Beefs & Bouquets, Aug. 29

To submit your beefs and bouquets, please e-mail or tweet to @BeefsBouquets.

BOUQUET To Medina of A Wee Cupcakery for the excellent sugar-free birthday cake you made for us. You made one diabetic (and all his guests) very happy.

BEEF To the same thief who is stealing gas atop Duke Point ferry terminal. You got me twice in two weeks. Thanks for the drill hole in my tank. You will be caught.

BOUQUET To the young man who stopped on the shore to call out to me sitting on a rocky outcrop surrounded by water. He kindly and considerately pointed out that if I sat there much longer I would be swimming back to shore rather than rock hopping as the tide was coming in.

BEEF To persons who stole an ornate concrete bird feeder in the early hours of Aug. 9. The lady who owns it is enduring chemotherapy for cancer.

BOUQUET To Tara McNeil from The Shape You’re In for a great summer exercise program. The running and stairs were an excellent way to keep in shape for the summer. My personal goals were achieved, thanks to you, and I feel great.

BEEF To the person who stapled underwear to the post on Lantzville Road. Please take it down.

BOUQUET To all the generous people of Nanaimo who donate their hard earned money to the charity I fundraise for. Not only do you share your money, you often confide your or your loved one’s stories of neurological illness.

BEEF To the music instructor who cut my granddaughter’s solo from the choir concert at the last minute.

BOUQUET To B.C. Ambulance Service and staff for being extremely helpful and completely understanding in situations where humanitarian and compassion is required. May karma reward you and keep you safe.

BEEF To the recycling depot that claims they are a non-profit society but pays their manager just under $9,000 a month.

BOUQUET To the staff at the north end Home Hardware store. When all the other hardware stores offer next to nothing in customer service, you always come through, over and above what is expected.

BEEF To the City of Nanaimo for not doing anything about the dogs in Mansfield Park. A large sign on every entrance – no dogs allowed in park.

BOUQUET To the people who operated the free street library on Dover Road and Lewis Road. It was just a little box but it was always full of good books. It will be missed as you move on.

BEEF To the beefer on dumpster divers. Why don’t you leave your empty bottles for them? Don’t you realize how much they save the environment by collecting and returning bottles from all over, while making a bit of income for themselves?

BOUQUET to the wonderful staff at Concise Systems Corp. I went in looking for advice to simplify my multi-media violence prevention school presentations for Haven Society and they did it free of charge because that’s just the kind of community-minded local business they are.

BEEF To the drivers who think Stewart Avenue is a racetrack – especially the one who killed our kitten on a Saturday night.

BOUQUET To the captain on B.C. Ferries who pushed me in my wheelchair off the ship, wouldn’t leave me alone and waited with me for my ride. When the ride didn’t arrive after more than 30 minutes and couldn’t be reached by phone, the captain gave me a ride home. The service I have received on my crossings has been great and this was exceptional.

BEEF To a major department store.  Still waiting for them to get the part to fix my gas stove. Have been without an oven now for more than five weeks. Service what you sell.

BEEF To Nanaimo bus system for not having extra buses for Bathtub fireworks and the Snowbirds. You keep saying transit is going to get better – when?

BOUQUET To John, Brad and all the other wonderful mechanics at Hammond Bay Road Midas for recently replacing my burnt-out indicator light for free and at a moment’s notice. I’ve been there a few times lately and have always received exceptional service.

BEEF To health officials for handing out medical marijuana exemptions a little too freely. Hypochondriac dope-smoking idlers should be subjected to the same social discrimination as every other pothead.

BOUQUET To Brian, Sunny, Bill, Ralph and Fred and the cleanup crew of Milne’s Roofing for their exemplary work ethic, skill, honesty and considerate manner of installing a new roof on my home.

BEEF To ICBC Driver’s Licensing branch. I have a problem with a two-month waiting period to get young drivers tested and a wait of another two months if they were super nervous and failed their test. The ICBC road test form states that they are able to re-take the test after two weeks.

BOUQUET To Colliery Dam Preservation Society. Thank goodness someone has the courage to say “no” to this spendthrift council.

BEEF To the people in the car that drove through Tim Hortons drive-thru at Nanaimo North Town Centre. They dropped garbage out of their car, then proceeded to throw out the paper bag when they were arriving at Mostar Road and the Parkway intersection.

BOUQUET To Nanaimo’s geography whiz kid, Jacob Burnley, chosen to represent Canada at the National Geographic World Championships in Russia and bringing home second place.

BEEF To the people fishing north of Neck Point who thought it was OK to chase down and follow two killer whales. It is illegal and unsafe to approach these animals especially in a high-powered, speeding boat and you were much closer than the minimum 100 metres required distance.

BOUQUET To all the helpful people. Rolf and Maleas at the Columbia Bakery and for Donna and Karl, you are always there for me. The world could use a lot more people as nice as you.

BEEF To the person who spray painted the obscenity at Georgia Avenue Elementary School. Staff removed it before the new, young students would see it.

To submit your beefs and bouquets, please e-mail or tweet to @BeefsBouquets.

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