Beef to the adults who don’t have the common sense not to blow on party horns in stores.

Beef to the adults who don’t have the common sense not to blow on party horns in stores.

Beefs & Bouquets, Jan. 19

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To the person who found my passport photos in the parking lot and took them to the News Bulletin. You made my day.

BEEF To drivers illegally passing the school bus with flashing lights, then going up the wrong side of Metral Drive at Pleasant Valley School. You are supposed to wait, no matter how inconvenient.

BOUQUET To the person who found our keys on the seawall walkway and turned them in to the Townsite Marina office, whose staff looked after them.

BEEF To owners of dogs being brought into stores. They should be aware of the unfair legal liability for shop owners due to any incidents to others, or merchandise.

BOUQUET To the nice lady who paid for our meal at Huong Lan. What a lovely surprise. We wish you a happy new year and all the best in 2017.

BEEF To the adults (not the children who don’t know better) who don’t have the common sense not to blow on party horns in stores. If staff don’t catch which one you blew on, your germs and any transmissible diseases you carry are now waiting for the next person to do the same thing.

BOUQUET Milano’s pizza is the finest we have ever tasted. You never scrimp on your toppings and your pizzas are very appetizing to look at and delicious to eat.

BEEF To Canada Post for advertising but not meeting delivery promises. To the federal government for not fixing Canada Post. Canadian people and small businesses are suffering because of Canada Post inadequacies.

BOUQUET To all vendors and shoppers who came out to the first-ever ‘Handmade for the Holidays’ Craft Market fundraiser for Nanaimo-Ladysmith Schools Foundation. You raised $2,100 for the student support program that helps students in need.

BEEF To the parents of band students who arrive late and then only stay for the performance of the band in which their child plays. It is rude, disrespectful and disruptive to the teacher, to the band members and to the people in the audience.

BOUQUET To Terminal Park McDonald’s for donating coffee and supplies, and Vault Café for your yummy cookies for the ‘Handmade for the Holidays’ Craft Market fundraiser for Nanaimo-Ladysmith Schools Foundation.

BEEF To the semi-truck drivers that use the left lane for more than passing. The frustration you cause is an accident waiting to happen.

BOUQUET To our less fortunate at the Salvation Army and to our RCMP, fire department and ambulance crew. Be safe.

BEEF To drivers who impede their ability to react quickly in an emergency situation by letting their dog sit on their lap while driving, which is illegal to do. It’s distracted driving.

BOUQUET To the two young ladies who helped this grateful older guy get out of a slippery icy slope on Burma Road. Your kindness was very much appreciated. I hope that all your wishes come true.

BEEF To the impatient driver of a Jeep behind me. You honked at me as I was being cautious before turning as the sun was in my eyes and pedestrians were preparing to cross the road. Then you tailgated me when I turned left into Country Club Centre and honked again as I slowed down for the speed bump.

BOUQUET To the kind lady who bought me a coffee while I was volunteering for the Salvation Army kettle campaign on a cold morning. Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated.

BEEF To people who transport dogs in an open pickup bed without them being tethered as the law requires.

BOUQUET To Adam at Davey Tree Service and Brian and Ryan for fair prices and wonderful work in my garden. Everything looks great again.

BEEF To the deer feeders of north Nanaimo. I drove to Calgary and back and saw two deer. Drove down Hammond Bay Road and had to stop for deer seven times.

BOUQUET To Midland Tools for amazing service. While waiting for one young gentleman who ensured my husband’s gift would arrive for Christmas, four other employees asked if I needed help. More stores should aspire to this service level.

BEEF The graphics on the 2017 trash schedule are too clever by half, as in too difficult to decipher. The city should send out a new one.

BOUQUET To the fellows at Discount Battery Warehouse on Cliff Street for staying past their closing time to replace my car battery.  Your kindness was very much appreciated.

BEEF To me for not knowing that if I drive an old truck with no tailgate, have long hair and a beard, wear my cap backwards, smoke and have a dog riding shotgun, then I don’t have to follow any rules of the road.

BOUQUET To the political cartoons on the editorial page on Dec. 13 and Dec. 15. With so many of the old cartoon guard gone maudlin, it’s good to see somebody’s got some quills to fire.

BEEF To the city for its 2017 collection schedule for very poorly differentiating garbage collection, recycling and organic waste collection. The symbols are all the same color.

BOUQUET To the two Christmas angels who stopped their car on Turner Road to assist our daughter who fell on the icy sidewalk. Your kindness was appreciated.

BEEF To the designer of the 2017 garbage/recycling form. Navy blue for recycling and black for garbage. I cannot tell the difference on that little form.

BOUQUET To the beefer about wanting an apology from the bus driver. I feel like you need this bouquet. Life gets much easier when you learn to accept the apology you never got and move on with your life.

BEEF The proposed multiplex will cost $1,000 per Nanaimo resident. Is subsidizing a few people’s entertainment really the city’s most pressing need?

BOUQUET To the News Bulletin for having all bouquets. It’s so encouraging and uplifting to read all the positive comments instead of grumpy ones.

BEEF To the older gentlemen that cut me off rudely when I disagreed with him; it is not I, sir that thinks they know it all.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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