Beef to all the beefers. Can we just make this bouquets only? There’s too many negativities out here already. Let’s just hear more upbeat comments. As I’ve been told many times, ‘If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it.’

Beefs & Bouquets, July 28

To submit a beef or bouquet to the News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET To patient Beefs & Bouquets readers; about a dozen beefs and bouquets were misfiled more than a month ago and are finally appearing this week. Sorry about the wait.

BEEF Please get a helper to check all the lights on your vehicle. We have hundreds of drivers driving with one or more burned-out lights. What happens to the following driver when a second light burns out and the driver with no lights suddenly stops. People get killed. Drivers of company cars, private cars, and even police cars are all guilty. Please get out and check your lights today.

BOUQUET To the staff of the sixth floor at NRGH. I had surgery in June and was blessed and grateful to have such amazing HCAs, RNs, housekeeping staff and dietary staff looking after me. I want to especially send a hug and much love to Jazz the HCA who was such a skilled worker. The floor is very busy and the staff were always patient and professional. Thanks again.

BEEF To B.C. Housing, which harms neighbourhoods to accommodate people who are addicted to drugs and homeless by choice.

BOUQUET To my wonderful daughter, who came from Vancouver to take me to the doctor, because I had bad infection, then picked up my medications. I would like to thank my husband, who changed my dressing twice a day. God bless them. I love you both.

BEEF To the neighbours on Stirling; my sincere apologies. At the same I want to say that my life is no one’s business and I don’t owe anyone a reason because you don’t know me and also don’t know what I deal with on a daily basis but thank you for taking time out of your day to think of me.

BOUQUET Thank you to the City of Nanaimo for posting a ‘no smoking’ sign on the trail steps near Summerhill Place. I was so worried the dry grass and forest would catch fire from the people smoking there.

BEEF To local employers that want university education and experience but will only pay $3 above our new $15.20 B.C. minimum wage. Have you absolutely no shame or decency?

BOUQUET To the kind and honest person who found my cellphone and glasses in a shopping cart at Brooks Landing and took them to customer service at Save-On-Foods. Many thanks.

BEEF To the lack of security at the mall, allowing teenagers to blast senior citizens with unprovoked insults and abuse for no other reason than trying to enter a store. Shameful!

BOUQUET To the palliative care unit at NRGH; thank you isn’t enough. Our father wasn’t with you for long, but it was long enough for us to experience the kindness, compassion and true caring of all the folks who work there. Thank you for making a difficult moment in life easier.

BEEF To the person who thinks it’s OK to lay rubber all over the roads in the Cedar- Yellow Point areas with no consideration for the people living in the area, the environment, or the roadways. Grow up.

BOUQUET To all those people who walk Departure Bay Beach, picking up garbage (and a beef to those people who leave their litter). So nice to have a clean beach, your efforts are much appreciated.

BEEF To the men riding bikes on the Parkway Trail who scold me for walking and not moving over fast or far enough when they refuse to use their bells to announce themselves. There is a loud highway next to us, I’m as far to the right as I can get; the world does not revolve around you.

BOUQUET To Sarah, owner of All About Me Esthetics, for giving me the best pedicure I’ve ever had. Can’t wait to try your other services.

BEEF To the person beefing about noisy mowers, etc., trying to keep up with the neighbourhood lawns. Some people have to work 9-5. Must be nice not to.

BOUQUET To city council for having the insight to remove the eyesore at the intersection of Opal Road and Rock City Road. This colossal waste of taxpayers’ money, installed two years ago, will not be missed by anyone and the removal showcases that the city needs to be more vigilant with our tax dollars for the greater good and not for the benefits of a select few.

BEEF To city council which forced a modular housing complex into our quaint neighbourhood without public consultation, removing our ocean view, and giving us people who are addicted to drugs instead. I’ve seen neighbours crying. How is the mayor’s neighbourhood?

BOUQUET To BCAA for once again helping me out of a bad situation. Recently BCAA, Mid Island Towing and Parksville Towing saved me a world of hurt, anxiety and grief. I am also very grateful to the towing dispatchers and the efficient tow truck drivers who arrived quickly and took charge for me. Y’all helped me out of that tough spot, thank you again.

BEEF To the full-grown adults who can’t take two seconds out of their day to respond to a child saying ‘hello.’ Some kids still believe there is kindness out there but people like this are quickly ruining it for them.

BOUQUET To Funkanometry for keeping things upbeat and happy during the pandemic and now, while we are still in uncertain times. What a great idea for bringing joy to so many people. Keep up the hard work and keep having fun. Thank you!

BEEF To the Port of Nanaimo for keeping the Harbourfront Walkway washrooms closed. I guess it’s more profitable for them to keep the washrooms closed than to serve the public.

BOUQUET To the portable speaker enthusiasts. I support you, turn it up. I also support the mortgage-paying music enthusiast who clearly takes no nonsense from neighbours which I love to hear. Keep on rocking in the free world.

BEEF To the portable speaker whiners. Yes call the cops, as suggested, I’m sure they will come racing to save you. We’ll just turn it down when the cops arrive and have a good laugh, then play the Cops theme song: “Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?”

BOUQUET To the nice lady at the access centre; she helped fill out my property taxes form.

BEEF To all the beefers. Can we just make this bouquets only? There’s too many negativities out here already. Let’s just hear more upbeat comments. As I’ve been told many times, ‘If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it.’

BOUQUET Thank you to the three people who paid for our anniversary dinner at Milano’s recently. We were very surprised and most appreciative. Your generosity will be paid forward.

BEEF To the RDN Transit schedule and route planners. Every summer you take away my most important bus to work, forcing me to get up earlier and catch an earlier bus, this year it has also increased my wait between bus transfers to more than 40 minutes. Your transit system is encouraging people to drive, not making buses easier and more accessible. Bouquet to the bus drivers, who always try to help me out when this happens every year.

BOUQUET We live in Qualicum Beach. We had an appointment to see our doctor. I am 86 wife 79, I have had a stroke, wife broken hip. Leaving the office a young lady held the door open and with a smile. She was with a gent with two dogs. We then went to Ricky’s for lunch. Later, we asked for our check only to be told by the waitress that our lunch had been paid for by a couple who had already left. In the midst of COVID we haven’t forgotten how to be kind. We both thank you and will pass it on.

BEEF To all the drivers who want to turn left from Hammond Bay Road onto the old Island Highway. There are two turning lanes but everyone lines up in the middle lane and then turns left, while the inside lane is empty, needlessly backing up traffic on Applecross and Hammond Bay. Don’t be afraid of the inside turn lane.

BOUQUET To Lowe’s which has a van you can rent to self-deliver your items. Beef to the furniture store that charged me $100 to go one city block.

BEEF To people shocked and surprised at housing affordability. Housing is affordable at even minimum wage. There just isn’t room for cigarettes, beer and everything else the higher income earners have. We are not all created equal.

BOUQUET Thank you to the fellow in the white Smart car from Mid Island Towing who stopped to help my daughter and I when we were rear-ended at Mostar Road. We were shaken up and he helped us safely move our cars out of the way and waited with us until emergency crews were on scene. Thank you.

BEEF To our mayor. First, you raise property tax by $75 per month, per house and then say you are shocked to discover how expensive rents are. Did you think that landlords don’t have to pass this punishing increase on to tenants?

BOUQUET To the fire department crew that attended our accident at Mostar Road. They took great care of us, getting us bottled water and calming us down even though they were in heavy uniforms in the hot sun for almost an hour. Thank you for your time and your service – we hope you got to enjoy some a/c after.

BEEF To Nanaimo bylaws for allowing a witnessed dump of concrete into Oliver Woods by a contractor.

BOUQUET To the ladies from Acer Landscaping who cleaned up the overgrown grass and weeds on Beringer Boulevard. Your hard work is appreciated.

BEEF To the cop who pulled me over at the three-way intersection by the Vault Cafe for “running the stop sign” when in fact, I was the first to stop at the three way and I had to wait for a pedestrian to cross. The officer stopped second in an unmarked vehicle and tried to proceed before me. When I honked at her for going before me, she pulled me over.

BOUQUET To Jaren at Romper Room. My two granddaughters tried rock climbing for the first time and were so lucky to get this so-much-fun, very caring and patient instructor. It was one of the best memories of their holiday and they talked about Romper Room and how terrific Jaren was for the rest of the holiday. Thanks.

BEEF I feel the RDN is paying more than top dollar for security and I ask myself do they not employ someone who is responsible for that?

BOUQUET To the nice guy who handed me several bundles of asparagus at the Value Village for free, it could feed half my neighbourhood.

BEEF To my neighbour in the Hammond Bay area. You purchased your home in our neighbourhood because it is a well-kept, attractive street – your yard is the worst one on the street. We are tired of having to look at your yard. We thought the front was bad – the backyard is a disgrace. You are bringing our property values down. What happened to pride of ownership?

BOUQUET To Jason from K and S Railings. Job well done. Thank you so much. Would highly recommend him.

BEEF To those who claim brutality by police. There was a police officer stabbed, a police dog killed for doing their job near Campbell River and an officer killed in Saskatchewan recently when he stopped armed robbers. The police are not the enemy and need our support. If you don’t like the way they do things, why don’t you apply?

BOUQUET To all of the hard-working family physicians in Nanaimo. The lack of government support has created a dire shortage of family physicians which is only going to get worse. The public needs to press the ministry to support and value family physicians, not blame the physicians who are trying their best.

BEEF We have a large area in the middle of our street that is common land and slowly over the years due to neglect, it has gone from a grassy Garry oak area to a weed-infested, blackberry-choked monstrosity. We have been pleading with the city for three years to cut it; they promise they will. But they never do. Sigh.

BOUQUET To the helpful and friendly folks at Industrial Plastics. During these hot summer days they have been helping those of us wilting in our homes to get air conditioners up and running by rushing fabrication orders for window inserts. I had our perfect plexiglass window installed within hours of ordering. Thank you from our very grateful, and now chilled hearts.

BEEF To the boats that come from Nanaimo to a quiet residential bay on Gabriola Island and proceed to pound out heavy bass music. No one here wants to listen to that.

To submit a beef or bouquet to the News Bulletin, e-mail

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