To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

Beefs & Bouquets, Nov. 10

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To the city for boarding up derelict properties and removing garbage. When looking around our beautiful city, I see garbage strewn about everywhere. It’s time for the city to step up even further and start fining, removing and disposing of things that cause harm to our communities, environment and well being.

BEEF To city council. Splitting Tourism Nanaimo from the NEDC with no plans is absurd. Also to those council members stating they don’t see what Tourism Nanaimo has done, when the numbers clearly show otherwise. BOUQUET To all of the hard-working staff at Tourism Nanaimo. Thank you for promoting and sharing our beautiful city with people from around the world.

BEEF To Premier Christy Clark. Your so-called vision for economic future is like a used-car salesman trying to sell a Pinto as an exotic Italian sports car.

BOUQUET To Island Overhead Doors. I’ve lived many places and never dealt with a company so professional that cares about the people it deals with. It’s amazing in this day and age for sure. I would not hesitate to deal with this company.

BEEF To city council. Just when we thought they could not possibly embarrass the citizens of Nanaimo any more, they prove us wrong again. I hope the voters of Nanaimo remember these antics next time we go to the polls.

BOUQUET To Francis from Lakeside Properties in Lake Cowichan. It shows us there are still businesses out there that care about the consumer. Lakeside completed a small job for us that no one else wanted to do.

BEEF To the young couple making out in the hallway outside the handicapped bathrooms at the theatre. You both went into the two bathrooms ahead of those of us who truly are handicapped and cannot walk up the long flight of stairs.

BOUQUET To all who encourage Mother Nature to grow trees in their yards and who also take responsibility on keeping them trimmed, and accept the cost, just as their neighbours have to do.

BEEF To the truck driver. I hope the RCMP catch you for reckless driving before you kill someone by rear ending or cutting off drivers following the speed limits.

BOUQUET To all the donors and supporters who made the NanGo Grannies’ fabric sale such a huge success. The NGG and grandmothers in Africa thank you. A special thank you to the Nanaimo Quilters’ Guild for your support.

BEEF To Mayor Bill McKay. Your tomfoolery is not amusing to the citizens.

BOUQUET To the lady and gentleman from Watts mowing. After they unloaded their truck of grass clippings, they then helped me unload my truck and folded up my tarp, saving me a bunch of time.

BEEF To my neighbours for their yearly fireworks on Halloween and New Year’s Eve. My dogs are traumatized for days.

BOUQUET To Tony from Windsor Plywood and Todd from Red Door Finishing Ltd. We love our new doors. Everything went like clockwork from ordering to installation.

BEEF Whatever happened to the lovely, sweet, juicy Japanese oranges we used to get at Christmas? Today’s oranges are small, hard as golf balls to peel and sour as lemons.

BOUQUET To the gentleman in the circulation department at the News Bulletin. As there are no carriers in the 2200 block of Arbot Road, he delivers the paper to my house twice a week.

BEEF To the beefer who has a beef with outdoor cat owners. We are not lazy. Our cats just have primal instincts and need more stimulation than a piece of carpet-covered cardboard.

BOUQUET To the people who came into our backyard and picked our apples when we weren’t home. You then returned all of them in boxes the next day with note saying ‘sorry, wrong address.’ We had a good laugh and if you want to get your boxes back there is an apple pie in it for you.

BEEF To my buddy Bill, who is awesome but only reads the beefs.

BOUQUET To the man at Bowen Park tennis courts who gave my six-year-old son his ‘old’ tennis balls so he could practise. We are very thankful.

BEEF To rude taxi drivers. The first went to the wrong pickup location. The second, when spoken to, said ‘I’m listening to the ballgame,’ and when it was time to pay, couldn’t figure out change given was to round out the tip and ended up with none.

BOUQUET To Kay-Cee at Canadian Tire for all the help you gave this old lady. Sorry, no computer. You are the best.

BEEF To the driver of the white truck who almost collided with my car in the traffic circle on Brickyard Road. You are to yield to the traffic already in the circle – vehicle or pedestrian.

BOUQUET To the wonderful man with a bicycle who paid for my bus fare at Woodgrove. You made my Monday so much better.

BEEF To all the people who harassed the first responders on the Malahat. While frustrating to wait, their jobs and safety are incredibly important.

BOUQUET To the millions of Americans who voted for a progressive candidate and decent person. Please believe your country isn’t as broken as it seems, and can get better through collective efforts and will.

BEEF To the city for the plan to construct a traffic circle at Wentworth and Kennedy streets without consultation with the neighbourhood. This unnecessary expensive project is to improve safety for cycling?

BOUQUET To the girls at Tanya’s Restaurant for going up to the hospital to visit my brother while he recovered from his fall. Now I know why he’s a regular at your restaurant. You guys make all the customers feel like friends.

BEEF To parents for allowing their son to do dangerous driving and lighting of fireworks.

BOUQUET To Clint at Film Buff Video for all the interesting conversations. He is a truly unique person and I have appreciated the way he handles himself. He helped me woo my girlfriend and now she’s my wife.

BOUQUET To Leslie and Taryn for your skilled presentation of the mental health first aid course. The suffering of many will be lessened.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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