Beefs & Bouquets, March 17

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To the lovely gentleman who bought a complete stranger a bouquet. Your kindness makes the world a better place.

BEEF To doctors who prescribe medications that have the potential of significantly increasing a person’s blood pressure from safe to dangerous, and who do not advise their patients to check their blood pressure once or twice a week. This is especially important when starting a new medicine that can have unintended consequences.

BOUQUET to the three Good Samaritans, an older lady who tried unsuccessfully and the two gentleman who were successful in helping me up when I fell in Sears.

BEEF To the Canadian version of the movie and TV streaming site for having Bad Boys and not Bad Boys 2. What the heck?

BOUQUET To the two gentlemen who came to my aid after I did a five-point face plant on cement after exiting bus on Wednesday. It all happened so fast, I forgot to thank you.

BEEF To the beefers lambasting those who complain about the rain. Constant rainy weather makes some people physically sick. I spend lots of money on allergy medicine because of the mould blooms that take place in the air. Other people are bothered by not being able to see the sky for days or even weeks on end. But the sickness it causes is the worst for me. I’d leave if I could.

BOUQUET To the young man who took a lengthy time washing his truck while I waited in line. His unexpected kind gesture of then washing my car made my day. Huge thanks from a senior.

BEEF To the City of Nanaimo for doing an at-best lousy job of fixing a pothole near our house. The pothole has since returned and the city is now up the street digging and replacing new waterlines and to no surprise, are practising the same method of patch work over there, which no doubt won’t hold up and with time, potholes will show up.

BOUQUET to councillor Diane Brennan for always maintaining her poise and grace in the face of unwarranted and undeserved criticism. There is no place for personal and vindictive attacks when doing the city’s business.  Those who employ bullying tactics bring shame on our city.

BEEF To the tandem bike riders going down Hammond Bay Road. The small child on the back was literally wavering back and forth. You put a little one in a dangerous position.

BOUQUET To everyone who has tipped paper carriers Jenna and Lynda over the past few months. The generosity has raised $550 for the Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society to use toward providing support to newcomers.

BEEF To the people in charge of cutting down the eagle tree at the Nanaimo dump. At this time of year, there were up to 12 eagles hanging out in the tree you cut down. Now there are none. What were you thinking?

BOUQUET to the beautiful people at the News Bulletin at Easter time.

BEEF To the beefer who apparently hates cyclists. Have you got any idea how hard it is to share the road with drivers who have a me-first attitude? Ever tried to cross an intersection that has a light that will not change unless someone presses the button?

BOUQUET To Jamie at The Finishing Touch. He is so patient, helpful and generous. I will return there again because of his service.

BEEF To the person building a new house on our street that looks like a crooked box attached to a chicken coop. Do you not have any regard for what your neighbours will have to look at? This used to be a nice street.

BOUQUET To the people on my paper routes who tipped me this past Christmas season. I had a wonderful time in Maui with my daughter, watching the whales and enjoying every sunset. Mahalo!

BEEF To the people who went out for a rip on the field by the pub. Your parents must be so proud.

BOUQUET To Nathan in the meat department at Real Canadian Superstore. The steaks you replaced for my husband were delicious and cut to perfection. It’s nice to see a young man like yourself being so caring and concerned, looking after your customers.

BEEF To the dog owner who has its dog poop on Canterbury Crescent and then covers the poop with nearby rocks. You have no respect for other people’s property.

BOUQUET To my wife. I have so much admiration for all that you do. It may just seem routine to you and you may think it’s unnoticed. From laundry to dinner from dishes to dusting from caring for our two boys to calling my mom to say hello. Susanna, my wife of almost 21 years, my best friend Susy, I love you and with so much appreciation I say thank you for everything.

BEEF To the mall advertising a free movie they were offering.  By the time guest services opened and got their computers ready to go, they were already sold out. Such a waste of people’s time in line and a big disappointment for my children.

BOUQUET To Barbara at Cornerstone Tile. She spent so much time helping me with my fireplace design. She is truly a Nanaimo business gem.

BEEF To the mall’s online registration for a free kids’ movie during spring break. By the time it was sorted out, the event was sold out. So poorly organized and such a disappointment.

BOUQUET To Great Canadian Oil Change at Country Club Centre. Thanks for your honestly in letting me know my oil was clean and my car did not require an oil change.

BEEF To road construction and paving companies for substandard work, materials, and maintenance. Suddenly, in a few short years, our roads are literally falling apart everywhere we look. On the bright side, it’s great for glass businesses fixing all the windshields damaged by road debris.

BOUQUET To Cheryl and Kelly, owners of Spice of Life catering. They yet again generously prepared a delicious hot lunch for the students and staff at Seaview Elementary School.

BOUQUET To each and every one of the 42 volunteers who came to the Barsby Park cleanup. You all were absolutely amazing and you should be very proud of your hard work, as well as environmental and community spirit.

BOUQUET To my beautiful, understanding wife Gerrie for putting up with me for over 40 years. All my love.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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