Beefs & Bouquets, May 10

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BOUQUETS OF YUMMY BIRTHDAY CAKES to Save-On-Foods in Terminal Park for the delicious cakes to celebrate Paradise Isle Seniors Society members’ birthdays. Everyone really enjoys the thoughtfulness.

A bouquet of roses for the wonderful parent-volunteers who recognize the value of a safe night for our graduating students. Dry grad saves lives so please donate or volunteer to help preserve this amazing event for future grads.

A THANKFUL BOUQUET of daffodils to the man at the dog park on Labieux Road for helping me boost my car battery. You brought your car all the way around from the opposite side of Beban Park. Thank you so much for being kind and helping me. I went straight to a shop and got a new battery.

A big bouquet to Rustin Abdurahman and everyone at Nanoose Bay Dental Clinic for hosting the second annual Feat for Food event. It raised $1,600 plus a truck full of food for the Nanoose Bay Community Cupboard.

A HUGE BOUQUET to the lovely man who, in memory of a loved one, paid for our party purchases at the Dollarama in Terminal Park shopping centre.

A bouquet of radar guns to Nanaimo RCMP traffic services for having a presence in the city’s school zones. People really need to slow down in these areas or someone is going to get hurt. Keep up the good work.

A huge bouquet to the manager at Great Canadian Oil Change. Your help and generosity was not unnoticed. Good service and amazing public relations goes a long way.


Bouquets of Gratitude to Southgate Country Grocer for its generousity to the community and its great prices. Because of you, members of Paradise Isle Seniors Society can afford to have delicious lunches.

A HUGE BOUQUET to the staff of Seaview Elementary School for the extra volunteering they have done over the years. Our children thank you.

A BOUNTIFUL BOUQUET to all the staff at the Save-On-Foods at Country Club Centre who came to my rescue when I suddenly took ill at the register. Also, a special thank you to the gentleman in the blue sweater who came to my side full of reassurance.

A bouquet of sunflowers to the community of Nanaimo for providing me with unbelievable support to go on my internship in the refugee camp in Malawi, Africa. A special thanks to St. Philip’s Church external relations committee and ladies group, the Zonta Club of Nanaimo and Jenn McGarrigle. The donations and support I received were overwhelming and I am so thankful. I’m proud to be representing our city and country during my time in Malawi.

A BOUQUET to my neighbour Betty. Your kindness during our ordeal will not be forgotten. May karma smile on you for what you have done for us.

A Thirst-Quenching Bouquet to the great staff and management at the Well Pub Liquor Store. Cheers.

A belated bouquet to the two ladies at the recent Samaritan House Sweets for the Streets fundraiser. You kindly did not put further bids on a gift basket I wanted at the silent auction when you found out how badly I wanted the item. Thanks to you, my daughter and I are enjoying a basketful of Lush-urious treats we would not have been able to afford otherwise.

A flood of bouquets to Gord and his crew from Belfor Restorations. We are so pleased they turned our soaking-wet dining room back to good-as-new condition.  We will highly recommend them.

A big Bouquet of daffodils to the 7-Eleven at Departure Bay Beach. Thanks for letting the 2422 army cadets run a car wash in the lot to raise money for their Relay for Life team.

ENORMOUS BOUQUETS, yet again, to the amazing Nanaimo River Hatchery workers Crystal, Diana and Katie. Your spring field trip complemented the fall one to perfection. The children were engaged and they found the content hugely enriching. Thanks from the Grade 1 students at Seaview Elementary School.

The biggest Bouquet you could imagine to Jill Adshead. You made the courtyard to our school beautiful, you donate so much of your time to wonderful charities and you always put yourself out there for everyone you know. You are appreciated.

A huge bundle of thanks to the couple who took time out of their day to clean up the litter on Emma Way May 6. My utter disgust, when I initially ran by, changed to complete appreciation as I saw you both heading to clean it up. The world needs more people like you two. A bucket of litter to whoever the garbage initially belonged to.

A rotting, rancid beef to the people who continue to smash the windows and spray paint the walls of an elementary school in the south end. Grow up and consider the young children who could get seriously hurt from the broken glass. A bouquet to the school district workers who are at the school and fix the windows so quickly and efficiently.

A beef to the people on the Nanaimo Swap and Shops online sites who make plans to buy something and then don’t show up as arranged. It wastes time and effort (and sometimes fuel), and prevents those who are truly interested from getting the item when they want it. If you aren’t interested in buying, don’t comment on the item. Plain and simple.

A big ripoff beef to the grocery chain. It appears none of the cashiers know how to tell the difference between nugget potatoes and regular ones, so they charge the (higher) nugget price. It can be a big difference. Tomatoes fall into this trap as well. Check your receipts people, lets put an end to this blatant ripoff. Catch it and speak up to the cashier.

Shame on whoever cancelled the scholarship presentation evening at the Port Theatre this year. Surely a location could have been found for a daytime ceremony so the deserving students could have enjoyed a moment of recognition.

A HUGE SIDE OF BEEF to the person beefing about the person who told you to put your dogs in the other seat. Are you kidding me? Who is holding your steering wheel or operating your turn signals? Dog carriers are made for a reason – to keep people safe. I sure don’t want to be on the road while you drive around with your hands full of dogs. Please let me know when you are driving so I can let my family and friends know to stay off the road. Or better yet, give your dogs to a responsible owner, they don’t deserve your stupidity.

A poopy beef to those people who neglect to scoop the poop of their more intelligent partners between Oliver and Rutherford roads on Uplands Drive.

A SMOKE-STENCHED BEEF to the city. What’s the point of having a ‘smoking not permitted’ notice at the Diana Krall Plaza if it’s not enforced? The notice is a joke. No one knows how to read.

A BEEF to the deer that have devoured all the gardens in the north Nanaimo neighbouhoods.

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