Beef to a neighbour who called the bylaw officer because a retired person was doing woodworking in his garage in the afternoon. He was planing some old cedar boards so they could be re-used.

Beef to a neighbour who called the bylaw officer because a retired person was doing woodworking in his garage in the afternoon. He was planing some old cedar boards so they could be re-used.

Beefs & Bouquets, July 7

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To Quality Foods at University Village. Thank you to the cashier who rang up my groceries and to Tony the manager for the wonderful surprise and gift card that I won at the checkout. Thank you also to all the great staff. I love shopping there.

BEEF To servers at restaurants who wipe off tables, then wipe off seats with the same greasy cloth and then go on to the next table. Think about it.

BOUQUET To Grower Direct. They arranged four beautiful arrangements for my step-daughter’s memorial. They were very well done and lasted a long time.

BEEF To those adults who continue to ride their bicycles on the pedestrian-only portion of the downtown seawall. Another to the City of Nanaimo for allowing this practice to continue.

BOUQUET To al the wonderful vendors and people who run the Sunday Flea Market at Cedar community hall, especially Erica, who runs everything.

BEEF To the marina for not cleaning up the mess of polystyrene caused by the breakup of the flotation on the dock littering the beach – an environmental hazard to fish and birds.

BOUQUET To the person who found my purse on the wall at Maffeo Sutton Park and took it to the police station. It’s nice to know there are still good people in the world today.

BEEF To a neighbour who called the bylaw officer because a retired person was doing woodworking in his garage in the afternoon. He was planing some old cedar boards so they could be re-used.

BOUQUET To R.J. Whyte and staff at First Memorial Funeral Services for the kindness and caring shown to us during one of the most difficult times of our lives. Your help with the loss of both parents in 18 months will always be remembered.

BEEF To unidentifiable persons masquerading as Canada Revenue Agency to home phones with threats of immediate arrest, assault, or legal action.

BOUQUET To Pastor Chelsey, Lynnsey and all loving members at Christ Community Church for your endless kindness, compassion and prayers. Your help in organizing memorial services for both our parents was a blessing that we will remember always.

BEEF To the government which gave $311 million in 2015 and another $40 million to private schools when our public schools are really struggling to provide a good education with inadequate funding.

BOUQUET To all the great people who helped to rescue a four-pound runaway dog crossing both sides of the Island Highway, the young lady who offered us a lift back to my car, Island Vet, SPCA and Facebook.

BEEF To people with dogs who feel the rules don’t apply to them. Beban Park has signs that say ‘No dogs in park.’ Spent many nights there with baseball and so many people came with their dogs and walked right past the signs.

BOUQUET To the nurses and aides on the third floor of Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. Especially Jackie Harbans, Kim, Isabelle, and Anne Marie. The care they provided during my recovery was exceptional.

BEEF To the gym that is too cheap to get digital boxes for the TVs when they have known for months it would need them. We pay high monthly fees and none of the TVs work.

BOUQUET To the people at Bastion Jewellers who assisted me with my daughter’s grad gifts of earrings and engraving a ring; to Leigh Ann for a beautiful hair colour and up-style and to Alison for her fabulous makeup application; to everyone who helped make Dover Bay prom a success.

BEEF To the business owner who continues to blatantly speed through school zones while on his cellphone.

BOUQUET To the high school drama group at Nanaimo Christian School. Every year we are impressed by the shows performed and this year was no different. Mary Poppins made us smile and cheer from start to finish.

BEEF To the police for not making any effort to set up radar and control speeders – not to mention rampant cellphone abuse – on Metral Drive after multiple requests.

BOUQUET To Mike and Ross at Laird Wheaton for the great deal and outstanding service they gave us in buying our Chevy Orlando.

BEEF To Nanaimo gas stations that charge $1.139 when gas stations in remote communities like Tofino and Ucluelet sell it for two cents per litre cheaper and Courtenay is six cents cheaper.

BOUQUET To Country Grocer for supporting the Cinnabar Elementary School ice cream sale for the Fort McMurray evacuees. The store matched $400 raised and donated all of the ice cream for the sale.

BEEF To pedestrians and bicyclists who place themselves at risk without consideration for the motoring public to anticipate and avoid a tragic and completely avoidable incident. They are often in the right by law, but their stubborness could make them dead wrong.

BOUQUET To Rob at Oceanside Fencing. His workmanship on our planters was amazing and good enough to deliver them as well.  Working from just a picture he created a home for our urban garden.

BEEF To emergency workers who fail to communicate to the public why they do what they do at accident scenes. Come up with a more efficient way to process and gather evidence at these incidents.

BOUQUET To pharmacy staff at Shoppers Drug Mart Marry Ellen Drive for their prompt, friendly and excellent service, which is quite rare these days.

BEEF To all the businesses that think the watering restrictions aren’t meant for them. Please reset your automatic sprinkler timers.

BOUQUET To staff and students at John Barsby Secondary School. The talent show was wonderful.

BEEF To the mature couple toileting and grooming their German shepherd on the Cameron Island visitor and jogging boardwalk. Not appreciated by others.

BOUQUET To those who follow Beefs & Bouquets on Twitter at @BeefsBouquets.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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