Beef to a so-called friend who decided that stealing my bags of towels and jeans from the laundromat would just pass me by. Wearing them daily and stating ‘don’t you remember, you gave them to me?’ (The News Bulletin)

Beef to a so-called friend who decided that stealing my bags of towels and jeans from the laundromat would just pass me by. Wearing them daily and stating ‘don’t you remember, you gave them to me?’ (The News Bulletin)

Beefs & Bouquets, May 11

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET to the talented Vancouver Island Symphony. The Symphony Sound Bites event was most enjoyable.

BEEF To our city council for wasting almost $900,000 on the failed multiplex. This money would have been better put to use in a new transit exchange in the downtown area.

BOUQUET Five years after running away from construction chaos my little cat Bella was returned to me. Grateful to Cat Nap, Island Veterinary Hospital and the SPCA. Her tattoo was the info trail.

BEEF To the person who has taken the gravestone of my cat. It was in the forest at 855 Howard Ave. Please return it or I will cry.

BOUQUET Love progress, hate change. Don’t spend much time on my computer but thank you YouTube for product info and instructions for missing manuals.

BEEF To a so-called friend who decided that stealing my bags of towels and jeans from the laundromat would just pass me by. Wearing them daily and stating ‘don’t you remember, you gave them to me?’

BOUQUET To the man and young men who helped me when I fainted outside PetSmart.

BEEF To the city for not keeping bus shelter areas clean enough; garbage cans are often full. It was also a bad decision to remove some containers too – more litter on the ground now.

BOUQUET To Jason at London Drugs north for a great help with Apple computer.

BEEF To smokers who throw their cigarette butts or the plastic tips from cigarillos on the ground. These are not biodegradable, just really nasty litter. Please take care of our environment – we only have one.

BOUQUET To the Nanaimo Curling Centre volunteers for hosting a very successful under-18 provincial championship.

BEEF To owners of loud dirt bikes, quads and other vehicles, who race by the Chase River school on Extension Road or down the unused railroad tracks late at night. Noise like you create is a serious pollutant.

BOUQUET To the staff of Kiwanis Lodge and Kiwanis House who put on a very informative and positive exhibition in March with collaboration of the health and wellness committee.

BEEF To the city for constantly spending money to study every change or development that is being considered. I thought the mayor and city council get paid to make decisions, not study everything and then ask the taxpayers to decide.

BOUQUET To all of the awesome staff at NRGH for the kindness and compassion they portrayed from the time we checked in until the time my hubby was released after surgery.

BEEF To the management of the restaurant for being rude and angry when we sent back very tough spareribs. Not a restaurant we will return to.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

Nanaimo News Bulletin