Beefs & Bouquets, March 3

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To the paramedics and first responders who came to our house when my husband had a problem. You were professional, efficient and reassuring.

BEEF If you choose to use a debit card you know about the associated fees. Don’t blame businesses that don’t accept debit; carry cash for such times. This was your choice, don’t blame everyone else.

BOUQUET To students of Nanaimo District Secondary School for the wonderful production Shrek: The Musical. Your hard work and long house of practice were appreciated and enjoyed by all who attended.

BEEF To Nanaimo for its name-changing fetish. Places that have had the same name for what seems like forever now have names that we’re all expected to use.

BOUQUET For excellent customer service from Mat and Jordon at Brooks Landing Staples.

BEEF To employees of the decor store who bully other employees and set them up so they get fired or they quit. You have major issues and shouldn’t be working with the public.

BOUQUET To Shane, Brande and Jordan Terris for their time, commitment and dedication coaching the U15 Raiders field lacrosse team. What a season.

BEEF To the moss removal company that charged me $400 and only did half the job and left me with a mess as well.

BOUQUET To the Terminal Park Starbucks for removing the outdoor propane heaters.  With the threat of climate change ruining our civilized lives, it seems ridiculous to be heating the outdoors with propane. Thanks for doing the right thing.

BEEF To the sports team’s office and coaching staff for the terrible treatment of longtime billet families.

BOUQUET To the nurses in ICU (Deanne and Sarah) and on the sixth floor (Mark and Naomi) at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. Thank you for being so wonderful with my grandmother. Never have I met such kind, and compassionate folks such as yourself.

BEEF To the pharmacist for refusing to fill prescriptions as it was five minutes to closing. Drugs were needed as I just had eye surgery. You have lost a customer.

BOUQUET To Al and Cheryle at Deerwood Estates, what a wonderful place we live because of you. You are both so caring and dedicated.

BEEF To local grocery stores which still give out plastic bags. These bags will remain in our landfill for thousands of years and are  major polluters of land and sea.

BOUQUET To the grocery stores which do not hand out plastic bags.

BEEF To ICBC for allowing motorcycles to operate on ice and snow with no snow tires. Maybe they will enforce studs.

BOUQUET To the lady who stopped on Jingle Pot Road and gave a lift to two very tired old hikers, and a weary dog. Thank you for the ride back to our truck.

BEEF To people who constantly use killer whales instead of the correct term orca. Much the same for females who are not actors but actresses.

BOUQUET To Bastion Jewelers. They did a wonderful job restringing my mom’s pearls and always give amazing service.

BEEF To the B.C. government for TV propaganda ads. Not only do they sugar-coat content but overall it obviously smacks of the coming election.

BOUQUET To Donald Trump for having the courage to come out as someone opposed to political correctness, as are many other millions of Americans.

BEEF To the driver of the silver diesel truck who leaves his engine on while waiting for his kid even in warm weather. Please turn off your diesel since it’s poisonous to the kids, people and environment.

BOUQUET To the ambulance driver who used his siren only to move traffic. I wish you worked the night shift.

BEEF To those who call persons wearing an eye patch ‘pirates.’ My husband has a serious eye condition which necessitates wearing an eye patch and it is very offensive to him to be called a pirate.

BOUQUET To Benson View Veterinary Hospital. I’ve been your client forever and will continue to be. You truly care about your patients and go above and beyond the call of duty for me and my dogs.

BEEF To the woman in front of me at the grocery store who made the cashier feel horrible for working while being sick. She said she was packing her own groceries and told the cashier to back away from her. Did you expect this young lady to lose her job by refusing to come into work?

BOUQUET To North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre in Errington. Our family eagerly awaits your fundraiser and spring opening in March so we can say ‘hi’ to Knut the bear, birds and the turtle pond.

BEEF To the suspects who allegedly broke into two businesses just to get into the optical store. It must have taken their combined mind efforts to take on this dangerous task.

BOUQUET To the men who changed my damaged front tire to the emergency spare at the swap meet. Also thanks to the couple who offered to follow us home.

BEEF To Mother Nature for this horrific weather we’ve been having.

BOUQUET To the 311 nurse, the ambulance dispatcher, two great girls on the ambulance trip, many caring nurses and doctors in Nanaimo emergency and then the ambulance to Jubilee Hospital in Victoria. We are so fortunate to have all of them.

BEEF To Internet trolls. Legitimate complaints are welcome, but making snide remarks, just for the sake of making them, are not. Take your negativity elsewhere.

BOUQUET To all Nanaimo’s sports teams that are doing so well now, at playoff time.

BEEF To the weather. No human being in his right mind would bike to work in a week-long torrential downpour. Also to anyone who made me feel more ornery than I already was today.

BEEF To the house construction workers who park large vehicles and machines on both sides of the narrow road. It is a challenge to thread one’s way through.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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