Beef to the grocer for selling food products past their expiry date. I did not have my reading glasses at the store. When I returned home all three products I purchased had expired, one of them by one year.

Beef to the grocer for selling food products past their expiry date. I did not have my reading glasses at the store. When I returned home all three products I purchased had expired, one of them by one year.

Beefs & Bouquets, Aug. 26

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET While at Colliery Dam I sustained an injury that resulted in a broken ankle and foot. I would like to thank the strong man who helped get me to a bench, the lady who offered her crutches and most importantly Wendy who was kind enough in the heat with her own health issues to let me use her scooter. I’m grateful to all who offered help or assisted.

BEEF To the city for the lack of public washrooms at Neck Point Park. A solitary pit toilet for thousands of visitors is beyond disgusting. Also, many of the paths need repairing; they’ve become very worn.

BOUQUET To Tyler and his team at Fit4Less for making the gym a safe place to work out. I know you have hired a lot of extra staff and are being extremely diligent with your cleaning routine. You have friendly, professional staff, and I thank you very much for all you and your staff are doing. Keep up the good work.

BEEF To the large number of persons who visit the market and their total disrespect for social distancing and chaotic disregard for those who are trying to. And to the market for not monitoring the situation.

BOUQUET Regarding Joey the Australian shepherd which fell down the abyss at the Extension Ridge Trail, I took him to the vet for X-rays and I’m extremely happy to report that he walked away with no injuries at all. I would love to extend my gratitude to those who took part in his recovery, specifically fire chief Karen for making the decision to come to our rescue and firefighter Justin for going down to retrieve him and to all of the others who were there to assist.

BEEF I am a baseball fan who is very excited about the NightOwls starting up and playing under the new lights at Serauxmen. I do have a beef to the Nanaimo Bars logo. It looks like a really happy emoji that many of us use. Please reconsider this logo that will represent Nanaimo.

BOUQUET To the staff at ICBC licensing centre, a gentleman and two ladies. One called the courthouse and got my situation dealt with and one printed my interim licence. They just were so professional and made me feel important and cared about my situation. I am forever grateful; I never thought I would drive again. You guys are awesome.

BEEF To the Dr. Henry beefer. It’s not just about stopping people dying. It’s about taking up spaces in our hospitals. I have a son whose cancer check-up got delayed because we had beds taken up with so many sick people with the virus.

BOUQUET To those who have kept their lending/sharing libraries going. I understand why VIRL chose to shut it doors, but as someone with a very limited social/support network, books are my escape. Your ‘little libraries’ have helped maintain some normalcy during these last four months. Thank you.

BEEF To the person wanting to change the flag of British Columbia. We are part of the commonwealth and someday may need their help.

BOUQUET Thank you to the gentleman ahead of us in the grey Jeep at Tim Hortons who paid for our purchase. This is our first experience as recipients of ‘pay it forward.’ It felt amazing.

BEEF To people from across the border who somehow are ending up on Vancouver Island on their way to Alaska.

BOUQUET To the emergency department at NRGH. This year we found out my wife is allergic to yellow jacket stings. Thank goodness for EpiPens, or she wouldn’t have made it. Special kudos to nurse Meagan.

BEEF To the family at Top Bridge Park in Parksville. Just before the bridge you dumped all your garbage from a birthday party all around the garbage can that was empty because you were too lazy to clean up your dirty diapers, food packaging, cigarettes, plates with food and cutlery and inflatable water toys. We used our rubber gloves to clean up your disgusting mess before the wild animals were attracted to it.

BOUQUET To Wendy at NRGH emergency where I spent the night with a kidney stone. She was experienced, empathetic and so kind. Thank you for easing my pain and anxiety.

BEEF To the grocer for selling food products past their expiry date. I did not have my reading glasses at the store. When I returned home all three products I purchased had expired, one of them by one year. Shame.

BOUQUET To the very nice man who spoke with me after a pitbull attacked my dog. A bouquet to the young couple and owners of the pitbull, who accepted responsibility, listened while I voiced my anger and promised to be proactive in the future. A huge beef to the folks who did not see the events unfold, yet felt important enough to take a stance against me.

BEEF to the driver on Sheridan Ridge Rd who hit several vehicles during the very early morning. Did you get anything out of it? Feel better? I hope you get caught. Because of your stupidity me and several others have to have our vehicles fixed.

BOUQUET The most beautiful flowers to Bill Seddon and Son Painting for their masterful painting on our house. Looks so amazing. Thank you.

BEEF To those who excoriate people for not following ‘health’ guidelines. These have changed multiple times. Hospitals are nearly empty. Mortality equal to a bad flu season. Meanwhile, you have given up your rights to government control. Luck with that.

BOUQUET To the person who turned in my car keys, lost while shopping at Nanaimo North Town Centre. It saved me a lot of expense.

BEEF To Dr Henry’s beefer. Without Dr. Henry’s advice on COVID our average daily count would be much higher. We are fortunate to be on an island but we must protect ourselves. COVID can have long-term consequences and for some fatal. We are talking people, families here. Protect them.

BOUQUET To the RCMP and all law enforcement. Without you the world and society we enjoy would be no longer. It is why my family immigrated here and cherish every moment.

BEEF To the popular pub. Food was great but none of the waitresses were wearing a mask. I sure hope you are all healthy, but I guess I’ll know only in few days. Better not to visit you until it is safe to behave without care.

BOUQUET To Mid-Island Auto Collision for their help after our car was involved in an accident. When payment was offered, it was refused with the words “we are all in this together.” Thank you so much for the unexpected and very generous kindness shown to us.

BOUQUET To Sonya. She has been consistently helpful to us in so many ways throughout the pandemic, and is still helping. Thank you.

BEEF To the beefer complaining about Dr. Bonnie Henry and the low number of deaths in the province. If we hadn’t been given and followed good advice, we would be in a big mess like in the U.S.A.

BOUQUET Thank you so much to the person who found my driver’s licence at Port Place and took the time to drive it to our home. I’m sorry I couldn’t thank you directly. What a relief you found it.

BEEF To all of the people who do not pull over and continue to go through traffic lights when emergency personnel are trying to get through. Nothing in your day is more important then them trying saving a life. Pull over.

BOUQUET To the person who works at a dollar store, I do 100 per cent understand your problem. And a beef goes to the store owner, because if this is store policy, it’s cuckoo and it very much needs to be changed.

BEEF To all the speeders on Rutherford Road, especially the heavy trucks. I cringe every time one of those trucks approaches the Uplands intersection and I hear the metal grind of their brakes.

BOUQUET To those beautiful people wearing masks into Home Depot. My husband works there and I have MS, diabetes and liver disease, thus making me severely immune-compromised. I cannot thank you enough. You do not know me, but I appreciate you so much. And I am so proud to be a Canadian, seeing so many who care.

BEEF To people who take shopping carts and use them for their personal use.

BOUQUET A heartfelt thank you to the wonderful vet and staff at Central Emergency Veterinary Hospital who led me through this most traumatic medical emergency and the decision to say goodbye to my most beloved canine ‘kid.’ Yes, I did speed up Metral, just this once.

BEEF To people who believe that it’s OK to arm themselves.

BOUQUET To some wonderful Cameron Island residents. They selflessly donated their time and sweat equity to clean up and beautify our waterfront walkway. They worked cheerfully and proactively with the port authority to be part of the solution that makes our neighbourhood a better place for all. Special thanks to Tina and Greg for spearheading this project and Frank and Sue for being such dedicated workers. Our city is very fortunate to have the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of all your hard work. Thank you.

BEEF To the neighbour who threw dog feces at my cat. My son can’t pet his friend, I have to traumatize my cat with a bath and now I have to worry about you doing something worse. If you have a problem with my cat, leave him out of it and call the number on his collar.

BOUQUET Thank you to all the caregivers at Kiwanis House and Kiwanis Lodge for the exceptional care you gave to our dad, Tom, over the years. Your support in helping us to be with Dad near the end, even for a very short time, is so appreciated, as are your vigilant practices to keep the residents safe.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the News Bulletin, e-mail

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