Beefs & Bouquets June 27

NANAIMO – Submit your beef or bouquet by e-mail to

BOUQUETS of Gratitude to our friends at Country Grocer at Southgate mall. You care about people and it shows. Your donations to Paradise Isle Seniors Society are appreciated. Thank you from Hazel and all of us at Paradise.

A huge bouquet of flowers to Shane from Craftsman Collision for repairing the bumper on my car.  The dealer said that it would have to be replaced at a cost of $800. I ordered the parts, which cost about $60, and Shane installed them at no charge. I am a senior and appreciated this. You and your staff are the best.

A bouquet of wildflowers to the GE Free Nanaimo group,  working hard to protect our food and arranging the March Against Monsanto event May 25. It was a beautiful event and was widely accepted by most of Nanaimo.

several large bouquets to Dr. Janssen and the ladies of the dressing station for their great care after my flaming flamenco on my roof.

Bouquets of Angels to Louie at Service Canada on Front Street. You assisted us in filling out our forms and we appreciate your help.

a special thanks to the manager at the Country Club Save-On-Foods. I inquired about stocking a particular juice my son drinks so I wouldn’t have to go elsewhere every week and the next time I went grocery shopping it was on the shelf. I really appreciate this gesture and will continue to shop at your store.

A SYMPATHETIC BOUQUET OF NEW BIKE parts to a cyclist near Brooks Landing. As I was driving by slowly, I saw your bicycle underneath a vehicle. I was so worried I was going to see someone lying on the ground, badly injured. I heard the driver curse about you, then I saw you stand up. I hope you are all right, no matter who was at fault, and that you made your bike race the following day, although your bicycle looked beyond repair.

a bouquet of thanks to all the people – too many to thank individually – who save stamps for the Order of the Eastern Star’s stamp project. As a result, we were able to contribute $8,439.26 to our Cancer Fund Project. To raise this amount of money takes lots of stamps. I appreciate all that community members do to help us and hope for your continued support. Sincerely, Elda Jackson.

A huge bouquet to the wonderful, artistic person who has been painting flower murals over the graffiti tags in Harewood. It looks so much nicer, thank you.

two boxes of cinnamon buns to Jeff and crew at Royal Paving for the excellent job they did on our driveway. Thanks also to Peter Richardson and crew of Seal Pro for sealing the asphalt. Well done.

A belated SUMMER BOUQUET to Bill and Ian from Green Thumb Garden Centre. They helped remove so many overgrown shrubs from our yard and made a major job look so easy.

A huge bundle of fragrant bouquets to the businesses that made our Gutsy Walk for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada at Maffeo Sutton Park a huge success. Also, a huge thanks to all the volunteers who tirelessly worked to get the Gutsy Walk off and running, and all the participants who joined in the festivities and made it such a success this year. We exceeded last year’s total and look forward to next year.

A HUGE thank you to some north end homeowners for trimming up the lower branches of their large tree. It makes it so much easier and safer for motorists.

A huge bouquet of water lilies to Dr. Wayne Pealo, Yvonne Visser, Dr. Dunn, the many members of the Island Waters Flyfishers and others for the recent Divas on the Fly Retreat for women surviving breast cancer. This fantastic program taught us fly casting, how to tie flies and provided the opportunity to catch trout. What a great experience, thanks to the volunteers and sponsor contributions.

Many thanks to Shelly at Ono Trading for providing excellent customer service. It’s refreshing to find someone who will work with you to help solve a problem. It’s excellent customer service like that that wins repeat customers.

An Overdue Bouquet of Red Roses to the gal who came to vote early in the morning on election day at Rutherford Elementary School.  This wonderful woman voted, left and then returned with coffee for my partner and I. So kind and considerate. You made our day.

A clean and tidy Thank you to Nanaimo’s public works department. They promptly removed the garbage someone dumped at the end of my alley near the old Dufferin Crescent school site. Now I can get in and out of my garage again.

A glorious bouquet to members of the Nanaimo RCMP, who have been kind, helpful and supportive any time I have needed them. You are the best.

a bouquet to Classic Appliance Repair. Great service: fast, efficient, friendly, affordable. Much appreciated. Fridge is cold, oven works.

a bouquet of roses and thanks to Lifeline for the free strawberry tea for clients and friends, followed by music.

A caught-in-traffic BEEF to those sporting the bumper stickers “Proud Parent of an Honour Student” for pathetically trying to score points off the successes of their children. What have YOU done lately?

A man-up beef to the guy who ran over a dog in Harewood and left students to do what he should have – take care of the body, find the owners and deal responsibly with a sad situation. A beautiful bouquet to the students who witnessed the accident. A sad, sad event on your last day of school, but we are proud of your maturity and resourcefulness.

A large beef to a federal government call centre service. When one of their agents leaves a message for you to call them, it can take an entire week to get through on the 1-800 number that they leave you for your return call. Apparently they are “Experiencing higher than normal call volumes and cannot connect your call at this time.” And here I thought that they worked for me.

a Beef to the owners of the rottweiler pounding up the stairs behind me at Invermere Road beach access Wednesday morning. The beach is off-leash, not the stairs.

a Beef to the guy driving the small black car in the passing lane doing 60 km/hr and not the 90 km/hr posted speed limit between Ladysmith and Nanaimo. I can understand why everyone tried to pass you and don’t appreciate the rock that hit my windshield and cost me a $300 deductible for a new window on my small pension. Drive in the slow lane, please.

a beef to the weather for not being warm and sunny all of the time, allowing young women to always wear shorts.

a beef about the parking ticket I received near the Rotary Bowl while participating in the Relay for Life. We were there raising money for something important and were doled out fines for parking on the gravel. I hope the company donates the money collected to the Canadian Cancer Society.

a beef to GMO protestors. I had a fist-sized strawberry the other day and it was sweet and delicious and fist-sized.

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