Beefs & Bouquets, Aug. 21

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To the fellow Mazda driver who surprised me by buying my coffee at Country Club Starbucks drive-thru in July. What a wonderful way to start my morning.

BEEF To the stores that ad match. When a store has a lower price, I will shop at that store and avoid the one that ad matches.

BOUQUET To David Jones of Smoke ‘n’ Water restaurant for having the courage to buck the trend by introducing the first non-tipping concept for his restaurant. Finally an owner that understands and appreciates how hard servers and cooks work to serve the public.

BEEF To management. If anyone had a problem to report the incident to the office, it has fallen on deaf ears. How sad can it be when a tenant deems it necessary to verbally threaten a senior citizen with bodily injury? The cops only arrive after the dust settles.

BOUQUET To Damstrom Construction: Ty, Dillon, Josh, Calvin and the rest of the crew for the exceptional job you guys did on the exterior of my house to make it look so great. It looks better than it ever did. The experience was pleasant; you went the extra mile to accommodate my requests.

BEEF To the city. What is with the garbage men taking all the blue bags? I’m aware that there were changes to the recycle program but the bags are still usable. Now what do I put my recyclables in?

BOUQUET To my mom Delores for all her love and support. I love you so much and want you to know that I am here for you during your hard time and I am thinking and praying for you. Love your daughter and family.

BEEF To the city for allowing stairs in the middle of a sidewalk downtown. I witnessed an elderly lady almost get hit trying to get around the stairs on the highway. There are also no signs warning of the stairs.

BOUQUET To Nanaimo Regional General Hospital’s sixth floor nurses and care aides. The majority of you were nothing less than amazing while I stayed there. Special thanks to Joanne, you’ll be a great nurse.

BEEF To the city’s green bin collectors for spilling a slurry of rotted food all over the streets in Cinnabar Valley. In this heat it smells like something died out here, and no rain in sight to wash it away.

BOUQUET To the perinatal staff at NRGH. Your experience, care, and encouragement helped my daughter Allyson through a very long and difficult labour. The many nurses and doctors who assisted her through labour and birthing are to be commended.  The resounding cheer that rose when ‘Peanut’ finally arrived is something I will never forget.

BEEF I want to thank you for coming into my work and trying to make me the issue. Everyone now will look at you as the crazy lady.

BOUQUET To Donna who gave my best friend and her girls a summer getaway that they so deserve. I have never met you, but from what I hear, if more people were like you in this world it would be a better place.

BEEF To the owner of the black truck driving down Victoria Road around 11 p.m. That thump you heard around the bus stop was our family pet. You didn’t even stop and left two very upset kids to see the end.

BOUQUET To the person who made the decision to remove the candy machines out of the rec centres. It is nice to have relief from the incessant begging by my kids during our frequent visits in pursuit of fitness.

BEEF Why are there still so many hungry and under-priviledged children in the small community of such wealthy adults? The children are your future. Time to share your wealth.

BOUQUET To the young couple with the sweet dog in the Canadian Tire parking lot. After this silly woman did not take into account the size of her purchased paddle pool and was struggling to fit it into her under-sized car, your offer to help was a godsend. I got the pool home safely and our pooches and kiddles are enjoying it immensely.

BEEF To black jujubes. Why do you have to be so gross? And to the candy companies for putting them in the bag to begin with. While I’m at it, a beef to wasps and flies. Buzz off – you suck, too.

BOUQUET To Andre Rieu for his concert at our Galaxy Theatre. It was a show of extreme happiness.

BEEF To transit service in Nanaimo. You take away the school runs in the summer, but there are still classes going on at VIU and summer schools, plus lots of day camps using the buses. Please consider keeping the school runs all year long.

BOUQUET To Jason at Mazda service department. Your outstanding service, assistance and understanding was greatly appreciated. You helped my daughter and grandson when their car broke down, not once but twice. You made them feel safe.

BEEF To the people who moved our chairs at the Symphony in the Park. We put them out there hours prior so we would have a good view. Came back after a walk and found them thrown down behind their own chairs.

BOUQUET To the coaches of the Nanaimo White Rapids summer swim club. Your energy, enthusiasm and positive influences inspire our children. Head coaches Byron and Michelle are inspiring and forever smiling. Good luck at provincials.

BEEF To the city for changing the curbside recycling program. I can’t believe the list of items they are not taking. I had to go to the recycling exchange to drop off stuff the curbside guy said they don’t take, only to find out they don’t take it there, either. I came home and put it all in the trash can.

BOUQUET To the neighbours on McRobb Avenue who came to my husband’s aid after his motorcycle spill last month. From the nurse and paramedic who came out to help, the lady who called 911, those who brought wet cloths and umbrellas to keep off the sun and those who offered to keep his motorcycle until we could come back for it, we extend our thanks.

BEEF To myself for not taking the advice of Mike Holmes and letting our realtor suggest a home inspector. It was great that he found little caulking near our bathtubs but missed or neglected to advise on far more pressing issues. Buyer beware and research your own inspector.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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