Beefs & Bouquets, Feb. 10

Submit your beef or bouquet to

a dozen sunflowers to Dr. Stephen Crowley and staff for what you did for me. I did pay it forward. From Ron.

A big bouquet of forget-me-nots to my sister-in-law Jenny McCarley for her fundraising efforts for the Alzheimer’s Walk for Memories recently. I was proud to walk with her, my sister and our dogs. We were present for my mom.

A bouquet of fresh Spring flowers to all the ladies, gentlemen and pets at Nanaimo Travellers Lodge. You all go far beyond your job descriptions time and time again.

A huge safety bouquet to those responsible for putting the “No Stopping” signs at the top of Richardson Road at Extension, by Cinnabar Valley Elementary School. We can only hope the signs are enforced as some parents don’t think they apply to them.

An enormous bouquet to the firefighters and paramedics who saved Lorne’s life after our last snowfall in Cinnabar Valley. We are extremely grateful for your incredible skill and dedication. He is home now and doing well.

A Bouquet to the young man who came into the walk-in clinic recently and registered to see a doctor, but when he heard that a young child had to be turned away because the doctor had seen the limit of patients for the day, this young guy volunteered to give up his place so that the child could be seen. Such a gentleman.

A golden bouquet to KPK Goldsmith at Woodgrove Centre. They did a fantastic job at converting my grandmother’s old screw-back earrings to pierced earrings and repairing numerous rings. Friendly service, awesome workmanship, and great prices. You won’t be disappointed.

Angel hugs to the two gallant men who protected and helped me take the “bottle man” home – two men with big hearts. Together we make a better world.

A bouquet of wrenches to the crew working at Great Canadian Oil Change in the middle berth almost two weeks ago. You guys succeeded where several other mechanics failed. Great job, especially by the unseen employee who wrestled free the plug on my differential.

a big Bouquet to the best school in Nanaimo by far – John Barsby Secondary School. This bouquet goes to all the office staff, principal and vice-principals, teachers, counsellors and the students. Even though it’s a school in the “poor” south end of Nanaimo, all staff go out of their way to help a student, students help each other and we have the best football team going. You rock, John Barsby.

A big bouquet of tree trimmings and pine cones to Vancouver Island Outdoor Maintenance. Your company always does such a great job and you always go above and beyond with the little details. I am happy to refer you to anyone who needs work done to their yards.

a bouquet of spring flowers to the nurses at the Caledonia Clinic on Campbell Street who give me my weekly allergy shot. Your support, compassion and knowledge are much appreciated as I undergo this uncomfortable treatment.

A grateful bouquet to the person who found my lost government letter in late December and returned it to my home mailbox. Your thoughtfulness relieved my concern about sensitive information in the wrong hands.

a musical bouquet of notes to all who came to the Port Theatre’s Studio Series afternoon and evening performances. All of us performers appreciate your attendance and community spirit.

A special bouquet to the staff at Best Choice Books on Waddington Road for all your help finding the books we needed.

heartfelt thanks to the honest and kind person who found my wallet at Superstore and turned it in to customer service. You made my day. Best wishes for 2011.

Buckets of loonies and twoonies to the man who paid for my coffee at Tim Hortons recently. I’ll be sure to pay it forward.

a rotten beef to the people who promised me a government grant for a heat pump installation. When the job was completed and I had paid the audior twice, I was told there would be no government grant after all because one wrong part had been installed.

A big bag of beef to the man who let the door slam in my face at the walk-in clinic recently. You need to get some manners.

A beef. What is happening with the human species? More often, we are hearing horrifying reports about the way animals are being treated and that some are being killed for useless reasons. There needs to be stricter laws to punish these people.

A beef to the parents who ignore the “No Stopping” signs at the top of Richardson Road, next to Cinnabar Valley Elementary School. You are teaching your children very poor traffic safety and you are also teaching them that it is okay to break the law. Allow yourself more time to drop your kids off at the front of the school, or better yet, walk them to school.

a huge beef to the neighbour who threatened someone’s cat. Note to the owner: report it to the SPCA and let your neighbour know that you have done so.

a return beef to the person griping about loud trains early in the morning. Have you not read about the various people and vehicles hit by the very train horns you are complaining about? Even with their “horns blaring loudly and incessantly”, people have been killed. If not the horns, you would hear sirens for those who are dead. Either way, you are bound to get up at 6:45 a.m. and at least you are alive and up on time for work. Count yourself lucky.

A beef to early morning joggers and walkers along Dover Bay Road. Your loud voices and laughter in the wee hours of the morning carry up to our bedrooms, waking us un-necessarily early. I appreciate that you enjoy walking/running with a partner, but please be aware that not all of us want to be up as early as you are – 6 a.m. or 7 a.m. or even earlier – nor do we feel the desire to listen to your loud conversations. Quiet would be appreciated by all.

A beef to our prime minister for a lost opportunity. When welcomed to the United States by President Barack Obama (in English), he replied at length in French. There was no translation on CNN, so his words were lost on most listeners and news anchors turned their attention to talking about Egypt instead.

A gas-guzzling beef to those people who own huge monster-sized trucks in Nanaimo. It’s not like our weather or the condition of our streets require large, raised trucks with roll bars. They take up more than one parking stall in many parking lots and block the view of smaller cars on roads. Plus, they just look ridiculous.

A BIG BEEF to the lady who calls people names on a street corner. She has called my 12-year-old niece a hooker. This is wrong. I am pregnant and work full-time and I am apparently a pregnant crackhead. I have had her fined twice now for disturbing the peace. She needs to get a life.

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