Beef to the lady ranting about her rights and refusing to wear a mask at the garden centre. Beefs also to the young man 10 minutes later also refusing and arguing with the kind staff. Stop being so entitled and disrespectful.

Beefs & Bouquets, March 31

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET To Kristi at Kiyo Salon. Thank you for going above and beyond for me. You stayed overtime with me instead of going home to your slippers. Thank you for making me beautiful. You truly are amazing.

BEEF To the municipal councillor whose bullying and oversized sense of self-importance displayed at council meetings is harming and humiliating our small community.

BOUQUET To my wonderful teacher Miss C. You are also my BFF, my mentor, my best teacher in the world. Be safe.

BEEF To the food truck. As I sat waiting in the parking lot for my curbside pickup I observed several customers being served by a young woman with no mask on. She was cooking, preparing, and serving food. No wonder our COVID numbers continue at high levels. Please show more respect for your customers.

BOUQUET To the 88-year-old man. Google massage places in Nanaimo and good luck.

BEEF To health officials. Other provinces allow people to book COVID vaccine appointments online. Here you have to repeatedly dial the phone number for hours. Alberta is going to start vaccinating everyone 50 and up. Here, we’re still working on the 80-90-year-olds. And why not drive-thru vaccinations and allow pharmacies to book appointments? We are moving at a snail’s pace while more people get sick and die.

BOUQUET Regarding the person who shovelled their own walk during the snowy weather, then went on to very considerately shovel neighbouring homes’ walkways. I’ve come to learn that when we have expectations we often get let down. When we do something nice and let go of expectation and outcomes, we find gratitude and happiness more often. Gratitude can come back to us in ways we never expected.

BEEF To the Qualicum Beach councillor. I lived there for 20 years and you were always complaining. Still, I see.

BOUQUET To our favourite pharmacist, Russell B., who slipped away to enjoy a well-earned retirement. He was a well-loved fixture at Central Drugs in Lantzville for many years. Russell was the next best thing to seeing the doctor, never steered you wrong and always gave you good advice. Always with a smile and a joke. I always left feeling better than when I came in.

BEEF To the hen house in Cassidy. You do not need the roosters. Their crowing is excruciating. You’re a bad neighbour.

BOUQUET My name was recently drawn for a bouquet from Turley’s Florist. What a pleasant surprise I had waiting for me. A week later, a beautiful and bountiful bouquet of the freshest flowers still looked as good as the day I picked them up. Thank you Turley’s ladies. I’ll be sure and spread the word.

BEEF To drivers with obstructed rear licence plates and double beef to the police who do not pull them over and issue tickets. Having a visible and readable licence plate on the front and back are required under the Motor Vehicle Act.

BOUQUET To all staff at Avenir Memory and Complex Care, from administration to cleaners to kitchen staff to nurses to care aides to rec staff. Every single one of you contributed with kindness, humour, creativity, and flexibility, to creating an environment as-close-to-home as possible for my father in his final days. We will always be grateful.

BEEF To the person who blamed and made accusations regarding child-rearing inadequacies towards the parents of a young driver who allegedly was playing video games at a stop light. Shame on you.

BOUQUET To the dad who comes to the early swim with his baby and then watches two older kids play soccer and football and then takes the older kids for a late afternoon swim. We love seeing him with his kids. Very inspiring.

BEEF To the entitled dog owner in the store, guess what? Some people don’t like dogs for many reasons, we shouldn’t have to put up with your ‘fur baby’ in places dogs just shouldn’t be. Not everything revolves around you and your dog. Also beef to the stores that allow non-service dogs in the store.

BOUQUET To officer Les who dealt with our recent trespass, doorbell ringing and using private driveway as a racetrack issues, at all hours of the night, in north Nanaimo. Thanks to your quick response there has been no more problems now for over a month. Your professional handling of the situation has allowed us and our neighbours to sleep more easily.

BEEF To some dog owners in the Linley Valley area who don’t pick up their dogs’ poop. There are free poop bags available near the park. If you can’t be a responsible dog owner then you should not own a dog.

BOUQUET To all the nurses and staff on the fifth floor of the hospital. My family is very grateful to all of you for the kindness and wonderful care you have provided for our dad.

BEEF To the health authority for their poor COVID-19 vaccination appointment call centre. I have made 23 unsuccessful calls so far but can’t get through. All I get is the recording telling me to hang up because they have an unusually high volume of calls.

BOUQUET To Bob, a patient in the hospital sharing a room with my dad. My family is so very grateful for the friendship you have formed with our dad. As we are unable to visit at this time, the peace of mind we have knowing he has you to keep him company has us all feeling grateful beyond words. We wish you a speedy recovery.

BEEF Shame on you for shovelling your snow on the road after the snow plow goes by just because you planted shrubs along your driveway and are too lazy to lift up your shovel.

BOUQUET To the wonderful young man who accidentally hit my parked car. You called ICBC and told them you were totally at fault. You are a very honest person and are appreciated. The car is now completely repaired. Thanks!

BEEF To people complaining about drivers honking and swerving by them. Horns are there to make you aware. People who drive in a bubble, not paying any attention to all the drivers around them are unsafe and hazardous to all. Just because you’re driving slow does not mean you are driving safe.

BOUQUET To the artist leaving the rocks painted with beautiful mandalas along the trail. Thank you for sharing your lovely art.

BEEF To beefers who complain about others walking or running at Westwood or staff and customers in stores not wearing masks. We are not responsible for your neurosis. If you are so afraid, stay home.

BOUQUET To teen boys. Not enough credit is given to this group of kids. Thank you for making our granddaughter so happy (and us) when you gave us the stuffies you won at the claw machine at Woodgrove Centre. That really was just the nicest act of kindness and your families should be so proud of the great kids they raised.

BEEF To the person who claims that a wood stove is as polluting as 18 diesel cars. Enjoy your clean-burning natural gas heat that used 100,000 litres of diesel and five million litres of water to get to your door.

BOUQUET To Liane M. for not only being an absolutely amazing mother but the best nan a boy could ask for. You do so much for your family. You deserve a million thanks. We love you.

BEEF To the beefer who called former president Trump “disgraceful.” What have you achieved? You are obviously an anodyne mainstream media propaganda consumer. Do some primary research: See the platforms, speeches and events on both sides for yourself if you can pry open your mind. Trump has far too many accomplishments to mention here.

BOUQUET To the staff at medical imaging nuclear medicine at NRGH for their kindness and professionalism when I had my two-day testing.

BEEF To my co-worker for playing the Eagles during our country music Fridays at work. Since when were they a country band?

BOUQUET To the local grocery stores that offer Vancouver Island products, especially Country Grocer which has Island meat and chicken available. Kudos to our farmers markets also.

BEEF To my drug store which won’t allow me to enter to pick up my routine prescriptions now and makes me sit outside and to my specialist who cancelled my appointment. Both deny me access to crucial medical care because my medical condition precludes me from wearing a mask. This is discrimination based on my medical disability. I am filing human rights complaints against you both.

BOUQUET To the people who found my wallet on Akenhead Road; it had all my cash, ID, and my receipt for a very expensive e-bike I just bought, so I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to take it to the RCMP. I was so amazed to find all my money still in it. You’re awesome and loads of good karma you can expect. Thanks.

BEEF To the farm in Greater Victoria. Boo hoo, you have no temporary foreign workers to pick. You are the capital of B.C., hire students or anybody else.

BOUQUET Enjoy your Beefs & Bouquets feature; wish we had it in the weekly paper where we live.

BEEF To the person who took the huge box of organic rosemary branches I left in my yard on Boundary Avenue for my neighbours to enjoy. There were enough there for 20 people, yet you took the whole box. That is nothing but pure greed. Between the magical properties of rosemary and the effects of karma, I’d be careful.

BOUQUET To Helen C. for all the gardening articles. What works best to keep all rodents away from any dwelling is ammonia poured around all outside dwellings; repeat after the rain. It works.

BEEF To all the tree huggers who helped dismantle forestry in B.C. A look of total disdain to the same who do nothing while watching our logs and jobs being transported out of B.C.

BOUQUET To Ralph and all the staff past and present at Mid Island Towing. I must thank you for your ongoing excellent service. You have been my rock since the old foundry days always answering the phone to help.

BEEF To the dog owners who feel its necessary to take them everywhere. Not all humans are dog people.

BOUQUET Thank you to Bev at Save-On-Foods and her online team for the fantastic job they do with a friendly smile and greeting when we pick up our groceries. It makes our day brighter during these trying times.

BEEF To the customer shopping at my favourite craft store who decided to take out their own anger and childhood issues on an unsuspecting cashier. Shame on you for your ego. I can only hope that the manager will do better to protect staff from customers going on such tirades in the future.

BOUQUET Thank you to Chrissy and Marci at Mark’s. You both are always so willing to help. And pay special attention to all your customers. Thank you both for great customer service.

BEEF To those who are worked up over daylight savings. The world fought world wars and suffered immeasurable loss. Grow some shoulders.

BOUQUET To the family at parent and tot skating at Beban. It was our girl’s first trip on the ice, and your suggestions and sharing of your glider made it so successful. She is confident and can’t wait to go back – and she had a ton of fun. Thank you for your kindness.

BEEF To the well-to-do lady ranting about her rights and refusing to wear a mask at the garden centre. Beefs also to the young man 10 minutes later also refusing and arguing with the kind staff. Stop being so entitled and disrespectful. Even my children were horrified with your behaviour.

BOUQUET To Dave S. and his team at Harbourview VW who got a stranded senior couple from the Comox Valley back on the road after an unexpected breakdown. We are so grateful – thank you.

BEEF To the young man who drives the red Nissan, do your neighbours a favour and get a legal muffler installed. And to the Nanaimo RCMP and bylaws office, pay attention to those causing problems in the neighbourhood.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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