Beef to the lady who went onto my property then proceeded to take my large plant from my home. I found out and asked for it returned. You said I was dramatic? You should be ashamed of yourself.

Beefs & Bouquets, June 16

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET To the older lady who picks up the garbage along the E&N trail from St. George Street to Northfield Road several times a week. It may feel like a thankless job, but it does not go unnoticed. Your efforts to keep the pathway cleaned up are much appreciated. Just wanted you to know.

BEEF To the beefer complaining about idling cars. I hope that I don’t see you waiting in a drive-thru line of 10 cars at Tim Hortons while your car is running.

BOUQUET To the residents of the 1000 block of Haliburton for all the beautiful landscaping. Well done. We appreciate all your work.

BEEF I, the portable speaker enthusiast, reject your request and I also reject your notion one should be embarrassed of the music they listen to. If you think a newspaper beef is gonna make me turn off Motley Crue, Aerosmith, Ozzy, ACDC, and Guns while I’m enjoying life, guess again. Maybe take your own suggestion and put some noise-cancelling earphones on, or call the cops. Long live rock ‘n’ roll!

BOUQUET I would like to send a big bouquet and a thank you to the elderly couple who regularly walk along Uplands Drive and pick up garbage along the street. Nice to see them out, and they’re making a huge contribution to our community. Thank you.

BEEF To Nanaimo city council. Clean up the waterfront walkway – it’s dirty. When was the last time it was pressure washed? Some tourist destination – no banners, flower baskets, no interest and you’re considering extending it. Look after what we’ve got.

BOUQUET To Perry of Island Radiators. We just had our radiator replaced and Perry was so friendly and accommodating. We brought in the car and he did the work the next day and was finished before the allotted time and below the estimated price. We couldn’t have had better service.

BEEF To the blue truck with the lousy muffler and blacked-out tinted driver’s window. Metral Drive is not a race track and does not have a passing lane in the school zone. Drivers need to slow down. What gives you and all the other speeders the right to drive this way in a school zone?

BOUQUET To city council for finally planning to restore the Opal Road-Rock City Road intersection to what it was.

BEEF To the city engineer who decided that fake grass would be a great idea at Northfield and the old Island Highway intersection. We are now paying people to pick weeds out of it.

BOUQUET To Rosy for making every day at work something to look forward to. The walks, the talks, and the mountains of things left unsaid. Your smile is fine and it’s just like mine and it won’t go away.

BEEF To the lady who went onto my property then proceeded to take my large plant from my home. I found out and asked for it returned. You said I was dramatic? You should be ashamed of yourself for being a 60-year-old thief.

BOUQUET To Lexxie at Sport Chek. She showed tremendous patience toward my wife as she was trying on comfort sandals to help her walk after knee surgery. Although we didn’t purchase, her easy smiling eyes never wavered, and not only that, gave her the precious time of her day with some conversation. What a great asset to the store she is.

BEEF I can’t believe the Gabriola skatepark is happening. Skating is not popular anymore, and it will only go the way of windsurfing. Did you not look at demographics of Gabriola, along with the future of the sport? What a waste of money. Good luck on your project, and don’t forget to include a budget line for getting rid of the spider webs that will undoubtedly start taking over.

BOUQUET To Mitsubishi’s mechanics and front-of-house staff. Came in for a simple fix and found out my brakes needed replacing. I can notice the difference already and I am so happy. Thank you for letting me know.

BEEF To our MLA. It’s been over six months now I have been waiting for even a glimmer of a response from you. Clearly you are not working for me.

BOUQUET To the lovely staff at Harewood Dollarama. I was pleasantly surprised by the cleanliness and kind attitude of every staff member. They’re all buzzing around at top speed filling shelves for us and it seems that they genuinely care about providing for the community. Definitely our first stop on the dollar store list from now on.

BEEF To the City of Nanaimo for an increase in property taxes. We are seniors on a fixed income and we saw our property taxes go up 33 per cent in one year. You will say it’s because of increased value, but that means nothing to us.

BOUQUET Belated thank you to the gentleman who turned in my tablet, which I had left in the cart, to Home Depot. Your honesty is very much appreciated by a forgetful senior.

BEEF To certain cyclists. No you can’t cross the intersection like that, no you don’t have right of way, no you can’t make your own rules on the fly. Stop it.

BOUQUET To the kind angel on the No. 30 bus. Thank you for helping out a stranger in need. Everyone is poor during this pandemic. Thank you for sending out a helping hand to a lung transplant patient in need. I was in a rush to get my breathing tests done. I didn’t catch your name. I just wanted to say thank you. I wouldn’t have made it to the hospital without your kindness.

BEEF To stores for selling barbecues from a manufacturer that no longer sells barbecues and parts, rendering the one I purchased useless after it rusted out. But bouquet to the Grill Chef service department for issuing a credit back to me in lieu of all of this.

BOUQUET To all the baby-kissing, ribbon-cutting, virtue-signalling, photo-opportunistic politicians. Every time I see your all-too-familiar faces in the newspaper you make me smile ear-to-ear.

BEEF To small and large construction companies that don’t have clean, sanitary facilities for your workers to use. Not only disgusting but unacceptable in 2021. Wake up.

BOUQUET Thank you Amber from Bulletproof Mechanic who squeezed me in to get my brakes checked even though you were super swamped because I was really worried. It ended up being nothing (sorry). You were working with a broken foot. I hope you are very appreciated. I can’t thank you enough for the help and the great conversation. Sending healing vibes.

BOUQUET To Nanaimo’s pediatricians, who put their hearts and knowledge into serving children. An especially big hug to Dr. M. Francis, who guided us to find a diagnosis and treatment for our child’s behavioural issues, and gives us hope for a brighter future.

BEEF To the RCMP for not doing anything about the speeding in school zones. I know you are busy but this is getting out of hand. Metral Drive has become a speeders’ paradise and you have done next to nothing on this stretch of road in years. I see hundreds a day, more than enough to meet quota.

BOUQUET To the city bylaw officers for their job ticketing buskers without a licence during the pandemic and keeping us safe from those who flout the guidelines.

BEEF To the server at a local pub who did not say thank you for tip I gave her when I gave way more than the male companion I was with, yet she thanked him profusely. Was that misogyny or what?

BOUQUET To the angry atheist with all the hateful anti-Christian bumper stickers. Thanks for the laugh. Jesus still loves you.

BEEF To the B.C. Ferries employees working at the Gabriola/Nanaimo ticket booth. I saw what you did. Shame on you both.

BOUQUET To our Nanaimo News Bulletin paper girl ‘Z’ for the six years of fantastic, on-time delivery on Railway Avenue. All the best to your future, we’ll miss you.

BEEF To the dog owners walking along Ninth Street. Please pick up your dogs droppings and be a responsible pet owner. Do you expect other people to clean it up?

BOUQUET To local author Susan Juby for her book The Woefield Poultry Collective. Her cast of quirky characters on a run-down farm in Cedar was the perfect medicine I needed at this anxious time.

BEEF To the person who complained to bylaw about my storage container. What’s your problem? The container is in my driveway. Is it blocking your view of my garage? Ever heard of talking to someone when you have a problem? Is that how Nanaimoites build community spirit and support each other? Trust me, I’m doing my best but people like you don’t make life easier.

BOUQUET To the union for taking the health authority to task and ensuring that vaccines can no longer be mandated for staff.

BEEF To the people with dogs who pick up their doggies’ poo in a bag and then throw it away so we can look at it for years because they can’t throw it in the garbage. Lazy.

BOUQUET Thank you to Dr. Paris, nurse Tara, Dr. Ward, Joshua and others for the amazing care you provided during my visit to NRGH emergency.

BEEF According to surveys, the groups most concerned about climate change are the under 20s and millennials. How come at the end of the school day I see dozens of fossil-fuel burning vehicles waiting to pick up children? These children’s grandparents walked to and from school. It certainly looks like those most concerned about climate change talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk.

BOUQUET Kudos to the gentleman on the Parkway who was able to alert me to a flat tire. I am grateful also for the timeliness and professionalism shown by both Mid-Island Towing and Kal-Tire during my stressful situation.

BEEF To the malcontents whining that COVID-19 restrictions are a violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The restrictions are temporary, minimal and for the purpose of curtailing the spread of a deadly pathogen. They are demonstrably justified in our free and democratic society.

BOUQUET Thanks to Steven of Yorkshire Rose Landscapes. I requested a quote and realized quickly that I wouldn’t be able to handle the cost. He understood how times are difficult and he said he would do the job compliments of the company. They worked tirelessly to clear the debris from my sadly neglected garden. This type of action can only be offered by someone who is a caring and respectful person. Please do not hesitate to book them for your future landscaping jobs. I am blessed and my spirits have risen high over this thoughtful and generous gift.

BEEF To the immature prime minister. Playing frisbee while the country burns.

BOUQUET Thanks to Dr. Henry and Mr. Dix for being there each week for us during this pandemic. Their positive attitude, patience and persistence has helped me get through each day knowing there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel. Eureka! I have just booked my second vaccine shot.

BEEF To the RCMP for picking and choosing which laws they will enforce. Bike racks on the rear of vehicles that cover licence plates is illegal and yet there are thousands of these on the road. Also, plaster plate covers are illegal and yet more and more are showing up.

BOUQUET We have a Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Family Day, Canada Day. I’d like to have a Single People Day. Extra opportunity to find your social mate.

BEEF Where have all the flowers gone that M and M planted. Shame on our new/old managers for taking them to our compost. Please take your pension and just go away.

BOUQUET To Megan at Wexford Creek seniors home. She is pleasant, accommodating and so very kind to everyone that comes in. Someone who goes the extra mile with a smile every single time. What a delightful addition to the front desk.

BEEF To the neighbours who in the early evening watch TV so loud with their living room windows open. Not everyone wants to listen to your program, some of us are trying to enjoy the evening, but instead drowned out by your TV. Please close your windows so your neighbours can enjoy being outdoors.

BOUQUET To Tim at United Floors. Thanks for all your help and guidance. We have built three homes and you were always there making sure the job was done right. Hope you never retire.

BEEF That sentence for that drug-trafficking offence is far too short. Those drugs are killing people and destroying lives. Even at 23 years old he know this. He will be out in less than two years. Sad system.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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