Beefs & Bouquets May 23

NANAIMO – Submit your beef or bouquet by e-mail to

A DAM FULL OF ROSES to Lorn, Jeff, Roblyn, Bill and all the people who put in countless hours of their own time, attending council, public and private meetings trying to save the dams in Colliery Dam Park. Also a special thank you to councilors Jim Kipp, Bill Bestwick, Bill McKay and Fred Pattje, who voted in our favour at the last council meeting.

A big springtime bouquet to Christine and Stefan at Frontrunners as well as Liz Williams and company at Nanaimo Parks, Recreation and Culture for their support of the Walk With Your Doc 2013 event. It was the biggest and best ever.

A big bouquet to the more than 20 Dover Bay Eco Club volunteers and friends who are broombusting near their school. Your community service and support for our environment is greatly appreciated. Way to go.

A huge bouquet of roses to Dr. Arbelaez, surgical staff and the nurses on the second floor short stay unit of Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. They were all simply amazing. I could not have been in better hands, they went above and beyond to make sure I was comfortable and had everything I needed. A special thank you to my sweetheart Rick for being by my side through it all.

A bouquet to the north Nanaimo property owner who made a donation to the Dover Bay Eco Club to have student volunteers clear his property of broom. May many more private landowners with broom-filled lots be inspired by your example.

A big, rosy bouquet to the city’s parks and recreation staff – Deborah Beck in particular – who are helping to make May our month in Nanaimo to focus on dealing with invasive species. Keep up the great work.

A heartfelt bouquet of thanks to for helping people on Vancouver Island take on the challenge of invasive and destructive broom.

A bouquet. The Nanaimo Pottery Co-op’s Spring Show and Sale was a success and we would like to thank all who came to the show. We are happy to announce the winner of the prize is Elizabeth Berry of Nanaimo. Congratulations Elizabeth and enjoy your bowl.

An exceptional bouquet to Dr. David Coupland, who, even as a losing candidate in the recent B.C. general election, had the sincere thoughtfulness to advertise his thanks to his opponents.

A bouquet for Leonard Krog, our newly elected MLA for Nanaimo. He was hoping his party would form government last week, but as the results came in, he accepted defeat graciously.

An earplugs bouquet to the staff at the Chase River liquor store. How you can put up with the bell ringing every time the door opens is beyond me. The bell tolls obviously for thieves but you are amazing to put up with it.

A beef to veterinary clinics that charge enormous amounts and then make responsible pet owners feel guilty when they cannot afford to treat a beloved pet.   Nobody who loves their pet wants to put them to sleep.

A huge platter of charbroiled beef to the staff at a coffee shop for turning my bagel into a charcoal briquette, wrapping it up, putting it in a bag, giving it to me and telling me to “have a nice day”. How hard is it to inspect toast for quality control? Staff could have said, “Gee, sorry, we burnt your bagel. It will be just a minute while we make another one.” I expect to see a flowery bouquet in the paper to the nice bald man who gave a $2 tip before they served him a hockey puck and medium latte.

A beef. The destruction of the dams at Colliery Dam Park as the only option makes no sense. There is already so much beauty from our city that has disappeared because of too many developments.

A beef to the provincial government. On election day, voters were given a decal to say they voted. Who paid for this? We, the taxpayers. After watching Premier Christy Clark tell us for weeks about how they are going to save money, we get a decal. From a disgusted taxpayer.

A beef. So they want to or are going to remove the dams at Colliery Dam Park. Good thing these people don’t live in Tofino, they would have removed the town by now, in case of a tsunami.

A beef to the old man in the blue car stealing buckets of sand from the pile dropped off at Pleasant Valley Field by a parks and rec crew for field maintenance. By the time we got close enough, you were driving off and didn’t have the nerve to even look at us. You knew you were caught. If everyone was a thief like you, new sand would be needed at the taxpayers’ expense. Stop being a cheapskate and buy your sand from a supplier like the rest of us do.

A beef to the elderly driver in the Living Forest campground. There is no way you were travelling the posted 10 km/h speed limit. There were children playing on their bikes and crossing the road at every corner. Slow down before you kill someone.

A big beef to a downtown business. The Sunday of the Hike for Hospice walk, I parked in this business’s lot because the lot at Maffeo Sutton Park was full. One of the employees called to have my car towed after being there for only 20 minutes.

A beef about self-regulated learning. I know when I was six years old, I was still wetting my pants and woefully unqualified to be advising my adult teachers on education methods.

A beef to any slugs who didn’t vote in last week’s provincial election. Election day affords us all a teensy bit of an opportunity to change the world, or maybe even save the world. You who stayed home did neither.

A beef to the beefer complaining about the youths who knocked on the beefer’s door one night asking if they could call their parents. Two young people made a decision to go to your door to ask for your help. Whether or not they were drunk or they disturbed you, they assumed that in this world there would be kindness. Yet from that experience you have determined that they were lucky to not have gotten hit by a car. Maybe you need to stop being so bitter.

A beef to People who capitalize Words seemingly at random in Their e-mails. How do You determine which ones get Capitalized and which Ones don’t?

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