Beef to the driver of the black truck who pulled up beside us as we were walking on Hammond Bay Road. You proceeded to yell at us and we have no idea what that was about or do you make a habit of yelling at seniors as they’re out walking?

Beefs & Bouquets, Dec. 30

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET To the guys at Alpha Gold and Silver, Rob, Mark and Dillon. We always enjoy our visits to your store for you to evaluate and often purchase our many trinkets. Good, fair prices. Keep up the good work.

BEEF About the complaint against the ‘anti-animal act’ bylaw, we are cat lovers too, but agree with the stated bylaw as we are tired of picking up the poop in our yard and washing spray off our house.

BOUQUET To Chris the doctor at NRGH emergency for seeing me so promptly and attending to my needs and concerns in such a personal way. Thank you from the Irlam lad.

BEEF To the Nanaimo Ladysmith school district. Trying to maintain normalcy during COVID-19 gets an F-minus.

BOUQUET To the staff at Woodgrove Centre who assisted me after an unruly anti-masker kicked me in my privates. Your ice pack and soothing manner made a terrible experience better. Also, beef to the man who kicked me. Can’t we all just get along in these stressful times without resorting to such things?

BEEF To local government. Same potholes, same old schools, same old hospital, same old problems. Why are my taxes consistently not the same?

BOUQUET To VCA Canada Island Animal Hospital for tending to an injured and dying heron found in my backyard. They were the only folks who would help and I appreciate your concern and compassion. A special thank you to the staff member who rushed out to my yard to retrieve this beautiful bird and the vet who tended to it at the hospital.

BEEF When is the city going to stop harassing our homeless in a pandemic. We have been doing front-line work since the start of COVID and worked nightly with people on Wesley Street and the city is doing nothing for them.

BOUQUET To Boyd’s Autobody. After a nasty accident, they did a terrific repair job on my Kia Rondo. Sorry this bouquet took so long, thanks from the lady with the concussion.

BEEF To the mayor and council. While you claim that the city of Nanaimo does not have the money to help out the homeless people, you can still find $400,000 for the downtown bike lane project.

BOUQUET To the most incredible cottage housekeeper at Wexford Creek care facility. Bev’s contagious laughter and the genuine happiness and feeling of belonging she brings to our residents each and every day is remarkable. You make this place feel like home for everyone – whether they work or live here. Love, the cottage crew.

BEEF To businesses with ads showing scantily clad women. Where are ads with men in their athletic supporters or underwear?

BOUQUET To Kevin of Apex Bikes on Dover Road for jumping through so many hoops to get my e-bike running again, and always keeping smiling, regardless of the frustrations he encountered. Thanks so much.

BEEF To the woman in the giant truck at the mall who took two parking spots in the curbside pickup. One spot per vehicle.

BOUQUET To Berwick on the Lake for the elegant ‘007’ Christmas dinner. White jackets, gorgeous gowned staff and lovely servers. Thank you for love and care. Bless all the caregivers. Happy new year.

BEEF To the medical clinic for having my poor 95-year-old mom go through so much stress. All because she called in advance to get her meds refilled. The doctor forgot to refill one of her six medications and they made her wait another two weeks to speak to the doctor. Bouquet to the doctor who realized what had happened and had called the prescription over.

BOUQUET I want to acknowledge full support for the letter to the editor about real change requiring more than buzzwords. If the letter writer were to create a roster of supporters to help further pursue his position I would certainly sign up.

BEEF To the beefer who said the provincial health officer and the B.C. health minister failed to control the pandemic. It’s people who will not stay home or follow guidelines who are failing to protect others and themselves.

BOUQUET To the staff at Pita Pit at Country Club Centre. They have worked tirelessly since the beginning of the pandemic, always serving up great food in a consistent, friendly and efficient manner. I always witness great teamwork at play which appears seamless. Keep up the great work and thank you for keeping us fed.

BEEF To the man sitting in his truck in front of the shopping centre. He peeled an orange, opened the truck door and deposited the peelings in the parking lot. Would you do this in your yard?

BOUQUET To the city for finally moving forward to license cats. So many years dog owners have had the burden of paying a yearly fee. I live in a neighbourhood where cats run freely. My car has claw marks from scratching, birds are killed in my garden and I wake up to numerous piles of their feces in my gardens. One neighbour has six cats, another has four, one has three. With the new licensing, hopefully owners will resort to fewer. Move forward with this. Of course there will be backlash from cat owners, they have no responsibility now.

BEEF To the beefer regarding pedestrians crossing in a crosswalk, complaining that people are taking too long to walk across the road. Do you know their story? I sure don’t. Maybe they are going as fast as they can.

BOUQUET To the Lantzville Fire Rescue and food bank for dropping off a food supply for the Christmas season.

BEEF To the gym manager who let the anti-maskers win and now allows them to work out without a mask. What happened to safety measures?

BOUQUET To the City of Nanaimo for the new, improved playground for children at Maffeo Sutton Park.

BEEF New garbage schedules have arrived and someone has designed them undistinguishable as to which days are what with the use of black and blue combination. Did you people not learn from last time you did this? Costly reprints were needed.

BOUQUET To the generous person who paid for three gift cards plus a meal at a drive-thru in Ladysmith. We are absolutely astounded by their gift and are in the process of paying it forward.

BEEF To the small business and the big box store that watch you like a hawk while shopping. After working double and triple shifts I thought I would reward myself with some brand new stuff and support local; instead, employees watching me like hawk just raised my anxiety, for that reason I would rather shop online.

BOUQUET To the holiday house on Groveland Drive for its wonderful Christmas light display.

BEEF To all the companies that do not enforce the facemask requirements for their employees while in company cars. How are we supposed to curb this pandemic when these employees are not following social distancing requirements when in a vehicle?

BOUQUET Sincere appreciation for free tire-pressure tests done always with friendly service at Norwell Kal Tire.

BEEF To B.C. Ferries regarding their staff not being health enforcers when passengers are not wearing masks. What makes it acceptable that this huge container of individuals trapped in a enclosed environment are allowed to be exposed to people who remove their masks or sit in seats marked non-usable for physical distancing? We get charged a large fee to travel safely off of an island. Safety includes not being exposed to selfish passengers who could be COVID positive. Hire some security.

BOUQUET Thanks to VIU students for the beautiful Christmas poinsettia.

BEEF To the post office for having a person working there who had no idea what he was doing. I mailed a parcel for my granddaughter’s birthday and paid $128 to have it shipped to the U.S. He promised it would take four business days to arrive. He had given me the wrong declaration forms to fill out so sadly now, the parcel is stuck at customs in Vancouver and she might never get it.

BOUQUET To Stefan at Frontrunners for his patience and professionalism. It took hours to find shoes for my new orthotics and he had a smile the whole time.

BEEF To the people giving flak to health-care workers for following the rules of their job. Even if someone else broke the rules for you, it doesn’t mean we all deserve to be persecuted for abiding by them. COVID is stressful enough without also being shamed for following safety guidelines.

BOUQUET To Mr. Sparkle and staff for their prompt and excellent service on my gutters on Westwood Road.

BEEF To the pro-maskers, I’m not able to wear a mask, so respect my personal space and keep your dirty looks to yourself.

BOUQUET I walk with a cane and it is difficult for me to shop, but I need groceries just like everyone else. My husband and I were shopping, and when we were done, the line up was all the way to the back of the store. By the time we were directed to a cashier, I discussed my disappointment on the lack of consideration of disabled customers. The next time I went to Country Grocer I expressed how I could not wait in line. The employee immediately directed me to a cashier. Good job on addressing the issue and having staff support it.

BEEF To all those people walking and riding bikes in the pitch black on the sides of roads dressed all in black. Get some reflectors and/or lights. Jeepers! So sick of not seeing people on the road till you almost hit them.

BOUQUET To sanitation workers who pick up our garbage, organics and recycling each week. Love the new automated pickup service.

BEEF To the port authority for closing their washrooms on the waterfront walkway. Although there are washrooms at Sway’A’Lana, it’s a long distance for a lot of us. Between the city and the commission they could hire attendants.

BOUQUET Thank you to the dear lady who gifted me with two handmade masks in Christmas designs while I was ringing the bells for the Salvation Army at Southgate Country Grocer. And thank you to all the people who donated to the cause.

BEEF To certain members of our city council who lack common sense and treat our taxpayer-funded resources like Monopoly money for their personal agendas.

BOUQUET To A&A Vacuum Doctor who solved a parts problem.

BEEF To the driver of the black truck who pulled up beside us as we were walking on Hammond Bay Road. You proceeded to yell at us and we have no idea what that was about or do you make a habit of yelling at seniors as they’re out walking?

BOUQUET To the person who found my wallet, lost outside Save-On-Foods. I was elated to find it at the service desk, it feels good to think the world is full of honest people. Thank you so much.

BEEF To the City of Nanaimo for hiring yet more managers. How many of these high-salaried people do you actually need to run a city? How about hiring staff who actually do the heavy lifting, and perhaps clean the snow from sidewalks after a storm.

BOUQUET To all of the workers who did such a fantastic job on rebuilding the Seabold Park stairs. They make access to the beach so much safer. Now how about installing an elevator for the climb back up from the beach!

BEEF To the person who lives on Chapel Street. You throw your full green poop bags in the empty lot on the corner of Chapel and Front streets for others to pick up.

BOUQUET To the staff at the Nanaimo cancer clinic. Thank you for your kind, professional and caring service to my family member as he started his treatment. We are very grateful.

BEEF An appliance store doesn’t stand behind their products or their customers. Terrible customer service – you just get the runaround or get ignored. Check them out online and read the terrible reviews. Hopefully nobody has to have the problems that I’m having with them.

BOUQUET To Andy and partner, paramedics, for the compassionate and respectful treatment they afforded my friends.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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