Beefs & Bouquets, Feb. 27

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET A shower of daffodils to the nursing staff on the sixth floor of NRGH for their thoughtful and competent care in spite of understaffing and an old and deteriorating building.

BEEF To the city for not taking better care of Nanaimo roads. The old Island Highway and Terminal Avenue are a disgrace.

BOUQUET A special shout out to Dr. Raymond Shred. Due to a bacterial infection and deplorable treatment he has lost so much: his business, his mobility and his health. Despite two back surgeries and life in a wheelchair, he maintains his grace and sense of humour. What a positive, lovely man.

BEEF For the monthly multiple sirens and all the flood signs that clutter our Harewood neighbourhood. We have four signs around our nearby intersection. Is there no end to the bullying of Harewood?

BOUQUET To the ambulance paramedics, doctors and nurses at NRGH whose gentle care for my mother in her final days created the silver lining for a very dark week. Among others, we thank Cheryl, Tammy, Bonnie and Angela, Dr. Delaney and Dr. Spry for their respect, kindness and understanding.

BEEF Actually I do own a motor vehicle, thank you. I find your comment, from the looks of it, quite rude. I was trying to make eye contact with you at the crosswalk.

BOUQUET To Greg for your random act of kindness in purchasing lunch for our group of 10 at Piper’s Pub on Jan 22. A heartfelt thank you from our group from Highgate at Nanaimo Seniors Village. You made our day.

BEEF To city council and some of their staff for making a sick person go through hoops to try to seek justice for accidents on their property. Step up to the plate and do the right thing.

BOUQUET I am submitting a truckload of spring flowers for the Nanaimo Women’s Centre. Congratulations to Leslie and her team in their new location at 150 Selby St. Feathers up, and a heartfelt thanks for the good work you do for the women in our community.

BEEF To the people who thought $5 was a good enough tip for a $300 meal. My granddaughter always gives good service.

BOUQUET A cartload of spring flowers to the wonderful lady who paid my grocery bill at the Superstore. I had forgotten my wallet, dashed home to get it and was astounded upon return to learn my bill had been paid by stranger. You are so kind and since I don’t need the money will forward it to Loaves and Fishes.

BEEF To the aquatic centre. Many incidents of stolen shoes, clothes, etc., from men’s changing room. Even left in lockers. Please do more patrolling.

BOUQUET To the young man walking his dog who noticed me struggling to remove my groceries from my car and came to my assistance. Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated. Thank you from a grateful senior.

BEEF To disgusting doggie bags everywhere you look or walk in Cinnabar Valley. People who have dogs should have to put their doggie bag at the sidewalk and have a truck pick it up like garbage.

BOUQUET To the Branch 10 Legion Robbie Burns Celebration. Who knew haggis was delicious? The Brigadoon dancers and cadets were an example of young people at their best. The meal and presentation was outstanding and all in all a very pleasant evening for all ages.

BEEF To companies that do not give an annual raise to good workers who go out of their way from the normal work. I doubt bosses are affected.

BOUQUET A great big thank you to the emergency room staff at NRGH. From the moment we walked in the front door, we were treated royally. My wife had fallen on the ice and cut her head. The attention she received was first class. We are very fotunate to have such a fine facility staffed by such caring people, in our own backyard.

BEEF To the complaining neighbour. There is a legitimate reason for being unemployed. It’s due to the very hard-hitting economic recession that’s plaguing Nanaimo, so try and be more understanding.

BOUQUET To the nice gentleman at the 7-11 who after admiring my dog handed me a bag of home-made doggie treats. My dog loved them.

BEEF To the person who whined about the News Bulletin’s first paper of 2014 having nothing but bouquets. Get a life. Being positive is way more constructive and I loved it.

BOUQUET To Lori at the self-checkout at Save-on-Foods Terminal Park for her alertness and to Lori and Shawn for their detective work at returning my money.

BEEF To the bank for its republican capitalistic way of doing business by phoning customers with less than $100,000 in holdings and telling them to leave the company or be charged $250 a year to do business. Is there any wonder why the world is in the shape it is?

BOUQUET To the cashier at Nanaimo Dollar Tree store at 3200 Island Highway. Her name is Darlene. So happy, smiling, cheerful. She’s a ray of sunshine.

BOUQUET To the person who deposited my lost car keys into a mailbox, as requested on one of the tags hanging on the key ring. My keys were delivered by mail via the veterans’ organization.

BOUQUET To the honest person who handed in my loaded handbag that I stupidly left in a trolly at Costco’s handicapped parking. This person makes me feel proud of the human race.

BOUQUET To Canadian Tire for its new pet-friendly policy. Having my dog with me makes shopping more enjoyable and gives me peace of mind while shopping.

BOUQUET To Columbia Bakery for a wonderful giant jelly donut cake. Thanks for making a special order.

BOUQUET To all the bus drivers who are so nice to all your passengers. What a great bunch.

BOUQUET To the kind gentleman in the lineup behind me at Superstore who paid my grocery bill. I will certainly pay it forward.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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