Every time I go to a park I see kids running around, having fun. But I also see most parents sitting off to the side, ignoring their children, face down in their phone.

Beefs & Bouquets, Aug. 18

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail editor@nanaimobulletin.com

BOUQUET I would like to thank the lady who found my hearing aid at Quality Foods and turned it in at the service desk.

BEEF To the people who figure the pandemic is over and can relax all restrictions. Say hi to delta and lambda.

BOUQUET To Paul at Centsible Heating and Cooling Thank you for the amazing service that you provided to us in regards to our heat pump. When we contacted you, you came over immediately to help us determine what was wrong. Not only did you fix it, but you also called the next day to see if everything was good.

BEEF To the people who have the audacity to be so harsh toward the homeless and addicted population. You sit there from your privileged position making a judgment about people you know nothing about. Inform yourself about trauma, addiction, and mental health and you will see why this is really such a problem and how you are not only contributing to it but actually perpetuating it with your ignorance.

BOUQUET I want to give Esthetics by Lyss a huge thank you. Went in for a pedicure and it was an amazing experience. Clean shop, friendly service and my feet are glowing and very happy. Support small business. These people are super talented.

BEEF To the dog owner on Ross Road who allows their dog to poop at the bottom of each driveway. How can you walk away from this each day? Disgusting and ruining the neighbourhood. Clean up after your dog.

BOUQUET To my daughter. You are the best mom, wife, sister I know. So proud of you.

BEEF To the politically correct minority who think that it’s OK for a suspect with a warrant to kill a police dog and injure an RCMP officer and not suffer consequences. It’s time for the majority to speak up.

BOUQUET To the beefs, it’s good to see people talking about certain things in the city, calling out others that need to be called out and sometimes they are a great laugh. Keep beefing.

BEEF Maffeo Sutton Park is large enough that the totem pole can be placed somewhere other than where the orca sculpture sits. How much is it going to cost to move the existing sculpture to another location? City council should develop some common sense and stop wasting taxpayers’ money.

BOUQUET To the staff at the Beban Park COVID-19 vaccination clinic. You’re all doing a fantastic job; my family and I are grateful to be fully vaccinated. Thank you.

BEEF To the industrial business for its nepotistic hiring process. Don’t waste your time applying there unless you are related to or best friends with a high-up, important person. Where have the days gone where hard work pays off?

BOUQUET To B.D. Mitchell Prosthetic and Orthotic Services Ltd. One of the plastic sleeves on my ankle brace broke. I can’t walk without this brace. A call to this incredible company had it repaired in under an hour. And they didn’t charge me anything. Customer service is alive and thriving there. Thank you.

BEEF To men who read far too much into polite or cheerful chit-chat. Sorry to break it to you, but the world doesn’t revolve around stroking your ego or anything else for that matter. Quit flattering yourself – it makes others cringe in embarrassment for you.

BOUQUET To the kind folks at NRGH ER who got me through one of my PTSD crises overnight when I needed some extra help. Thanks to Dr. Delaney and a huge special thanks to Briggitte. I am thankful you were working that late shift, it made all the difference to me.

BEEF To city council for ruining the city with doughnut ideas, raising property taxes and spending all the money on bike lanes and colourful signs whilst constantly virtue signalling, and ignoring the homelessness and opioid epidemic.

BOUQUET To the employees at the deli at the new Quality Foods in Parksville. Props to manager Darcy for helping my spouse and I beyond any expectation. You have a nice crew there.

BEEF Really disappointed in the city and residents of Nanaimo to call hospital workers heroes all year, then to change the available parking spaces bordering the hospital to a two-hour limit. Now female staff have to put themselves at risk walking a few blocks to their cars at night.

BOUQUET To the staff and chef and owners of Dosirak restaurant; your food is continually some of the best Korean food I’ve ever eaten. I would eat there every day if I could afford to.

BEEF If anti-vaxxers end up in hospital with COVID-19, they should have to foot the bill. Not only do they put other’s health at risk, but we all end up paying for their foolishness. Actions should have consequences.

BOUQUET To the Old City Station Pub. Sat upstairs with our guests. Staff made many trips to serve us. Great food and great atmosphere.

BEEF Enough already to the bylaw department’s buzzwords that dogs bark all day and can be heard a kilometre away. We need more dogs sounding the alarm as the city is becoming more unsafe.

BOUQUET Thank you to everyone collecting pull tabs. A cheque for $68 was sent to Zajac Ranch to help with the cost of sending a kid who needs medical attention while camping.

BEEF To all the motorcycles and revved-up cars that simply cruise around downtown nightly with no destination, no regard for neighbourhood peace, and certainly not a thought for the fragile environment. Lives dedicated to the combustion engine are a little sad, frankly.

BOUQUET To Nanaimo AA for being there for me always; keeping me sober and alive through this pandemic and whatever life can throw my way. I hope that anyone who feels they may have a problem with drinking calls, e-mails or joins us online and in-person. All this info is a Google away. There is a solution and you’re not alone.

BEEF To the individual slamming a grocery checkout clerk for taking 10 minutes to count $8 in change for the customer ahead of you. Have some patience and a broader perspective. As a mother of a young adult on the autism spectrum, I’d like to remind you that there are people out there with invisible disabilities showing up every day, overcoming challenges most can’t fathom.

BOUQUET To the lady in the silver Subaru at the McDonald’s drive-thru, thank you for paying for my breakfast, it was so surprising and appreciated. I will definitely pay it forward.

BEEF To the entitled people living on Opal Road. Have you ever driven up Brechin Road? That’s real traffic. Your little speed bumps and signs are more than enough.

BOUQUET Thank you so much to the gentleman who was watching out for my dog when she got out of the yard.

BEEF To the homeowners on Ross Road; your dog is very unhappy, barking at 6 a.m. And your yard is not the dump. We have offered help.

BOUQUET To the couple who sold us their chairs for delivering the chairs for us and even offering a coffee. Your kindness touched us and the world needs more lovely people like you.

BEEF To the city for pushing forward on the Departure Bay walkway, destroying a natural beachfront. Meanwhile the climate change brainwashing, bike lanes and water conservation continues.

BOUQUET To the two separate vehicles that stopped when my truck died at the intersection of Rutherford and the old Island Highway. They pushed me to a safe spot and then provided a jump so I could get home. Then they offered to follow me home, in case it died again (it did). Your kindness made a stressful situation much more manageable.

BEEF To the driver of the black SUV who blew through the stop sign. We stood at a lemonade stand at the corner of Kian and Crystal with our jaws dropped. This intersection is busy with children on bikes, skateboards and scooters. Surely their well-being is more important than whatever meeting you were rushing to get to.

BOUQUET Thank you to all the staff at the Brechin Lanes. The staff gave my pre-school fabulous service. We all had a great time. We will definitely be going back.

BEEF To the health authorities. Why did you open up before the July long weekend instead of after? You don’t consider human nature at all.

BOUQUET To Darcy and Peter at Mobil Express Care Oil Change. I had used the touchless car wash and when I came out I noticed there was still some dirt on my vehicle. Even though Darcy was busy with doing oil changes she came over right away with a smile on her face, and then made sure my vehicle was cleaned again. Peter did a great job. Thank you to you both. It’s great to have service like this and all with smiles.

BEEF To our national leaders. The delta variant didn’t start here, but it sure is being brought here by folks from the other side of the world. With the U.S.A. spiking again, it’s time to once again ban all planes arriving from the eastern hemisphere and keep the land border closed. The vaccine is not the firewall that it’s supposed to be.

BOUQUET To the kind gentleman who took care of traffic control after we had an accident at Departure Bay Road.

BEEF Every time I go to a park I see kids running around, having fun. But I also see most parents sitting off to the side, ignoring their children, face down in their phone. Our children are small for a little while. Play with them. These are the moments they will remember forever. Nothing is most important than our babies.

BOUQUET To the 98-year-old who wrote in. I am fortunate in my line of work to meet many other people from your era. I find your generation to be an amazing example of the kind of person I aspire to be. You have been through world wars, depressions, and still manage to live every day without complaint. Much different from our current world. Never think you aren’t important; you are.

BEEF To public health officials. Stop congratulating yourselves about the job that you’ve mismanaged and do your job right. You forget one very important thing: we have to get to zero cases, or this will never end. It only takes one person to start it again.

BOUQUET To Adrian at Adrian’s RV Repairs. He did a great job on the roof of our fifth wheel and came in less than his estimate. Highly recommended by us.

BEEF Regarding the portable speaker comments, pretty ignorant responses.

BOUQUET To the 98-year-old who finally wrote in to Beefs & Bouquets. Your concerns are just as important as anyone else’s and I hope you find all the bargains you deserve. And you’re appreciated by the younger generation, some of whom have life goals of becoming a sweet elder just like you.

BEEF To the person complaining about low-income housing to help reduce homelessness. Addiction is not a choice. I suggest you educate yourself before complaining that our city is actually trying to help fix the problem. It will only take maybe two minutes of your privileged life to maybe learn a bit.

BOUQUET To the young ladies at Pipers Pub. When they realized how busy the staff were, they got up from their table and starting helping out. It wasn’t their night to work. What could have been a long wait turned into a pleasant experience.

BEEF Why is everyone driving on Vancouver Island in such a rush? We are literally on an island. One mistake can destroy so many families. Give yourself time, respect the roads and other drivers. Lets all do better together.

BOUQUET To my doctor from the Caledonian Clinic for taking phone calls during his camping holiday with his family. That is dedication to your patients.

BEEF To the unvaccinated, misinformed, confused folks. Come on, you don’t do this for yourself, you do it for other people who aren’t as safe from it as you may think you are. Get the shots, please. The life you save may be yours and someone else’s.

BOUQUET Thank you to the good Samaritan who returned my wallet at the London Drugs in Nanaimo North Town Centre. You made my day and saved me a lot of grief. Nothing was missing from the wallet either. You did a good thing and I hope you are truly blessed. I wanted to thank you and give you a small reward but you left so quickly.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail editor@nanaimobulletin.com.

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