Beefs & Bouquets, Nov. 10

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A jazzy pasta bouquet to Country Grocer, Pepsi, Long and McQuade and Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for supporting the Wellington Band Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser.

a tastiest-beef-in-ages bouquet. The best pizza in town is at Milano’s Ristorante. This place has the juiciest, most mouth watering, tastiest pizza we’ve had in a long time. Thank you for delivering your flyer recently.

a bouquet to all the kids who trick or treated on Sandra Road, off Rock City Road, on Halloween. What a nice group of kids they were this year. Without exception, they were polite and I think every single one of them said ‘Thank you’ after receiving a treat. Halloween was a true pleasure. What great kids.

A HUGE BOUQUET OF WET PUPPY KISSES to Linda Thomas, nurse educator at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. I would like to acknowledge your hard work and dedication to educating younger and established health care workers. In times of health care crises and politics, I admire your stamina and insight. Stay true to yourself.

Kudos to Mike L. at Nanaimo Toyota for great customer service.  He went above and beyond to help us with a warranty issue. We wouldn’t hesitate to use Nanaimo Toyota again, thanks to Mike.

A dazzling bouquet to Bastion Jewellers for reviving a veteran’s uniform capbadge that had become tarnished at no cost.

A bouquet of roses to our bantam girls’ soccer team at Pleasant Valley Elementary School. They are a tremendous group of girls who have played hard all season. We are heading to the playoffs. Best of luck girls, you are all awesome.

A treasure chest of glittering gold to the fabulously friendly owner of Pirate Chips. I wanted to take my three wee buccaneers out for a special lunch and you made it memorable.  They left with bellies full of grog and rations and heaps of pirate treasure to boot.

A Huge Bouquet and lots of Hugs to the person who found my November bus pass. I was so upset that I lost it. Another bouquet to the kind lady who lent me bus money because I had lost my pass and didn’t have any change. Thank you again and hopefully I will run into you some day so I can pay you back.

Wishes of warm sunshine to the individual who found my wallet in the Nanaimo Aquatic Centre parking lot recently and turned it in, with all contents inside. Thank you for your honesty and kindness. It is sincerely appreciated.

A bouquet of extra cheese to Mambo’s pizza. Your pizza is always delicious and your staff are always friendly. From a repeat customer.

A happy Halloween to the gleaning crew who came to pick our excess apples (and also cleared up all the ones that fell). They left the orchard in good condition. I would not hesitate to have them back. Coco enjoyed playing with the children, too. From all the ladies on Eighth Street.

A bi-yearly enormous bouquet to the wonderful folk at the Nanaimo River Salmon Hatchery, particularly Dianna, Larry, Katie and Crystal. Our recent class visit to you was as enriching as I have come to expect, having visited your facility for years in both the fall and the spring. Thanks for contributing your expertise to the grateful Grade 1 students at Seaview Elementary School.

Yet another beef to drivers who fail to use their signal lights. Like the black pickup that came to a full stop on the highway before turning into the mall. Or the white utility truck trying to cross two lanes of traffic. Not to mention the grey, mid-size SUV squeezing between vehicles at a stop light. The other drivers aren’t jerks. You are.

A dirty, sticky beef to the driver of the grey car that killed our beloved cat on Emerald Drive. My husband was witness to what happened and you didn’t even try to stop. We lost a family member that night and every day we have to look at the blood-stained road – a reminder of the carnage that was left behind. Slow down.

a beef. Glad to hear the city isn’t backing down with the low-barrier housing near Uplands Drive. The one being built on Wesley Street has a daycare and seniors’ apartments close by. It’s only fair that there be no exceptions for the one to be built in the north end.

a beef to the person griping about the neighbour making monkey sounds. It would appear you lack the cranial capacity to understand that there are many “normal” people living in rural areas as well as in the city. And if you think that only normal people live in the city, I suggest you leave your sheltered life once in a while and visit Vancouver, because you certainly haven’t been there yet.

a return beef to the person beefing about high shelves in grocery stores. Perhaps if you weren’t so vertically challenged, you wouldn’t have trouble reaching items on the shelf. The reason for putting items high up on the shelf is for the convenience of the employees. Perhaps if you followed the advice of the signs/employees, you wouldn’t have hurt yourself.

A beef to drivers who make left-hand turns off the Island Highway between St. George Street and the Pearson Bridge between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. Also a beef to the city for not making the no left turn rule from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

A large pizza with an extra topping of unprofessionalism to a north-end pizza place. I stupidly left my credit card at the counter after a transaction, called to confirm it was there and asked for it to be put aside in a safe place until I could make it back to pick it up. I go back the next day to see my credit card displayed for anyone to see. The lack of common sense is appalling.

A homegrown, organic beef to the organizers of the outdoor market for hanging Buddhist prayer flags over the entranceway.  Please add crucifixes, Stars of David, etc. so all feel welcome, not just those sharing your religious views. Better yet, just keep religion out of it.

a Beef to Port Place shopping centre for trading “my” clock tower for a roadway. I rely on that clock when I go downtown. Put it back.

A shame-on-you beef to whoever removed the two crosses and other things that were at the roadside memorial for the two little boys who lost their lives by the Cassidy Inn.

A hydro dumb and dumber beef. How long is it going to take to pay for a smart meter and its installation when I use only $25 worth of electricity a month? The CEOs sure knew when to grab the six-digit package and run.

A beef to the people tenting/loitering/trespassing at the downtown plaza. Your attitude is one of me-ism. Instead of chronically taking from society, get a job and pay your taxes. There are lots of jobs with high pay available in northern B.C. Get some backbone and stand on your own feet instead of being the leeches that you are.

A big pile of canine caca to the people who brought their dogs to the Guy Fawkes night at the East Wellington firehall. Most dogs do not enjoy the noise of fireworks and they were very agitated and upset. Next time leave them at home so everyone is happy.

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