Beefs & Bouquets, May 5

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To all of the volunteers who helped to make the Volunteer Nanaimo Annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon the tremendous success that it was.

BEEF To the mom throwing ice cream cones in the garbage for not saying ‘thank you.’ Teach by example and heart-to-heart talks at home. No need to display teaching methods in public.

BOUQUET To the wonderful community sponsors who donated prizes for the annual volunteer luncheon. We could not accomplish what we do without you and are thankful for your continuing support.

BEEF To the technology from someone who doesn’t have a computer. They can’t even let you fill out questionnaires or sign petitions without one.

BOUQUET To Butch, from Budget Glass, for the repairs to our shower door. On time, professional, pleasant and affordable.

BEEF To the vet’s office that would not honour or fill the prescription from another out-of-town vet. Due to a death in the family they had no time to fill the urgent prescription.

BOUQUET To Vancouver Island Symphony for an amazing end-of-season concert. Hearing O Fortuna played with the huge choir was thrilling.

BEEF Is it right or fair that doctors are disciplined by their own, the College of Physicians and Surgeons? Public keeps paying wages; public should have input regarding discipline.

BOUQUET To City of Nanaimo staff for improvements to Departure Bay beach parking area. Much improved and appreciated.

BEEF To garden centres and nurseries selling soil, which turns out to be no more than wood chips and gravel. Winter and spring rains have revealed the truth.

BOUQUET To the two city workers for the great job you did on Dover Road. My neighbours also thank you. Two nice gentlemen.

BEEF To the pregnant lady in the white car on the Island Highway, speeding and tailgating from Turner Road to downtown. I still got there the same time as you doing the speed limit.

BOUQUET To the incredible students of Wellington and Dover Bay secondary schools and VIU who volunteered at Beban Park social centre to help set up, decorate and serve lunch to 400 volunteers. Your energy is a tribute to young people.

BEEF To the hikers who park under the ‘no parking’ signs at the end of Jameson Road and walk to Ammonite Falls. There is a parking lot just down the hill on Creekside Place.

BOUQUET To the City of Nanaimo for the work being done at the Departure Bay Beach. The new lighting is very attractive and the park is really shaping up.

BEEF To the parks staff at the regional district who put up inadequate and confusing signage at the end of Jameson Road for the Ammonite Falls hikers. Many hikers still do not know about the parking lot on Creekside Place.

BOUQUET To Ryan in circulation at the News Bulletin and the special delivery person who ensures I receive a paper. Thanks to all the Bulletin staff for continuing to produce a quality newspaper.

BEEF To the driver of the black truck who races through school zone at Dumont and Metral roads after dropping off kids at the school.

BOUQUET To Jeff and Stacy the friendly managers at Subway on Bowen Road for the delicious sandwich tray they so happily provided to our Pharmasave store when we were celebrating our 10th anniversary.

BEEF To the service club venue. The three flags in the room on the second floor are absolutely filthy. Show some respect.

BOUQUET To our great neighbour, McDonald’s on Bowen Road, for supplying us with coffee for our customers for the whole week of our anniversary sale. It is so great to have such great business neighbours.

BEEF To city officials and the non-existent enforcement of school zone speeding. You can almost be guaranteed to never get a speeding ticket through Pleasant Valley school zone.

BOUQUET To Jeff at Bowen Road Subway. Always cheerful and friendly. You brighten my day when I visit.

BEEF To the city and road maintenance for not cleaning up the garbage from an illegal campsite off the trailway north of Northfield Road. They just claim it’s the other’s responsibility.

BOUQUET To my neighbour whose flying drone with the bright lights scares my child to tears at night. Yes, bouquet. Now I say, “Go to bed or the drone will get you.”

BEEF To all the bad drivers who speed and tailgate along Cedar Road, especially near the landfill. It’s 50 km/h, not 100 km/h. Slow down and back off.

BOUQUET To Stacy and her young ladies from Harbour Dancentre who danced so beautifully for our Ladies Night Out at the Lantzville Legion. They performed on such short notice and wouldn’t even accept a donation.

BEEF To the woman who parked her car then walked into Pioneer Park dumped her garbage bags into the garbage can, then pulled at least six doggie doo bags from the dispenser, got back in her car and drove off. This just doesn’t seem right.

BOUQUET To Robert Stutzman of Gabriola Island who was our guest volunteer chef at the annual volunteer luncheon. Your kindness was only surpassed by your talent as a chef.

BOUQUET To those city councillors still working hard to fulfill what they were elected to do, in spite of the blanket scorn and derision.

BOUQUET To VIU’s Disability Services staff for their tireless work to provide exam accommodations for students with disabilities. Your support makes a huge difference.

BOUQUET To the staff of Print3 for their workmanship, clarity of task and such quick, courteous service. Many of our friends have commented on the postcards you did.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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