Beefs & Bouquets, Feb. 12

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To the hazmat team for doing its job and for those supporting Gord Fuller’s recovery.

BEEF To those who are trying to change the ‘Empire Days’ name. Tired of tradition being attacked.

BOUQUET To Carol Clease in the appliance department at Sears. Not only is she the most knowledgeable salesperson, but also went above and beyond to help us get exactly what we needed.

BEEF To any business that puts signs on country road trees that are not their property. I will not support them and I will take the signs down.

BOUQUET To my wonderful husband of 30 years, Wayne. Thinking about you brings a smile to my face and warms my heart. You are the love of my life for eternity.

BEEF To the city for the style and placement of those big, black bulletin kiosks on our streets and parks. They block some our park’s nicest sightlines. Let’s spend some tax dollars on a design less visually jolting than those monstrosities.

BOUQUET To Northfield Restorations for work done on my Corolla. Good price, good workmanship and nice owners.

BEEF To Lantzville for having next to no bylaws regarding dog ownership. It’s about time you required dog licensing so you can keep track of who owns what. Dogs at large off Aulds road cause accidents with no way of checking who owns them.

BOUQUET To the fundraisers on behalf of Gord Fuller. This man is one in a million; he gives without thought to himself. He makes the city better.

BEEF To those dog owners in Lantzville who do not pick up after their dog poops. If you don’t like poop on the edge of your yard, why do you think it’s OK to leave it in front of mine?

BOUQUET To the Beefs and Bouquets. The bouquets are a way to honour the good guys among us and the beefs are a way of venting without all that unpleasant violence.

BEEF To the two ladies who jacked my courtesy shuttle back in December. You both refused to get out of the shuttle even after the service man walked over with my child’s car seat and explained I had dropped off my vehicle first.

BOUQUET To the paving crew that finished Bruce Avenue. Well done. It’s such a pleasure to travel – no more jarring ruts.

BEEF To the person driving the red Jeep at Port Place mall Subway who seriously dinged my passenger-side door with his door. There was ample room to get in and be respectful to other people’s property. If I had your plate there would be an ICBC claim on you.

BOUQUET To Loaves and Fishes Community Food Bank for your unfailing kindness you deal out with loving spirit.

BEEF To the parents at the rural school parking lot during morning dropoff who insist on backing out of their spots, just as other parents are trying desperately to get their children in to class before the bell. The thoughtless act results in a traffic jam and the kids are late.

BOUQUET No more rants from me about the lockers at the rec centre. Thank you for the new ones.

BEEF To the heritage home clinic which chopped down two of the oldest and best looking cedar trees in all of Nanaimo. You just lowered your property value by having the most unattractive side of the house completely exposed.

BOUQUET To Gord Fuller for all the time he has contributed to our community. May a piece of everyone’s heart go toward healing his.

BEEF To Speculoos. Why do you have to taste so good? Before I know it, your jar is empty and I feel like a glutton.

BOUQUET To the people who stop a proper distance behind me at red lights. Like many cars, when I’m on an incline, mine can roll back a bit and if you’re parked on my bumper, you may get a ‘kiss.’

BEEF To the group of five who write really nasty letters to the editor. Are they trying to share their unhappiness with the rest of us?

BOUQUET To Blue Flame heating. They came and fixed my gas fireplaces quickly and no time wasting. Dave even saved us money with his honesty and professionalism. Very happy with the service.

BEEF To the customers who keep asking ‘when do the cheap prices start?’ and then get mad at staff because we don’t know. Thank you for your compassion that 130 people are soon going to be jobless.

BOUQUET To NAC child minding. My nephew loves coming and playing – keep up the good work.

BEEF To the person complaining about hazmat protection when cleaning up a meth house. You should have viewed this as a learning opportunity for children, as if they’re not already exposed to much worse on the Internet. Do you want the hazmat team to wear Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costumes?

BOUQUET To the wonderful lady at the kitchenware counter at Sears. Your customer service was the best ever over a recent frying pan issue and the whole experience left me with the thought that  someone truly cared.

BEEF To the lady in the SUV. You weaved in and out of traffic on Bowen Road during Friday morning rush hour and cut me off while I drove my kids to school. Please slow down before you cause an accident – we all have places to go and people to see.

BOUQUET To Wayne and his helpers for going to so much trouble to install our new wall oven from Sears.

BEEF To the beefer who wants all drivers to pull up close to the vehicles in front of them when stopped at lights or stop signs. ICBC has a rule that says if your vehicle is struck from behind and it pushes your vehicle into the back of the one in front of you, you are to blame for the front end.

BOUQUET To Dr. Forrester and the staff at Dufferin Place for giving such great care to Joan Rouanzoin in her final years. Mom is at peace now, thank you for your care and compassion.

BEEF To those who turn to violence in a world which badly needs more peace.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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