Beef to the person who did a small job at our home, opened cupboards, found my large container of Christmas decorations, took all the indoor Christmas lights and all treasured decorations.

Beef to the person who did a small job at our home, opened cupboards, found my large container of Christmas decorations, took all the indoor Christmas lights and all treasured decorations.

Beefs & Bouquets, May 26

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To local service clubs such as Rotary for all the good work they do in our community.

BEEF To the building supply store that has no vehicle control in its yard. Vehicles can get trapped and no way out. Frustrating.

BOUQUET To Richard at Arbutus Music for the quick service in revising the pickup system in my mandolin free of charge.

BEEF To the person who did a small job at our home, opened cupboards, found my large container of Christmas decorations, took all the indoor Christmas lights and all treasured decorations.

BOUQUET To Adrienne Harper of Sherwin-Williams on Boban Drive. Talk about wow service.

BEEF To the lady whose child was afraid of the drone outside of his bedroom window, telling him he better go to bed or it would get him. Putting a child to bed with fear of the unknown is bad reasoning.

BOUQUET to Jim Pattison Hyundai. Thanks to the wonderful sales staff, Corbin, Jordan, Luke, and John in finance. They went far beyond our expectations and provided excellent customer service. We are now the proud owners of a classy red Santa Fe Sport.

BEEF To the travel agency for selling me an oceanview room for an extra $180 at a hotel in Mexico, which offered no view of the ocean whatsoever, and, for refusing to reimburse me the difference in price.

BOUQUET to Viceland West channel for showing the film Dear President Obama, a documentary on the serious health dangers of environmentally unsafe practices of fracking. I now try to avoid all my food and beverage sources from provinces and states where fracking occurs.

BEEF To fish farms. I’ve never seen so many sea lice on ocean fish as this year.   Bought some farmed fish heads for crab bait. Left them down two days; nothing  would eat them. Are crabs smarter than us?

BOUQUET To the man at Pioneer House Restaurant, who, I found out, had paid for my lunch. It was a lovely and generous gesture that was made more special to me as my mother and I enjoyed eating at this restaurant and it was the first time I had been back since Mom’s passing. You turned a sad occasion into a joyful one.

BEEF To broom cutters. Beautiful blooms, bees around, sorry some are allergic. Peanut butter – shall we all abstain? Sparrows, starlings, rabbits, blackberries, oysters, etc. are all invasive species. Should we give in to the cutting preference of a few?

BOUQUET To hatchery workers extraordinaire Dianna, Mark and Julia. Yet again they’ve provided an enormously enriching and engaging field trip to the appreciative students of Seaview Elementary School.

BEEF We stock lakes with sterile trout twice a year for 50 years. They are sterile so that they won’t be invasive, yet we do it year after year. Is this job creation? How about stocking reproducing trout once or twice then let nature take its course?

BOUQUET To Home Hardware which is always there to give you personal service and especially to Caroline who went the extra mile to search for the item I wanted and bring it to the Nanaimo store.

BEEF To the big box store for charging for bags without telling customers in advance.

BOUQUET To the owner of Hagar’s boutique. The owner surprised my mother by gifting her with a beautiful blouse to wear on her 80th birthday. Thank you for the kind and thoughtful gesture.

BEEF To parents who say teachers have holidays on pro-D days. Sorry, but teachers do work on pro-D days – no holiday for the hard-working teachers.

BOUQUET To the Good Samaritans in city truck 232 who found my lost dog on the Jump Main. The old dog and my puppy, which had stayed with me, licked each other in joy all the way back to town.

BEEF To the organizers of the boxing card.  There were only five fights instead of the advertised six with no explanation. The start was delayed for almost half an hour with no explanation. The ring announcer studiously avoided giving the records of the fighters on the card (that has to be a first, but likely reflected the generally poor records of the boxers involved).

BOUQUET To Panago and Bart for supporting our cause for the third time. Your support is so appreciated and your pizza is awesome. Thanks, from Coast Capital Insurance.

BEEF To the gas station for always charging two to five centre more for gas. The owners must think we are all dumb.

BOUQUET I’m extremely pleased to see the tent town under the bridge was dismantled and cleaned away. Keep Nanaimo pretty.

BEEF To city council for voting to put aside improvements to the Northfield Road-Boundary Avenue intersection. All they need to do is put up a sign to not allow turning on to Boundary Avenue, except for ambulances.

BOUQUET To the individual who stopped to see if I was OK when I fell backwards onto Metral Drive when cutting grass in the ditch. Cancer zaps my energy and I tripped on the edge of the pavement.

BEEF What happened to the good old days in Nanaimo when the 24th of May celebrations went from Friday crowning of the May Queen to Sunday fireworks with every downtown corner busy all weekend? Where’s the celebration?

BOUQUET To the wonderful caretakers at Newcastle Island. You guys are the best.

BEEF Anyone who has a beef with homeless people clearly hasn’t been homeless. They aren’t there by choice and aren’t all drunks and drug addicts.

BOUQUET To Katie at the Modern Café. Her attention to detail and her ability to make every guest feel special is remarkable. Her personality radiates positivity. She always goes above and beyond.

BEEF To those so-called politicians who still try to pass on mystery meat as being Grade A prime beef when it’s still just a lot of the same-old hodge-podge muck.

BOUQUET To Larry at Hitfair Auto. Larry is honest and fair and drops everything if you need help. He is a great person and has an awesome attitude.

BEEF to the three excessive blinding LED street lights at Departure Bay beach across regular street lights and feet away from pedestrian lights. Light is polluting the once dark and tranquil view of the bay for beach visitors and homeowners up to a five-block radius, and interrupting nocturnal cycles of the beach’s and water’s micro-organisms.

BOUQUET To hard-working, pleasant, friendly cashiers who keep their cool when dealing with customers who can be unbelievably rude.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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