Beef to all the entitled parents who drop off secondary school students in the middle of McGirr Road. This is not a drop-off zone; it is a road. There is a three-lane drop-off zone in the parking lot. It is not only dangerous, but selfish to think that all of the people on the road behind you have more time than you do, to wait for you.

Beefs & Bouquets, March 24

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET Big shout out to the RCMP who recovered my stolen wallet. So much gratitude for all your hard work.

BEEF To the tailgater. You quoted from the drivers’ handbook, with little thought to reality. The tailgater would be ticketed and ICBC would mostly blame them.

BOUQUET To the RDN Transit supervisor who delivered my cell phone to me. I was devastated because all my information is in that phone. I couldn’t phone until my husband came home and I felt very vulnerable. Fortunately we were still able to reach someone to report the loss. The supervisor told me she was finishing for the day and wanted to get the phone to me because I would worry all weekend. What a relief! A huge thank you.

BEEF To our nice neighbours. Your heat pump goes off and on with a bang all night, right next to our bedroom. We are exhausted and have to nap during the day. Heat pumps are to be serviced every two years. We do ours, please do the same.

BOUQUET To the other apartment dweller who pointed out my filthy habit of spitting while smoking; you’re right, no more. Please accept my apology.

BEEF When vaccine producers test and gain approval for their products, we should follow their recommendations. For B.C. to ignore injection schedule recommendations is wrong, and just plays into the paranoia of anti-vaxxers.

BOUQUET To my friend Betty. While isolating because of COVID she knitted tuques for all my wonderful ElderDog volunteers. That is 11 tuques keeping 11 people warm while walking my dog.

BEEF To the City of Nanaimo. Without individual taxpayers there is no business. Why haven’t homeowners’ taxes been frozen or reduced?

BOUQUET To Kiwanis leadership team for its hard work, for the accessibility of the COVID vaccine shot and the Chinese food we all received in the manor. Thank you.

BEEF For people with disabled permits: do not park in a disabled parking stall if the disabled person is not leaving the vehicle. I cannot unload my husband into his wheelchair because the stalls at certain places are used by vehicles whose occupants sit in them. Yes, you’re disabled. So is my husband. He can’t get out if we can’t park in a disabled stall.

BOUQUET I’ve come across so much kindness: the lovely woman who works in the deli at Fairway Market, the pharmacy tech at London Drugs Nanaimo North who spent extra time mixing a compound for me, and a knowledgeable sales person at Lululemon. Finally the workers in the drive-thru at Tim Hortons also in Nanaimo North who are always so competent, friendly and cheerful when I see them every day. What a great week it was thanks to these people.

BEEF OK, noisy trucks in drive-thrus. The vehicle in front and behind you can’t order because your vehicle is too loud. It’s not necessary for your truck to be that loud. Seriously, next time I’m going just start honking my horn when you try to order.

BOUQUET To our MP Paul Manly for his involvement in the Canada-U.K. trade deal discussions. His advocating for the unfreezing of British pensions being paid to Canadians is much appreciated. This unfair and unjust treatment of these expats has gone on far too long.

BEEF To the neighbour in Nanoose Bay who insists on playing his music so loud outside we can hear it in our home with all the windows closed. This is not only against the bylaws, but disrespectful to everyone around you. Put on some headphones. There are first responder shift workers sleeping, not to mention we shouldn’t be subjected to listening to this.

BOUQUET To the shoppers and delivery drivers at Country Club Save-On-Foods. Above-and-beyond excellent service every single time. I am so very grateful for you.

BEEF To the person putting out rat poison in the hospital area; you killed the last brown squirrel in this neighbourhood.

BOUQUET To Patti, Nori, Sandy at North Town London Drugs. Always willing to help with a smile; it is a pleasure to shop there.

BEEF To the lady who was so impatient in the grocery lineup that she could not wait until the cashier had finished processing my grocery order before putting her items up on the belt. The cashier asked her to please wait until I was finished. I asked her to step back; she began yapping that she was six feet away.

BOUQUET To builders who keep their job sites tidy. Cleaning and recycling building waste takes a little effort but makes a huge positive impression. It also makes the landscapers’ job much more pleasant. Beef to builders who leave food waste inside walls, used coffee cups blowing around outside, and building waste strewn about their sites. Poor management and unnecessary.

BEEF To the person thanking 911 for their response and professionalism. It must be nice to actually get a response when you need help. I work within one block of the police station and have situations far too often that require emergency assistance and they never come or respond.

BOUQUET To all the kind people at Kitties and Cream cat café. You bravely started up this wonderful idea in the middle of the pandemic. Thanks for supporting pet adoptions and local artisans. Your feline products are the best and your service is great.

BEEF To the people walking their dogs on Strathmore Street who don’t clean up after them.

BOUQUET To our next-door neighbours. They came over and shovelled our walkway, our stairs and our driveway for both days of the snowstorm. Fantastic people.

BEEF To those who are so weak they have to abuse innocent, trusting children and animals. Karma train is coming for you.

BOUQUET To our parents, Valerie and Al-star, Thank you for caring enough to help James and I to enjoy our home. We love you both very much.

BEEF To all the entitled parents who drop off secondary school students in the middle of McGirr Road. This is not a drop-off zone; it is a road. There is a three-lane drop-off zone in the parking lot. It is not only dangerous, but selfish to think that all of the people on the road behind you have more time than you do, to wait for you.

BOUQUET To Connor from Real Canadian Superstore. Thank you for helping me with my groceries. It was very kind of you to help find what I was looking for.

BOUQUET A heartfelt thank you to the paramedics, doctors and nurses from Nanaimo and Victoria who took such great care of me after I had a heart attack. Wonderful people who don’t get the recognition they deserve. I am forever grateful.

BEEF To the beefer about wood stoves, it’s a lot cheaper than an electric furnace that runs up bills into the hundreds. Until they ban wood stoves we will keep burning the wood to heat our houses.

BOUQUET To Clint from Ernie’s Blackpoint Repair for volunteering his time to repair our pipe after someone’s failed attempt at stealing our catalytic converter. Your kind gesture to a complete stranger has restored our faith in humanity.

BEEF To the ‘N’ driver of the black BMW. Your speeding and reckless lane-changing almost caused a crash as we entered the highway at Oliver Road. To the parents, ground the N driver. No respect. Take the licence away.

BOUQUET To Rob at Ajac’s Equipment, he went the extra mile to quickly fix my pole saw after I had bashed it against my orchard ladder. So knowledgeable and committed to finding solutions.

BEEF Not sure how to comment regarding the new jail. Nothing but the best for our finest citizens. They could most likely sell building sites off to the tax payers and make enough to pay for a new jail from the proceeds. You should do a story about Canada’s jails compared to most any country south of the U.S. border. They don’t get a lot of repeat offenders.

BOUQUET Thank you to the paramedics, doctors and nurses from Nanaimo and Victoria who took such great care of me after having a heart attack. Wonderful people who don’t get the recognition they deserve. I am forever grateful.

BEEF To law enforcement for handing out COVID fines. Are all the unsolved crimes solved now?

BOUQUET To parks and rec staff for trying to keep recreation facilities open safely during this pandemic.

BEEF To the white BMW sedan driver driving on Lantzville Road. Were you as scared as my wife and I when you cut the corner at the top of the hill and just missed the two of us walking? Way too close and way too fast.

BOUQUET I was going down Haliburton Street on my scooter when I had to move off the road for cars and the sidewalk was not plowed. I hit a snowbank and upset. Wonderful people stopped and helped me up. Thank you so much. I will pass it on. We need more people like you.

BEEF To the grey Ram dually racer who cut the curve in front of Departure Bay school during school hours at twice the speed limit sending me into the safety bollards to avoid hitting him. Scraped the entire side of my car. How does this guy still have a driver’s licence?

BOUQUET A heartfelt thank you to Karen at ACE Courier. Dispatching must be very stressful and yet she always takes the time to respond to my long-winded enquiries with professionalism and cordial helpfulness. I think a raise is in order.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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