Beef to the ‘senior’ 30-plus taggers. You are too old to be doing these juvenile antics.

Beefs & Bouquets, May 12

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BOUQUET To Canadian Tire. Their ad shows fabulous bargains but no mention of their best deal: spring car tune-ups. I just did our car; the cost was about half what I had been paying a dealership. Give Nigel a call; he will book one of his top mechanics.

BEEF Why are there liquor stores accepting empty bottles and cans when the supermarkets continue to charge customers a recycling fee but refuse to take empties. Where’s the environmental example?

BOUQUET To all the staff and groomers at Happy Hound. Always cheerful and friendly and they do an exceptional job with my older dog that loves to go there.

BEEF To the complete waste of money on the downtown bike lanes which are not needed. Spend the money on important issues.

BOUQUET To Frank and Joe who always look out for each other no matter what.

BEEF To the persons responsible for the fire that burned down a house owned by a senior and disabled son. Everything is lost. How convenient that it is now uninhabitable, just as some had wished for. Karma will get you.

BOUQUET Dropped by Mid Island Auto Collision for an estimate. Within an hour, they repaired my car and sent me on my way. With their kindness and great service, I would definitely use them again.

BEEF To the local automotive service business that mailed out an oil change promotion on a laminated card. This is non-recyclable and will end up in our landfill. I will not give your business my patronage. Please advise your marketing firm to eliminate lamination.

BOUQUET To Ismat S. at Save-On-Foods at Brooks Landing. Thank you for going above and beyond for me when I was doing some price matching. It was very much appreciated. A very friendly and helpful cashier.

BEEF To the beefer complaining about cyclists on the wrong path along the Harbourfront Walkway. Every time I ride my bike down there, I have to weave around pedestrians on the cycling path. It goes both ways. If pedestrians want respect they need to earn it too.

BOUQUET To Bonnie at Dog N Suds for going above and beyond with our girl. You even came back to be with her after you were off work to make sure she was OK. Thank you.

BEEF To the city councillor for using the term “old white men” at a city council meeting when describing who developed council governing procedure. Skin colour should never be a criteria. Shame on you.

BOUQUET To the wonderful stores that allow me to bring my pup in. She has separation anxiety and can’t be left alone and this allows me to spend money locally instead of on Amazon. You’re also helping pups from being left in cars on hot days.

BEEF The government has has put out a order about limiting travel between health zones. Last fall, B.C. invited all the snowbirds that could not go south to come to B.C. and we have a lot of them on Vancouver Island. The government now should order all of them back to their home provinces; we sure do not need them here on Vancouver Island.

BOUQUET To the hard workers at OK Tire. They cheerfully and quickly repaired my tire, then refused payment, wishing me well and hoped that I might think of them for future needs. Yes, I will, and will also tell others. Excellent customer service.

BEEF To the woman complaining about the RCMP spending so much time on Oliver Road. Does she not realize that there’s an RCMP substation at Oliver Woods Community Centre? Other than using Oliver Road, how else would they get to that substation?

BOUQUET To our city council for taking a stand for old-growth forest. These ancient trees are irreplaceable and have survived for hundreds of years. Cutting them down provides only jobs for the short term. Eventually, when they are gone, the workers must find new jobs anyhow. So find new jobs now and save these ancient, unique trees and let future generations enjoy them too.

BEEF To a company that allows food waste to be tossed into a garbage and takes zero accountability.

BOUQUET To the woman ahead of me at A&W drive-thru. I was very surprised and pleased to have been told that you paid for my Teen Burger. Thank you very much.

BEEF To the awful neighbours. Please stop leaving your dog feces across the street from your house where cars try to park and people walk. I can only imagine how rude you are to your co-tenants if you have that much disrespect for your neighbourhood. Pick up your dog droppings in or out of your yard.

BOUQUET To the people at Beban Park for our COVID-19 vaccine shots. It was so well done; no waiting. I was concerned before as to how it would go. I was really impressed. Thank you to all.

BEEF To Nanaimo mayor and council. Why consistently endorse development when trying to push a ‘green’ agenda? Our green space is quickly disappearing.

BOUQUET To the gentleman picking up trash along Rutherford Road while walking his dog. You have inspired me to do the same.

BEEF To the School District 68 trustees who voted against the mask rules. COVID-19 is unfortunately still here.

BOUQUET To RCMP and bylaw officers for trying their best to keep our community safe.

BEEF To all health and government leaders for their monumental mismanagement of the pandemic protocols and the vaccine rollout. If this were truly a pandemic, the vaccine should be given to anybody at any time, no questions asked. Our leaders have proven to be woefully incompetent by becoming dependent on other nations and not having the vaccine manufactured here in order to take care of our own citizens.

BOUQUET To all the front-line workers. Your day-to-day efforts are very much appreciated.

BEEF To the miserable flagger. You’re rude for no reason and make driving through the construction even more irritating. Perhaps another job would better suit you.

BOUQUET To Shawn and his men with Junk in Our Trunk Moving Co. After moving a 4,000-square-foot house into storage, at 6:30 p.m. they started our house and quickly and efficiently finished all of it. We are so grateful.

BOUQUET To the staff at the big box store for dealing with the public. But huge beef to the floor signs there that are so backwards that it’s impossible to go the correct way without having to turn around 10 times. Can’t you just use the normal ‘stick to the right side of the aisle’ rule?

BEEF To the ‘senior’ 30-plus taggers. You are too old to be doing these juvenile antics.

BOUQUET To Marty at Gulfview Computers. We can’t thank you enough for all your help getting us a new computer at a very reasonable cost. This is the second time you got us out of a computer jam. We are forever grateful.

BEEF I went to a dealership’s service department to ask for help with my air conditioning and was told a diagnostic procedure would cost $350. When I got home I googled my problem and came up with a simple fix: $12.59 worth of relay fuse. It took less than two minutes to do. When I returned to the dealership, the service manager said that it could have been a different problem and they might not have charged me so much if they had found the same problem. I think the dealership just doesn’t take women seriously, an attitude I thought was long gone.

BOUQUET Thanks to nurse Shawn who was at Beban auditorium issuing COVID-19 vaccinations. I told her I was a trypanophobic and she was so understanding. I was in tears and she said she was going to rub my shoulder. Before I knew it, it was done. If it wasn’t COVID times, I would have hugged her.

BEEF To the vindictive neighbour making a false report to the BCSPCA. Shame on you for wasting our valuable resource for your vengeful endeavour. I hope there are consequences for you.

BOUQUET To Cheryle. I want to thank you for helping me at the Staples north parking lot around Christmas. You were an angel in the darkness who stopped to see if I was all right. It turns out I did have a heart problem but I wanted to let you know I am OK. Thank you for being so caring.

BEEF To the anti-mask demonstrators proudly advertising their ignorance on the roadside. I hope you proudly advertise you’re an anti-masker if you’re admitted to the hospital, sick with COVID-19, so you can see firsthand the devastation this disease has caused and the heroes in our health-care system who tirelessly risk everything to care for people like you.

BOUQUET To all the staff at Costco who are essential workers. They do such a great job dealing with the public. Beef to members of the public who are rude to staff.

BEEF To the beefer complaining that their community pharmacy wasn’t offering the COVID vaccine. Where the vaccine was deployed was a decision made by the Ministry of Health, which made a conscious choice to leave some community pharmacies out of the rollout. We were all willing and able to participate but never given the opportunity. This despite the fact that many people have observed that safety protocols are better in community pharmacies than large stores.

BOUQUET Thanks to all for submitting their bouquets, a much-needed happiness fix.

BEEF To the councillor calling $700,000 spent on homelessness an “investment.” I believe an investment generally gets a return not increased costs.

BOUQUET To whoever turned my phone/wallet in at Thrifty Foods in the north end. My infant son threw it out of my cart and you saved the day.

BEEF To the vehicles with licence plates from Alberta and Saskatchewan I encountered on a rainy night. Your impatient driving behaviour was very noticeable among the thoughtful and courteous drivers around you.

BOUQUET To my wife who checked a prone man on the E&N trail to see if he needed help. He said he was OK and accepted her offer to bring him a cup of coffee. When she returned with coffee and a sandwich, he was waiting for her with a mask on. A little humanity is so powerful.

BEEF Some people who get their mail and free paper at the corner of Homestead and Cedar roads don’t take their recycling home but put it in the free paper box. It’s not like they don’t have recycling bin at home; the CVRD has supplied recycling bins.

BOUQUET To my friend and pen pal whom I was honoured to work with at VIRL – you know who you are. You continue to bring me joy through the isolation of COVID and health issues. Keep smiling, things are looking up.

BEEF To the young male motorcycle operator with no rear licence plate who popped wheelies along Holland Road and sped off along Jingle Pot Road. Keep that up and you’ll earn yourself some nice hefty fines and a ride in the back of a police car and rightfully so.

BOUQUET Gratitude for the love of Kelly and Fred and their help with my roof to meet Ted and his crew from Sunshine Roofing. Such care and attention to detail. You all made me love my home again.

BEEF To the hospital for sending people away who are suicidal. You are supposed to help people with mental health, not let them sleep there for one night and send them off with nowhere to go. Shameful.

BOUQUET To the Nanaimo construction community which reached out to help my family when a contractor ran off with our deposit and left our family without a bathroom. The outpouring of compassion and the desire to help us restored my faith in humanity. Even companies that were fully booked tried to get us in touch with people that we could trust to complete the renovation. I cannot express enough thanks to you all.

BEEF To the City of Nanaimo for pursuing the destruction of Departure Bay for a walkway. Using DFO’s track record on conservation for support has about as much weight as a feather.

BOUQUET Gratitude to my son and daughter. Despite my best efforts, I’ve become the cliché old grump shaking my fist and grumbling at the evening news. Your diplomatic gesture of sitting alongside and shaking your own fist just to make me feel better shows your huge hearts. Thank you for outwitting this curmudgeon with kindness and humour.

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