Bouquet of the Week: I live in the blue ‘95 Chevy Astro van with the bike on the back. I’m not a thief or a criminal. I have inabilities to function with people and I can’t find a place to rent. People are harassing me because they think I robbed them. I just want to tell the good people of Nanaimo that I didn’t rob you.

Beefs & Bouquets, Nov. 11

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET To the lady who gave me a hand-painted picture of a horse. We had both admired a painting displayed for raising funds for the Boys and Girls Club at the grocery store. You completely shocked me by this kind act. Thank you!

BEEF To anti-mask protesters. I keep my yard tidy which shows respect for my neighbours. I follow the posted speed limit and several other rules that our civilization has chosen which allow us to survive. Is this how you thank stressed first responders and our medical community? Please wear a t-shirt with big bold letters stating you do not require medical intervention if ill because you do not believe in it. Stop listening to pea-brained internet influencers and find a more meaningful use for your spare time.

BOUQUET To the servers at Milano’s. It’s wonderful to see universal use of masks and extensive hygiene being implemented. Keep up the great work.

BEEF To all drivers who don’t manually turn on their lights so that their tail lights are on during foggy and rainy days. You are not able to be seen, and you’re going to end up in a bad spot one of these days.

BOUQUET To her royal majesty the Queen of England for displaying true leadership. I only wish our politicians followed suit instead of acting like sheep.

BEEF To those who protested wearing face masks and social distancing.You don’t have the right to kill me or anyone else. Shame on you.

BOUQUET To the city for keeping the downtown clean and full of beautiful flowers. I especially liked the garden in front of the library. They also cleaned the beach at Sway’ A’ Lana Lagoon. Beef to those who enjoyed the beautiful park and beach but left their garbage behind even though there are lots of garbage bins around.

BEEF To the inconsiderate neighbour who blasts a cannon every day, sometimes only minutes apart from 7 a.m. till after dark in the East Wellington area.

BOUQUET To Jared at Home Hardware at Brooks Landing. I went to try to get the connection to my powerwasher fixed. Jared spent at least 45 minutes to try and fix my dilemma. Various connections, parts, adjustments, sealing tape etc. and the end result was a win-win for me. I spent just over $7 in parts. I would encourage people to support small businesses like Home Hardware. The customer service is excellent and you feel like your business is appreciated.

BEEF To the selfish driver in the newer white SUV doing over 100 kilometres per hour through the Metral Drive school zone while passing people down the middle of the road.

BOUQUET To Tim at the Domino’s on Fifth Street. We have been going there for years and he always provides us with the best-tasting extravaganza pizza. The customer service is great and we love his sense of humour. Thank you.

BEEF To the beefer regarding wood-burning fireplaces in Departure Bay. Wood is a sustainable heating product. You put more pollutants in the air daily with your car. We will stop burning when you start riding a bicycle. I am sure you are against oil and gas too. We are not freezing in the dark for self-righteous environmentalists.

BOUQUET I live in the blue ’95 Chevy Astro van with the bike on the back. I’m not a thief or a criminal. I have inabilities to function with people and I can’t find a place to rent. People are harassing me because they think I robbed them. I just want to tell the good people of Nanaimo that I didn’t rob you. I’m also not a garbage dumper. I dump my garbage at the dump like I’m supposed to. I wait until I have full load because it cost $8 every time.

BEEF To the beefer who complained about the lady who came out of the store and tossed her mask on the ground. Did you pick it up or did you leave it there for someone else to pick up? If you put it in a trash, I would call you wonderful. If not, why do you beef about it? It’s a crime that people watch but do nothing about it.

BOUQUET To all those that leave their front porch light on, on Tuesday night. It might be Wednesday’s paper, but I am out in the dark, getting a jump start on delivering my papers on Tuesday evening, and it is really really dark.

BEEF To all the people with the insatiable appetite for virtue signalling. You must be so tired of apologizing.

BOUQUET To the Telus technician Kevin who went above and beyond his job to help our residents at Dufferin Place with their phone service. Your willingness and helpful attitude made all the difference. You stand above the rest and we look forward to working with you in the future.

BEEF To the retail stores and restaurants whose employees don’t wear masks (or wear them under their nose). Also, a beef to those employees who only wear face shields. I don’t like the risk of COVID-19 spread, so I have stopped going to these places and so have my extended family members. Please, people – think of the health and safety of others, not just your own comfort.

BOUQUET I was riding my scooter past Harris Mazda when I spotted a small placard from that car lot so I picked it up to return it. I asked if I could keep it; the lady said yes. I mentioned my maiden name was Harris and she brought out licence plate holders, a key chain and decal. I put them on my scooter and they look good.

BEEF To the car dealership that has its COVID-19 safety plan posted yet none of its staff follow it even though masks, gloves and sanitizer are at the door for use. They did not keep two metres apart when dealing with customers or each other even having up to three unmasked workers in a small office

BOUQUET To Canadians who don’t allow the little problems in life get to them. I believe it’s our strength. Thank you.

BEEF To the denturist who left his patients with unfinished work.

BEEF Government needs to stop funding the system that fuels the drug trade that harms those who are addicted and experiencing homelessness. Take those hundreds of millions of dollars and provide the necessities: food, clothing and shelter.

BOUQUET To White Spot on Terminal Avenue for adhering to all COVID-19 protocols. Servers were very busy and provided excellent, cheerful service, all wearing masks, tables spaced and very clean. Enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving lunch.

BOUQUET I made a mistake and ordered a fridge that was too small, went back to Trail Appliances; they were so helpful. Got the right size delivered in two days. The salesman was very kind and patient with me. Thanks for putting up with my frustrated attitude. I am so happy with my new fridge.

BEEF To the manager involved with affordable housing who has refused to acknowledge and respond to complaints from numerous units.

BOUQUET As a retired heavy-duty mechanic, I like watching the new-style garbage trucks. Last week, I didn’t have enough stuff to put out my bins, I was just by my window watching the truck. As it got to my house, the lady driving the truck got out and came into my yard to ask if I needed help. What a nice gesture in these weird times. Thank you to our front-line workers.

BEEF To all the people who insist on speeding down Willow Grouse at 70-plus kilometres per hour. You make it unsafe to walk with our families and animals and dangerous to pull out of our driveways. Your neighbours are very unhappy.

BOUQUET To Sheena at Regency Vista for providing us with fantastic cloth masks.

BEEF to the parents picking up their kids at the north-end elementary school without a mask in sight. Why do you think it’s OK to hang out, chat with friends and mix with children when you could be shedding virus?

BOUQUET To the Quarterway Pub for switching plastic straws to paper. It would be wonderful if all eating and drinking establishments could do the same before being mandated to do so next year.

BEEF To the speeding bicyclists on Glen Oaks Drive. This is a residential street with driveways every 50 feet or so. It’s bad enough when cars speed down this street but to see bicyclists far exceeding the limit to get their downhill jollies is ridiculous. I live right past a blind curve.

BOUQUET To Asteras Greek Taverna for making my birthday special. Always a delicious meal and wonderful service.

BEEF To the couple from Alberta who refused to wear a mask and refused to have their temperature taken at the mall, saying it was nobody’s business what their temperature was. Correction: at this time it’s everyone’s business. Should have security there to keep these people out.

BOUQUET To the two men from Apple Auto Glass who took in my truck last-minute while closing up to fix a windshield issue; thank you for the help.

BEEF To the large grocery store that does not send out a flyer. Not everyone has a computer. You will not see me in your store again.

BOUQUET Thanks to Country Grocer on Bowen Road for your lost-and-found service.

BEEF To the beefer who says the deer should be culled. No way! Humans do more damage every day to the environment than any other animal. Humans get away with murder and it’s so wrong. I knew this since I was eight and now I’m 84. Humans are the whole problem.

BOUQUET To the guy taking orders at the drive-thru at the Oyster Bay Tim Hortons. He was so hilarious and enthusiastic, it made everyone laugh and it brightened our days so much.

BEEF To the store rearranging its entire store at this time and having so many extra staff to try and distance from. Not necessary at all.

BOUQUET To Toole Electric. Called several electricians for a home electrical problem during a holiday weekend. No return calls. This company fixed my problem over the phone with no charges and were very polite. Will recommend your company to others. Much thanks from a senior in need.

BEEF To the older gentleman wearing a baseball cap and Mariners shirt shopping at the mall. Even if you don’t believe in wearing masks please show some respect for other people and let them have their space. Your behaviour suggests either a complete lack of maturity or a heavy sense of entitlement. Please leave both at home when you go out.

BOUQUET To the team at Pacific Detailing for excellence in repair work to my vehicle and kindness shown to a senior citizen.

BEEF To the woman in the apartment above who lets her dog use the balcony as a bathroom. The urine drips down on your neighbours below. Don’t be so lazy and walk your dog like everyone else does.

BOUQUET To Dr. Colborne who retired. What a wonderful doctor and a gentleman.

BEEF To the person who said pedestrians take too long at crosswalks. Perhaps when you get old you might have a hip or knee replacement needing a little time. Be patient. You too will be old one day if you’re lucky.

BOUQUET To Fredrich’s Honey for their very friendly staff and their delicious and healthy products. A wonderful Cedar business.

BEEF I have been playing pickleball for several years. What a disappointment this morning was. I pre-registered, I arrived early and was told to wait outside. When I came back in, there were four playing and no one for me to play with so I got a credit and now have to register again. I haven’t played in eight months.

BOUQUET To Tammy at Nanaimo Lifeline for the excellent service installing my unit. A huge thank you also for solving my socket problem.

BEEF The other day I was talking with a friend who gets around using a wheelchair. He brought up a good point. Why is it that port-a-potties are not designed for those with disabilities? Please do so.

BOUQUET To the couple who walk around the Uplands and Rutherford area picking up garbage including cigarette butts. Your efforts are noticed. Why others use the streets as a garbage can and ashtray is beyond me. Stop littering, people.

BEEF To parks and rec for not providing a port-a-potty at my favourite park, Diver Lake Park. When the tennis court was in full use, they provided this service. Why take this service away? The people who use the park to play, walk and fish need it.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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