Bouquet to the boy in my gym class trying to work on his patience skills. I understand that cutting in front of me in kickball is part of his journey and I wish him the best.

Beefs & Bouquets, Dec. 16

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET To the RCMP for cracking down on those who want to be speed racers.

BEEF To the RDN for their must-have flag. Ask Santa.

BOUQUET To Mayor Krog, bylaw enforcement and parks employees. All it took was a couple of e-mails from me and a huge bin was dropped at Third Street Park. Several city employees set to work in the pouring rain to clean up the massive piles of garbage that had formed in the park that had been left over from abandoned homeless camps. Thanks for the hard work and devotion to our city.

BEEF To the beefers who complained about Boomers not wearing masks because, after all everyone was doing it for them. Wake up! COVID can kill at any age. Long-term, debilitating symptoms such as strokes, lung and heart damage and fatigue affect young, active patients too. Now is not a time for arrogance.

BOUQUET To Ethel B., Nickey F., Joselyn Z.-C. and Michelle S., who came to the aid of children in need of warm clothing when a call for help was sent out. A grateful principal and smiling children. Thank you.

BEEF To anti-maskers complaining about being forced to wear a mask. Your uneducated complaints are helping no one other than pumping up your own ego. Since when are you above everyone else? Maybe you would like to sign a waiver saying you won’t accept help when you get sick, maybe you want to do the nurses’ and doctors’ jobs seeing you are immune? Don’t be so selfish.

BOUQUET To the person who stopped and called 911 and stayed with my dad when he was found without a pulse slumped over his walker, thank you for stopping. Because you took that time, you started the process that led to my dad surviving. You should be proud of helping a great man that is loved by so many. I can’t begin to express our level of gratitude and we don’t know who you are but hopefully you will see this and know we will forever consider you an angel.

BEEF To the lady in the red Ford Explorer who parked at the supermarket in north Nanaimo. You parked in a parent parking only that is meant for young children, not you and three teenagers.

BOUQUET Thanks to Bev at the Woodgrove Save-On-Foods, she works filling orders for online shopping pickup, always so pleasant and does a great job, just another one of the unsung heroes during this pandemic.

BEEF To the callous driver of the taxi who hit and killed a beloved neighbourhood cat on Waddington Road. You didn’t even stop. You hit this poor animal so hard you left a huge chunk of your bumper behind. I was standing on my front porch, saw you go by and heard the impact.Bouquet to the lovely caring lady in the white truck who stopped. Thank you for caring.

BOUQUET To the nurses, doctors and all the staff in the neonatal intensive care unit at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital You made our stay so much easier in a scary time and showed you really care. Thank you.

BEEF To the store. Selling the Wonder Woman costume with accessories sold separately is a ripoff.

BOUQUET To the young man from Ladysmith who pulled into JYSK Nanaimo pickup area at the same time I did and offered to deliver my item which didn’t fit in my trunk. This Good Samaritan delivered it free of charge and carried it to my apartment while his wife waited patiently in their pickup. What a kind young man. He didn’t even want a tip.

BEEF To the no-mask protesters. Your folly will get you into a COVID-19 problem.

BOUQUET To Annie from Oxygen Yoga for providing free online workouts while all group fitness classes are closed. Your gift to the community means a lot during these strange, COVID times.

BEEF To the driver who ran the red light turning left off Aulds Road onto Metral Drive. After the arrow signal went out he sat in the middle of the intersection waiting for the oncoming traffic to stop. When the red light was on he proceeded.

BOUQUET To chef Mike at the Oxy Pub for always cooking us delicious meals. We have been enjoying your wonderful food and followed you to three restaurants over the past many years in Nanaimo. Keep up the great work.

BEEF To careless people who touch public door handles, shopping carts, etc., and use flimsy paper masks that come from their pockets. You need a seal on a clean COVID mask for it to work properly.

BOUQUET To all the Americans ‘hiding out’ on Vancouver Island. Yes, maybe change your insurance. But you are welcome here. We love great American patriots. We are thinking of you. God Bless America.

BEEF To the bus driver who lowered the bus too early, crushing my cart under it. Not even an ‘I’m sorry.’ I reported her. Bouquet to the transit officer who is helping me to get a replacement.

BOUQUET To the manager at Walmart whose kindness was above and beyond his duties. I was one of the first to arrive on Black Friday and he let us into the foyer to stay out of the cold. He chatted with us and inquired what we were there to buy and got my items and put them aside for me, all before the store officially opened. This senior was extremely grateful.

BEEF An error made was uncompensated, but a bouquet that the error was fixed. My dentist had done a poor job of fitting my dentures properly. I would keep gagging while wearing the dentures. So I went to another clinic that ended up fixing the problem, but it cost me $500.

BOUQUET To anti-maskers. Imagine what all that misdirected rage could do when focused on legitimate concerns. The possibilities are endless. At the very least you could actually change a few things for the better, and that’s amazing.

BEEF To the server at the downtown restaurant for her not-nice method serving the food to the customer.

BOUQUET To Les and Ella at TSS Cleaning Services for coming to look at a duct that needed fixing. They took almost an hour of their time to investigate and tell us what the problem was. Though they could not fix it themselves, they offered suggestions and didn’t charge me a dime, even after I insisted. Such generous, kind and helpful people.

BOUQUET To Zane at Save-On-Foods Brooks Landing pharmacy, always so courteous and helpful.

BEEF It’s a sad day when the City of Nanaimo refuses to tell citizens the truth of what happened in the cemetery in the 1960s. They stick with the cover-up story public works tells them about the recently disposed-of headstones, etc. entrusted to their safe-keeping.

BOUQUET To everyone putting up Christmas lights and decorations early this year. During a bizarre time, this is bringing the joy of the season to us all and lifts our spirits.

BEEF In this day and age, why is the Department of Fisheries and Oceans allowing the dumping of waste from a dryland sort in the waterway off of Five Finger Islands? It might be deep water, but there is still sea life there and all around.

BOUQUET To Milano’s for doing an excellent job following COVID-19 protocols. We have always enjoyed the food and excellent service but have tried to go more frequently to support them through this challenge.

BEEF If you put lipstick on a pig, you still have a pig with lipstick. Metral Drive has worked just fine for me for more than 30 years. Money would be better spent on addressing homelessness downtown. What happened to common sense?

BOUQUET To Matt at NRC Hobby Shop. Thanks for all the extra effort you go to for getting model aircraft for the military museum.

BEEF To the people who are in such a raging hurry that the speed limits and safety of others are not at all being considered. This is why people are dying on the highways. If you need to be somewhere at a certain time do the world a favour and get your act together sooner.

BOUQUET To the excellent staff at Terminal Park Starbucks. They are always so happy and friendly. It is a pleasure to go there. Thank you so very much for always making us feel so welcome.

BEEF To all those ignorant people who complain about masks and say it’s their right not to wear one. If you don’t like it, stay home. Do you drive without a seatbelt? Respect others.

BOUQUET To Kyle P. of Walls Electrical Ltd. He was at my house an hour after I phoned and installed two new lights nicer and safer than the ones I had.

BEEF To the government bodies for leaving mask enforcement to the poor employees everywhere. Talk about putting the public in harm’s way.

BOUQUET To Shanghai City Restaurant. Delicious. Thank you guys for an absolutely fabulous takeout birthday dinner.

BEEF To occupants of any household who receive, retain, open, or destroy mail inadvertently delivered to your civic address. Be sternly advised that, it is illegal to intentionally open someone’s mail if it is not addressed to you unless it is authorized. Contact Canada Post for redirection.

BOUQUET We are responsible for what we think, not the media. We are responsible for what we do, not our superiors. We are responsible for our health, not the World Health Organization. We are responsible for what happens in our country, not the government.

BEEF To the beefer who thinks their personal rights and freedoms trump (yes, pun intended) everyone else’s. In any society, rights go hand-in-hand with responsibilities; you don’t get one without the other. During a pandemic that has caused so much loss and heartbreak for so many, you would think you could do your bit even if you don’t believe in it.

BOUQUET To Thrifty’s at Longwood. Thanks for giving us all a break at this time with buy-one, get-one-free pork roast and sirloin tip beef roast priced for all to afford. Compliments butter is not only delicious, I was able to buy extra for Christmas baking.

BEEF Buyer beware of an auto dealership on the mid Island. Bought a vehicle four months ago and now have a $4,200 repair needed on a leak that a sealant was used to cover up, not listed in vehicle inspection. Requested compensation as the $4,000 extended warranty we also purchased does not cover the problem. We were offered $500.

BOUQUET Thanks for the lovely surprise when the man in the white pickup truck in front of me at Tim Hortons on Bowen Road paid for my coffee and cookies on Nov. 9. Will pay the kind deed forward.

BEEF To a minority of religious people pushing for their needs of special emotional support and rights. How selfish of you. Even if you live by the Bible – no matter which religion you belong to – love and accept others and do not put yourself first.

BOUQUET Thank you Matthew at Brooks Landing who put my new cart together, providing me a chair to sit on.

BEEF To the condescending cabinet minister for his quote about those who have a different opinion about masks to “grow up, shut up, mask up.” What the people need to do is “wake up, speak up and stand up” against the requirements for masks. It seems since we started on the ever-escalating march toward masks the pandemic has only seemed to have escalated in its spread.

BOUQUET To the boy in my gym class trying to work on his patience skills. I understand that cutting in front of me in kickball is part of his journey and I wish him the best.

BEEF To the office worker who complained to management that my husband is ‘grumpy.’ He’s buried with work, he’s antisocial and he doesn’t want to be your friend. So what if he grumbles under his mask; he’s not rude to customers or to you.

BOUQUET Thank you to the kind lady at Dickinson Crossing when I locked my keys in my car. She willingly waited patiently while I was able to use her phone to call for help.

BEEF To city council for the upcoming tax increases and business tax. Time to rework the budget again and make history of no tax increase this year. The motto of tax and spend has to stop. Give the working guy a hand up.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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