Beef to the property management firm. Despite someone asking for elevator to be checked nothing was done. The elevator was down for more than seven hours despite numerous calls. A 90-year-old man with a walker after waiting two hours had to walk up five flights.

Beefs & Bouquets, June 2

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET To the great friendly staff at the Medicine Shoppe on Bruce Avenue. And every day is seniors day.

BEEF To the woman on Stirling Avenue. The next time you feel it necessary to scream profanity at your significant other please close your windows first. The neighbourhood couldn’t believe your lack of class. Also, we felt sorry for him.

BOUQUET To the Nanaimo fire crew that rescued another dog from the Abyss crevice and a beef to the human owners who took off the dog’s leash in the first place.

BEEF To hospital clerks who get grumpy if one gets picky about booking dates and times. Missing two appointments through no fault of our own is bad enough, then we had to deal with staff who seemed to have no comprehension regarding possible constraints when scheduling appointments for a patient with a long-term, debilitating disease.

BOUQUET To the gentleman who saw my daughter admiring his rhododendron bush and picking flowers off the ground, and offered to take some cuttings and gave her tips on keeping them in a vase. That made her day and mine.

BEEF Great, you had your yard sale – now take down your posters that are littering the neighbourhood.

BOUQUET I would like to thank the kind gentleman in the red SUV who followed me until I stopped on Cypress Street to let me know my brake lights were not working. Thank you for going out of your way and for your concern. I would not have known. You are special and appreciated.

BEEF To the man driving a white lifted truck, thanks for saying hello by ‘rolling coal’ and making me feel welcomed in my neighbourhood.

BOUQUET Thank you to all the staff at the Tim Hortons in Lantzville, not just for my great coffee every day, but for your great service and a wonderful act of kindness telling me “this is on us today.” You made my day and made me smile. Working in the retail industry during these times has been so hard for all of us and this kindness given to me goes a long way.

BEEF To the city. In COVID times a lot less people work in offices and in closed areas, so why is it that the city isn’t out all the time doing outdoor maintenance? We have a nice grass area and rose bushes at the corner of our street but now it’s all overgrown and full of weeds with a gravel pathway – ridiculous for people with wheelchairs or strollers – that is overgrown with grass.

BOUQUET To the young woman who presented me with a bouquet of gerberas at the Thrifty Foods florist shop at Port Place Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are truly beautiful inside and out.

BEEF To councillors who claim they want to hear from neighbourhoods, but reply to citizens’ legitimate questions with moralizing lectures and personal insults.

BOUQUET Received my COVID-19 vaccine at the Cedar Community Hall and have to say the staff there were fantastic – efficient, friendly and helpful. Special shout out to Mitch. Thank you.

BEEF To Dr. Bonnie Henry for keeping places of worship closed. Other provinces have higher COVID-19 rates yet churches have been open to a limited number of worshippers. At what point will you stop trampling the charter rights of B.C. citizens?

BOUQUET To Ann who helped my dad after he took a fall in the parking lot at his bank, to Ann’s mom who gave comfort to my mom sitting in their car, and to the ambulance crew that attended to my dad.

BEEF To the new U.S. administration. We had peace in the Middle East, a roaring stock market, and no gas shortages. What happened?

BOUQUET Kudos to the staff at Longwood Thrifty’s Store for taking the time and going above and beyond to get me a few more Air Miles. Thank you.

BEEF To the construction workers in the Old City Quarter. So inconsiderate of the residents of the area – parking in the alley, blocking access to the back of properties. One guy is leaving his dog in his vehicle all day. As they went to have dinner they left all their garbage in the alley on the ground. Show some consideration.

BOUQUET What a precious photo on the front page. The expressions on the kids’ faces! The keyboard player is so suspicious of the noise from the amp.

BEEF To the liquor store employee who wears a face shield instead of a proper face mask.

BOUQUET My sincere thanks to the person ahead of me in the Tim Hortons drive-thru. They paid for my breakfast. It absolutely made my morning and I do really appreciate the gesture. Thank you.

BEEF To the combined effort to kill a bear in Ladysmith that had healed from a wound and was surviving just fine minding its own business.

BOUQUET To Clint at Ernie’s Blackpoint Repair for helping with my car brakes when I was in a bad situation.

BEEF To the property management firm. Despite someone asking for elevator to be checked nothing was done. The elevator was down for more than seven hours despite numerous calls. This has been a nightmare since I moved in. A 90-year-old man with a walker after waiting two hours had to walk up five flights. Sad.

BOUQUET To the wonderful woman who stopped to help when my dog was attacked by a vicious German shepherd on our morning walk on Labieux Road. I don’t know what we would have done if you hadn’t come along. There are no words to show my appreciation. Thank you so much.

BEEF To neighbours who ruin beautiful peaceful summer evenings by hauling out their roaring gas-powered mowers, leaf blowers or power washers. I know folks have different schedules, but when you can, please confine your noisy gardening to 9-5.

BOUQUET To AC Taxi. You are No. 1 in Nanaimo.

BEEF The charity may benefit with some cash, but is truly mocked by this business owner. She literally laughed in the face of a victim of fraud and abuse. Public display of support via public display of donation. Total hypocrite.

BOUQUET To the school trustees for the wise decision to forgo the pay increase.

BEEF To the so-called leaders continuously touting the ‘we are all in this together’ slogan. Private jet traffic and constant flouting of rules by the privileged including yourselves speak the truth. We never were and never will be.

BOUQUET To all in our neighbourhood just off Hammond Bay Road. We just ended our banging pots and pans every night at 7 p.m. in support of health-care workers. And also at the same time, checking in on seniors living in this great neighbourhood. As a senior, I’m so grateful living right here. Thank you, all.

BEEF To the oil change company that did not replace the bolts on the engine cover of my car and then told me they put them back on. I will not return and will be telling others not to go to your business.

BOUQUET To Tim at London Drugs from a senior lady having to replace an aged, outdated cellphone, your patience was so appreciated. Thank you.

BEEF Nanaimo’s tax rate is increasing at more than four times the rate of inflation – three per cent while inflation was 0.72 per cent. Not the best way to help seniors, who they claim are a priority.

BOUQUET To the young man at the Mid Island Co-op gas bar who crawled under my car to retrieve my hearing aid which flew off as I removed my mask. I wish I had compensated for your kindness.

BEEF To my doctor who after 10 years has decided that as I do not need to see him and has dropped me from his practice without any notice. I am 63 this year and now I am stuck with no doctor, and there are none available in Nanaimo taking on patients, so like many others I am stuck trying to get any medical consultation through walk-in clinics or clogging up the emergency at the hospital. I know there are many in the same situation.

BOUQUET To College Heights for the large red heart that overlooked Nanaimo. Thank you for sharing and we still need you.

BEEF To the beefer complaining about medical exemptions in his business and claiming to know people’s health status. You are not a doctor. I have a serious lung condition and cannot wear a mask. Yet you are judging me. Tell us the name of your business and we will not bother you again.

BOUQUET To Canadian Tire automotive. Give Nigel a call. He looked after my tires on my Kia. Such a gentleman.

BEEF To the school district trustees who can vote the next board a pay raise but cannot find more money for extra COVID cleaning.

BOUQUET To the kind woman with the two weimaraners on the trail. Thank you for training your dogs every day to respond to your commands. I know it takes a lot time and a lot of work with two young dogs and I appreciate all that you do.

BEEF To the city for its five-foot-tall letters spelling Nanaimo at the park. It’s a waste of $50,000 of the taxpayers’ money for just a photo-op.

BOUQUET To Dr. Booker and the staff at Northfield Dental Clinic for taking the San’yas Indigenous cultural safety training to ensure that Indigenous patients have a culturally safe experience. A wonderful gesture of compassion and awareness. Bravo.

BEEF To the pot growers. You should not have gotten on the magazine’s list. You’re not all that credible.

BOUQUET To all hospital staff and front-line workers for their efforts.

BEEF To the religious organizations. If the churches practised what they preach and took in the homeless, we would have a solution to the homeless problem. Tax the churches.

BOUQUET To the Nanaimo and Lantzville council members who advocated a cessation of old-growth logging. Thanks for standing up and doing the right thing. Leave what is left of the old-growth forests untouched.

BEEF To those who enjoy the bluffs at Westwood Lake to have fun and drink beer. Great. Have fun. But please take your beer cans out with you – two dozen or more. Watch the birds’ footprints across the sky.

BOUQUET To my wonderful Nanaimo News Bulletin carrier Dukane. He has delivered my paper faithfully for such a long time and is a terrific, decent young man. I appreciate him more than he knows.

BEEF The frisbee golf course cuts across the traditional golf course fairways making a dangerous situation for players.

BOUQUET To Browns Social House for its takeout menu with safety guidelines. Fast and convenient to order online, and good food.

BEEF To the neighbour who has placed his rooster next to my fence which is not far from my house. So much for being neighbourly.

BOUQUET To Anthony and Christopher G. for cutting an old-age pensioner’s grass.

BEEF To the beefer complaining about council members advocating a cessation of old-growth logging. No one is denying anyone employment or a wooden home. For years we were told forestry is a ‘sustainable’ industry, with every forestry company bragging they plant ‘x’ times the amount harvested. So why the need for any further old-growth harvest?

BOUQUET To Woodgrove Centre for donating to Dover Bay Secondary School’s graduates. During this difficult year for seniors and celebrations looking different, we are extremely grateful for the generous donation to help put smiles on our grads.

BEEF I agree with an earlier beef about doctors who close their practice after coming back from maternity leave. No help finding a new doctor and we were told don’t bother anyone at the clinic.

BOUQUET To the Harbour Air pilot who did not leave me in Vancouver when I was late for the plane’s boarding time.

BEEF To the news media for only reporting COVID numbers daily and not reporting daily drug overdose numbers as well. We have a serious drug overdose pandemic happening right now and the public should be aware.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the News Bulletin, e-mail

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