Beef to the plow driver who completely soaked me in dirty slush at the bus stop at Fifth and Hillcrest. I could tell you were driving quite fast so I tried to back up as far as the snowbank would allow but you did not slow down. I am 68 and had to pick up a prescription and had no choice but to continue on soaking wet.

Beefs & Bouquets, March 3

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET To the kind doctor driving a white Toyota SUV at NRGH who took the time to help push my car out of the snow/ice in the parking lot. It was greatly appreciated after a long 12-hour shift.

BEEF To the Nanaimo city bylaw and people who complain about cats. I would rather pick up cat feces in my garden than rodent droppings in my house.

BOUQUET Thanks to Terry for the Valentine present of clearing the sidewalks in our neighbourhood. The work performed by you and your quad is very much appreciated.

BEEF To people who pick up their dog’s droppings and then leave the tied-up baggie on the side of the path. Don’t bother picking it up at all at that point, especially if you aren’t even using a biodegradable bag.

BOUQUET To Darren for a surprise driveway snow clearance on Strathmore Street when it was needed most. Darren had no idea that one of my legs is in a cast because of an ankle injury and usual snow clearance was impossible. Thank you so much, neighbour.

BEEF To law enforcement in Nanaimo. They’d rather kick the unfortunate while they are down than bother to do anything about the dangerous driving in town. The rise in reckless driving shows just how much the people know what they can get away with.

BOUQUET Thank you to my neighbour in Ladysmith for removing the snow from my driveway with his snow blower. I have a herniated disc and the foot of snow we got would have further aggravated my back.

BEEF To NRGH COVID screening. Please be aware that some people in our community have hidden disabilities and might need to be escorted to their appointment. Don’t judge that person because to you they look able-bodied. Be kind and patient. Thanks for keeping people COVID-safe.

BOUQUET Shout-out to Blue Flame Nanaimo. We encountered some complications with the procedures involved with our heat pump. They were gracious and generous in handling the situation.

BEEF To those who create roadside memorials for lost loved ones. I empathize with you and am not insensitive to your grief however, please think of others who didn’t know your loved one. I am constantly reminded of sadness and death as I go about my day driving by these memorials. This is what cemeteries are for, so you can go and remember those you’ve lost on your terms.

BOUQUET A thousand thank yous to Windley Contractors for clearing the snow at the top of our driveway that connects to the road. What takes me an hour of shovelling took two minutes for the driver to do.

BEEF To all the companies using COVID as an excuse to contract out the regular workforce under the guise of financial hardship.

BOUQUET To a wonderful person who made my dog’s day. As we walked by her home, she was holding a bag of dog treats and asked me if Lucy could have one. The lady offered two more for the rest of the walk. As we took those treats and headed out, she said that we might need more and gave me the whole bag. Happy dog. A spur-of-the-moment sign of the kindness of a stranger.

BEEF To the beefer beefing about tailgating and trying to quote the rules of the road and the two-second rule. In that same driving book you will also see that the left lane is for passing and you are supposed to pass and then move over and travel in the right lane.

BOUQUET To the person that turned in the $40 that dropped out of my pocket at Thrifty’s at Longwood Station. There’s some nice honest people out there. So thinking about it, I decided to donate it to Loaves and Fishes in respect to your honesty.

BEEF To the apartment smoker who consistently spits off his patio every time he comes out to smoke. Seriously? If you don’t have any respect for yourself, at least have some respect for those around you. Not only is it disgusting to listen to, it’s also potentially spreading germs into the air, to your neighbours that might be trying to enjoy peace and fresh air while outdoors on their patios. Be way cooler if you didn’t.

BOUQUET To Dave, assistant manager at the Real Canadian Superstore. I asked if door hooks could be installed in the ladies’ washroom, and a short time later, I was shopping there again and I noticed the hooks had been installed. Now we don’t have to put our jackets or purses on the floor. Thanks for the great customer service.

BEEF Stricter border controls for travellers are beginning just about a year too late.

BOUQUET To Adrienne at Terminal Park Dental. Thank you for your patience and knowledge concerning the difficulties of fitting a mouthguard. The bite tabs are fabulous.

BEEF To a local chapter of a worldwide organization that is supposed to be empowering. My daughter requested a letter so she could apply for a substantial scholarship. You sloughed her off then ignored her, despite her many requests. Thirty out of 40 applicants get this scholarship, all she needed was a few minutes of your time.

BOUQUET To NRGH. I went in for a colonoscopy and people there were professional and kind. It was appreciated. I would trust you with my life.

BEEF To my local MLA and MP. You’re not working for me in any way, shape or form.

BOUQUET Thanks to Hunter and Tucker for catching Harley on the trails to Nanaimo Lakes.

BEEF Why would they change the colour code for garbage pickup?

BOUQUET To Jared and Gary at Home Hardware and Theresa and the management of Johnston Wholesale. A huge thank you for your work getting the Altrusa Club quotes and products for our Bus to Park project. Five hundred packages are now being dispersed in our community. Tremendous kudos for your community spirit.

BEEF To the lady who watches an exercise program in her carport several times a week at top volume. This is a residential neighbourhood, not a gym. Your neighbours do not appreciate the noise level.

BOUQUET To our wonderful, thoughtful neighbours on Invermere Road for clearing our driveway during a snowfall. We are seniors on Groveland Drive. We don’t know their names, but wish them the best in life. Thank you.

BOUQUET To Caroline at Country Grocer for working behind the till almost every day and always being nice to me. Outstanding. Thank you.

BEEF To the socialists who once again failed to take down former president Trump. When will your madness end?

BOUQUET To city crews who worked hard to deal with our recent snowfall. Thank you for your good work.

BEEF To invasive cashiers who comment on customers’ purchases. Whether or not they’re a regular patron, your speculation isn’t friendly – it feels intrusive. Word of mouth is powerful so beware of discouraging local customers from returning.

BOUQUET Thanks to Rob who so kindly took a shovel from the back of his truck and helped me, a senior, clear the driveway of snow. He cheered my day and made me smile.

BEEF To the man who abducted that poor kitty, you should be ashamed of yourself. You sir should be held accountable for what you did. You should be charged with cruelty and endangering an animal. You have no morals. I hope SPCA slaps a huge charge against you and may karma come after you.

BOUQUET Thank you to Courtney and her little boy on the tricycle at Buttertubs Marsh. She helped me up when I tripped over a stone while walking. Bless you!

BEEF To Wellington Secondary School and other schools that did not clear the snow from their sidewalks and school grounds. I saw too many people falling as a result. You have budgets and policy for this.

BOUQUET To the tall gentleman who bought my groceries for me at the Bowen Road Country Grocer, I was having bank account issues and he walked past with his son as I was explaining myself to the cashier. I have no idea who he is, only that he drove away in a big black truck with a large white logo on the side. The cashier let me know what had happened. A huge thank you, you do not know how much this helped me.

BEEF Why can’t the city clean up the stairs from Cameron Road to the mall? I attempt to walk these stairs twice daily. Most days I encounter people doing drugs, sleeping or passed out. The stairs are a mess.

BOUQUET Instead of reading both beefs and bouquets, I only read the bouquets one week. What a lovely gift I gave myself. The words written were about connection, patience, kindness, service, generosity, compassion, to name just a few. I felt great after reading.

BEEF To the plow driver who completely soaked me in dirty slush at the bus stop at Fifth and Hillcrest. I could tell you were driving quite fast so I tried to back up as far as the snowbank would allow but you did not slow down. I am 68 and had to pick up a prescription and had no choice but to continue on soaking wet.

BOUQUET To all the beautiful people in my community of Nanoose. Your kindness is beautiful, Lorraine, Jane, Doreen, Monika, Brenda, Bob and Darla and Jacob and all three neighbours. And bouquets to Quality Foods cashiers.

BEEF To the lady who stole my daughter’s purse while she was working a few feet away. How dare you! Not only all her ID but all her precious mementos. You crushed her world and her faith in people for a long time to come. You are the lowest.

BOUQUET To Daryl, manager at London Drugs North Town Centre. You deserve a raise for all the compassion and care you always show, looking after customers’ problems.

BEEF How is it, Mr. Trudeau, that we fell to 53rd in the world in vaccine rollout? Enquiring minds want to know.

BOUQUET To our landlords. You are truly the best, not having us pay for our last month’s rent to help us out with our move.

BEEF To the politicians gushing over the population increase in Nanaimo. Same old hospital, same old roads full of potholes, same old people running things.

BOUQUET I’m a senior and shopped for groceries and as I got to the checkout, discovered I had no wallet and asked the clerk to set it aside. When I returned to pay, she said a gentleman ahead of me had paid. Many thanks to that gentleman. Very generous of him.

BEEF Why would anyone want to work in the kitchen work industry if no one values honesty but they’d go on defending predators?

BOUQUET To Mel at Real Canadian Superstore’s lotto booth. Your honesty and patience was very appreciated, showing my husband he had missed $5 on his ticket and taking the time explaining it all to him.

BEEF To the beefer stating that mask costs should be subsidized by public health and government. Just where do you think that they would get the money to do this? You as a taxpayer is who.

BOUQUET Thank you to person in the black truck at Starbucks Country Club for being so kind and paying for our order. I spent the remainder of the day telling everyone how you made my day. I will pay this surprise forward.

BEEF To whoever was driving their Lamborghini in the recent snowstorm. Way to flaunt your wealth in a pandemic while people are losing their jobs and homes. So you’ve got a nice car. That don’t impress me much.

BOUQUET To the lady who picks up other people’s garbage at Bowen Park.

BEEF As a long-standing loyal customer I am really bugged by the lack of insurance coverage for cars parked in a large local automobile dealership’s parking lot while awaiting service. I was responsible for the damages incurred.

BOUQUET I would like to thank Andrew at Sleep Country for helping my 80-year-old mom find the right mattress and bed. It’s difficult for me to help her from out of province. My mom and I appreciated his expertise, help and patience in this matter.

BEEF To the cyclist on the waterfront walkway for telling me to get off the bike path. One day you will get old, maybe one day you will be in a wheelchair.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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