, getting quite wet in the process. Above and beyond. Thank you.

BEEF To mayor and city council for the 4.5-per cent tax increase and the constant spending on pet projects instead of looking at ways to cut costs. A tax-and-spend council is not what Nanaimo needs.

BOUQUET To the person who paid for my order at the Tim’s drive-thru at Nanaimo North Town Centre. Such a lovely surprise; it was my first trip to Tim’s since the lockdown. Thank you.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail editor@nanaimobulletin.com.

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