Beef to the grocery store deli selling a Mexican seven-layer dip with a label that reads ‘perfect for parties and get-togethers.’ Is this appropriate during a pandemic? I think not.

Beefs & Bouquets, Feb. 3

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET To the young lady working at the Nanaimo North Town Centre McDonald’s. I’m sorry I was rude to you, you’re doing a good job. Bouquet to the gentleman behind me.

BEEF Where did you get your licence? The left lane is for passing on the highway or in town. Please move to the right lane and stop holding up traffic.

BOUQUET To the Boys and Girls Club. They have provided amazing supports to our kids during the pandemic. Southside Teen Group has been creative in checking in with teens and Purple Gs have been doing Zooms for the girls. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed.

BEEF To the councillors whose main concern is bike lanes and people experiencing homelessness. You have a city to run and taxpayers to think about. None of you will get my vote again.

BOUQUET To the caring ladies who stopped to make sure I was safe after an embarrassing stumble in front of the north-end Shoppers Drug Mart. You are wonderful role models to your child companion.

BEEF To the beefers complaining about the extra B.C. Ferries sailings at Christmas time. Most of the extra sailings accommodated commercial transport of goods. In the same period last year they added 170 extra sailings. If people didn’t ship Christmas gifts place online orders, or buy groceries, those sailings wouldn’t have been needed. We only have ourselves to blame unless every single item in your home is 100-per cent Island grown or manufactured.

BOUQUET Quality Foods on Bowen Road cares about seniors. Many of us don’t use a computer to order online for delivery. We use the telephone to order food. Other markets don’t do this. Thanks to the owner and staff.

BEEF to SD68. In this time of COVID with social distancing and outdoor activities being encouraged, they have without notice banned dog walkers from the sports field at Woodlands Secondary. Give your heads a shake and restore the rights of dog walkers.

BOUQUET To so many of my kind neighbours who have been there with books, front-yard conversations and yard work for the past 10 months. Now you shower me with baking, chocolates and flowers for Christmas. You’re the best.

BEEF To fast food customers who litter our world with their garbage. A very bad habit that must stop. If they can’t control their behaviour then the owners of these businesses must hire someone to pick up after their clients.

BOUQUET To the people on Nadely and Mountain Vista for the extra support on my paper route. Thank you! I’m saving up for a PS5. The tips help a lot.

BEEF We have to wonder, are the citizens of Nanaimo aware that the local brothel has never once shut down during the pandemic? Will anyone admit to frequenting this brothel when health officials ask for contact tracing?

BOUQUET To all those residents of Nanaimo who are leaving their Christmas lights on. They sure brighten up these dreary nights and times.

BEEF To the government who has slowed the process of vaccines so those who have taken it in the health-care system are Guinea pigs. And the premier cannot shut down the province?

BOUQUET To Dr. Wadson for many years of wonderful dentistry treatment. Your calm demeanour and thoroughness were much appreciated. You’ll be missed. All the best to you in your retirement years.

BEEF To the Chinese food restaurant for which we have a gift certificate for a buffet dinner for two. I called to try to redeem this as a takeout order and was denied anything. How can they do that?

BOUQUET To all who keep our family, friends and community safe. To those providing positive supports to people in need. To all who take the time to listen and help a person rise up. You are amazing.

BEEF To the left-wing hypocrisy attacking former President Trump. Where were you when Antifa, BLM and anarchists were looting and burning? Crickets.

BOUQUET Every now and then the city comes through. After calling in and writing letters to push for a port-a-potty, we now have one at Diver Lake. The unit is wheelchair-friendly. Thank you from the people who pay you. Keep up the good work and don’t stop there.

BEEF To all the online shoppers. Thanks to you, my hours at a retail store have been reduced. You are killing local jobs. Think about this when you get laid off and are looking for work – there won’t be any work for you.

BOUQUET To the customer service desk at Canadian Tire for being so amicable and professional when I returned five sets of malfunctioning Christmas lights. Wonderful service.

BEEF Beware of the unfriendly and unsafe thrift store that condones employees verbally abusing and harassing customers once they have left their store. Outrageously rude behaviour.

BOUQUET To server Diane at Smitty’s Restaurant for her friendly service.

BEEF To the grocery store deli selling a Mexican seven-layer dip with a label that reads ‘perfect for parties and get-togethers.’ Is this appropriate during a pandemic? I think not.

BOUQUET Thanks to the kind lady from the church for the Country Grocer gift card. Happy new year from two grateful people.

BEEF To the auto service business in Parksville. After I purchased lights for my vehicle, I asked how much to put it in, you were going to charge me $150. Went to Petro-Canada in Parksville, it was free. Bouquet and a huge thank you to Wayne P.

BOUQUET To Adam and family on Thunderbird Drive for their beautiful light display. I enjoy the scene every night across the backyard from my kitchen window and I live on Honeysuckle Terrace.

BEEF To the mayor who uses double political jive talk of being sympathetic, then saying it’s really not the city’s jurisdiction. Beef to council, stop playing mind games with people experiencing homelessness.

BOUQUET To the city for moving forward on a cat licensing bylaw.

BEEF To the credit union for not allowing non-members to do any form of money exchange or even help getting change.

BOUQUET Drivers have a right to drive on the road. A pet bylaw would save lives as it would make all pet owners be responsible for containing their pet.

BEEF To the RDN waste management. How come it took three days to pick up our garbage when it was put out?

BOUQUET To Joel, who delivers my paper. He is so pleasant, kind and thoughtful, brings my paper up to the top of my railing so it doesn’t get wet and I don’t have to go down 15 steps and back, as I am a senior. Much appreciated.

BEEF To the lady who said she does not have to wear a mask in the store with a fake card around her neck. Bouquet to the worker who kicked her out.

BOUQUET We would like to thank you for your choice to put the nativity scene on the front page for Christmas. We should not forget what we celebrate.

BEEF To the hunter who killed a beautiful lynx in the Lillooet area in December for neither food nor hide. You are the type of human who would kill elephants and giraffes in Africa for fun. May karma come back on you for this.

BOUQUET To all who are kind.

BEEF To the conservation department that wants to increase the elk herd to keep the hunters happy while properties are being destroyed by the elk.

BOUQUET To all the beautiful people in my community. Your kindness is so beautiful. Bouquets to Quality Foods cashiers in Nanoose, Lorraine, Jane, Doreen, Monika, Brenda Bob, Darla and Jacob, and all three neighbours.

BEEF To the person laughing and swearing at me for being in a van with my mask on. I had a person in the back of the van, a vulnerable person who resides in a care home, and this is how we as support workers protect them from COVID. So the joke is on you.

BOUQUET Hats off to Costco having most tills open and lots of staff around if help is needed. You are in and out with minimum wait. Love it.

BEEF To the supermarket for not enforcing mask policies. Those salad bar sneeze shields that you allow your employees to wear are now being copied by customers. Along with the customers who leave their schnozz hanging out of their mask, this really makes your store unsafe. Neither of these practices constitutes properly wearing a mask.

BOUQUET To all the Salvation Army kettle volunteers. The touchless debit machine, what a good idea, I never have cash on me, so now donate. Keep this for coming years.

BEEF To the white car and silver pickup that ran red lights on Christmas day, you know who you are. Slow down and think.

BOUQUET To Peter and Ron at the Mobility Store on Mostar for their exceptional service. Many thanks to Peter for the home delivery.

BEEF To the city. My property has been littered upon by the tenants in transitional housing and their guests. As a business I am paying property tax, but that doesn’t cover garbage removal. I pay that on top of my large tax bill. While simple litter is one thing, should personal, unsanitary items that require a dump run also be my responsibility?

BOUQUET Thank you to Emma, a Grade 7 student who sent a thoughtful card to the staff in the Nanaimo ICU.

BEEF To sports players who travel and do not wear masks or safe distance. And this abuse is televised for all to see.

BOUQUET I am so proud of our VIU culinary arts students for providing meals each week to the Salvation Army. What a wonderful way to contribute to our community. Bless you all.

BEEF To drivers who cut blind corners, especially Wakesiah-Sixth and Bradley-Millstone, as well as those who cut across stop lines when making left-hand turns. It’s going to cause an accident some day. Please, stop being so careless. Stay in your own lane.

BOUQUET To the young man collecting grocery carts at Walmart. He assisted me with a cart while I was juggling my bags and newborn baby. When he saw me going to my car he came and got the cart so I didn’t have to return it. What a hard-working, kind gentleman.

BEEF Virus is here and fast food outlets still allow people inside to sit down. No one is at the door to police people before they come in. What are you waiting for? There should be no sitting inside fast food outlets – drive-thru or pick-up only.

BOUQUET NRGH does a very good job of screening before entering the hospital.

BEEF ICBC forces citizens to buy their product while private insurance is available. Another word for this is extortion.

BOUQUET To our amazing momma Valerie. You have done so much for myself and James and the whole family in this very uncomfortable time of COVID. You have been the rock for so long that we believe you know it’s OK to be sensitive and also solid through it all. We are beyond grateful that you and Al want to have us in your small social circle. We love you, today and always.

BEEF To the women shopping at the deli not wearing a mask. You may or may not be exempt but you still need to be respectful and stay six feet away from other customers.

BOUQUET To all the fast food workers, especially the ones at Tim Horton’s and McDonald’s at Nanaimo North Town Centre. Your morning services have been excellent. I used to work a fast food job and I appreciate your hard work.

BEEF To the very rude store employee who laughed at me and commented that I wasn’t going to die from COVID as I moved six feet away from him on the sidewalk outside the store. He chose to be rude instead of grateful.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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