Beefs & Bouquets, May 29

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET to all of the staff on the sixth floor at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital for the fantastic care I received during my recent knee surgery. The level of professionalism and teamwork displayed by all levels of nursing was truly awesome and I felt very well cared for.

BEEF To all of those who dismiss the needs and feelings of others. This is invalidation and it is abuse. Please look up ‘invalidation’ and stop this abusive way of communicating.

BOUQUET To all those who removed a lot of junk in the water of the harbour and a beef to the irresponsible and immature people who threw them there.

BEEF To my neighbour. I go out every Thursday. So my neighbour waits for me to go so she can come in and help herself to anything.

BOUQUET To Canada Post for its detective work in delivering two cards sent from the U.K. One with no street name and incorrect zip code and the other with just the initials of my road.

BEEF To the fabric store for letting me buy four regular stock curtain panels and not warning me that when the fifth panel came in, the dye lots might not match. After waiting two months, the colour was so different I had to buy not one but two more panels to finish my curtains.

BOUQUET To the Real Canadian Superstore for providing special parking for expectant mothers.

BEEF To the city for making all the changes to the garbage and recycling items. Just wait till they are up in their 90s, can’t walk or drive, then they will realize what they have done to seniors.

BOUQUET to Tim Hortons for their ‘no littering’ sign and for being an oasis in our busy city.

BEEF To the rude man waving signs during city council meetings. He has no class, is annoying. It’s not free speech, it’s bad manners.

BOUQUET to the Lordco driver who saw a man in an electric scooter whose wheel got stuck on a sidewalk on-ramp. She double parked, jumped out of the car and helped him get his scooter up onto the sidewalk. You are the reason that Nanaimo is a great town.

BEEF To the person who keeps writing snide and highly offensive comments about the unemployed. Take a look at your own behaviour instead.

BOUQUET To Brogran for his 11th birthday on May 3. Your wit, humor, intelligence and laughter brighten everyday. Love Mom.

BEEF To the many dog owners who continually take dogs into Mansfield Park, which is a no-dog park. Every entrance to the park has signs reading “no dogs allowed in park.”

BOUQUET To Dixie – an angel.  Thank you for rescuing our lost and confused Mom and shepherding her home to Protection Island.

BEEF To the business downtown. When you walk in there, it smells like a dirty ashtray. Take your smoke outside.

BOUQUET To Calais Spas and Billiards in Nanaimo for offering to re-tip our pool cues for free. Our Cowichan Valley youth group is thrilled to have repaired cues to play pool.

BEEF To the little jerks who came through our strata complex on May 19 and stole at least three people’s hanging plants. If you want plants, go to a store and buy them yourselves.

BOUQUET To Gary and the Church of the Nazarene for letting the Relay for Life teams have their fundraising garage sale in their parking lot.

BEEF To the restaurant that lost our business several times recently. Only allowing us to eat our food out of a to-go box is crazy. No other location does this. They let our entire family walk out because of this.

BOUQUET To the wonderful volunteers who work so hard every year on BookFest. This year there were nine Canadian children’s authors who were in the schools the week before and on BookFest day at the Diana Krall Plaza.

BEEF To this city, its rising crime rates and the apathetic police. Our neighborhood is a consistent hotbed for garage break-ins and car theft, and the most we get from our police force is a shrug and the possible chance of a squad car coming by. I do not feel remotely protected in a city I love.

BOUQUET To Robyn of Art Escapes at Nanaimo North Town Centre for a fantastic show of her students’ artwork on May 4.  We loved the show and our two grandsons love attending your programs.

BEEF To the sexist person complaining about the “man” who always beefs about his unemployed neighbour. As far as I can see, beefs are anonymous and there is no way of knowing that the writer is male. Your sexism is worse than someone who is upset about a lazy neighbour.

BOUQUET To all the good folks who helped me when my car stalled in Front Street. Young lady visitor with smart phone, a bus driver and four young men who pushed my car out of traffic. Good to know we live in a city where people help in time of need.

BEEF To the inconsiderate parents at Dover Bay Secondary School who insist on stopping at the crosswalk to let their kids out. There is a side road or parking lot for dropoffs and 10 feet after the crosswalk is a widening of the road to allow you to pull over. Instead you make the rest of us wait while your little darling exits your vehicle.

BOUQUET To the coffee shop for allowing people to continue to smoke on their patios.

BEEF Why not move the seldom-used $22-million cruise ship terminal and the seldom-used $75 million conference center to the new $9 million park? That way we would have a new tourist attraction: the Nanaimo White Elephant Rehabilitation Centre.

BOUQUET To all unemployed neighbours with a good sense of humour. It brightens our day to read of the antics of these neighbours.

BEEF To the individual beefing about the horse riders in Lantzville. Our horses provide your lush walk with greenery via our manure. You’re welcome. I wonder how your vehicle’s emissions are aiding our parks?

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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