Beefs & Bouquets, Nov. 3

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Tons of sweetpeas to Lakeside Gardens for once again hosting the Nanaimo branch Kidney Foundation of Canada’s bake sale this fall. Thank you for the space, tea and coffee. Thanks also to everyone who helped support the foundation.

A huge bouquet of sweetpeas to Bill, Braden and Gerry for the wonderful leading spot at the Kidney Foundation’s fundraising walk in Nanaimo this fall. Thanks for the bagpipes, Sidney the Kidney mascot and the water carrier. From all the participants in the Gift of Life walk and paddle.

A Should-have-been-watching-instead-of-talking Bouquet of Thanks to two ladies and one gentleman who took the time to make sure I was OK after I fell on Front Street. I did not get your names, but wanted to say your help was much appreciated.

A bouquet of black roses to the ladies at the haunted house in Beban Park for helping my brother get through this year’s production. He was scared and wanted to leave, but you stayed with him and made sure his experience was a success. We’ll be back next year. Matt and Shamu.

bouquets of puppy kisses and wagging tails to the staff at Central Island Veterinary Emergency Hospital. Your kindness during our emergency with our best friend was greatly appreciated. We are lucky to have this place in town. Hope you will be here for years, as you fill a huge void for all pet owners.

a refreshing bouquet of roses to Leith at Kelly’s Kitchen Cafè. The bacon cheesburger was above expectation. Glad you’re back. You and your staff are great. Keep up the good work.

A great big Fall Bouquet to everyone who helped and showed concern in locating Bob after his 23-hour runaway adventure from an unexpected encounter with a horse on Smith’s Trail. A happy ending – thanks to all.

A bouquet of hugs and kisses to my daughters Jennifer and Kimberly and my husband Rohn for my surprise retirement party. Thank you family, friends and co-workers for making my day so special.

A bouquet of stinging nettles to some north end residents. Let them have their way on the low barrier housing project, but increase their taxes to cover the financial loss to the city. We are all taxpayers who own our homes. Some are less fortunate and can use help.

A large pumpkin of  common sense to the lady  overheard at McNab’s Corn Maze wanting her money back because the maze was muddy. Perhaps this is because it had rained two days previous to the visit. Please stay in the city where it’s mud free.

A beef to a coffee shop. I went in for breakfast recently with my husband and mortgage broker. I had my reusable cup in hand and was loudly yelled at by the manager that no outside drinks were allowed in the shop. Everyone in the shop turned to look at us and the poor girl taking our order was beet red with embarrassment. Needless to say, we left and will never go back. Our mortgage broker will never take her clients there again.

a big beef to grocery stores that double stack their products on shelves that are too high for customers to reach. You should not have to locate staff to assist you in obtaining what you want to purchase. If the store wants your business, the product should be accessible. I was hurt trying to reach a double-stacked item. No assistance was offered when I reported to staff that cans had fallen on my face. Shop at your own risk.

A bad punch line to a radio station. Your jokes stink and they’ve killed the genuinely spontaneous and funny banter that used to happen between the morning show hosts. I’ve suffered through them every morning for months, but I can’t take it anymore. Moving on down the dial. I’ll tune back in when you start reading jokes that are actually funny.

a beef to my neighbour in the Departure Bay area. If you want to make monkey sounds in your backyard, I would suggest moving to a farm. Normal people live in the city.

A BEEF to the Nanaimo Aquatic Centre. As a parent, I’m excited when my kids want to do something active instead of being sucked in by electronics. We go for a swim at the pool to find a movie playing on a huge screen. I didn’t pay for a movie and certainly didn’t appreciate my kids being distracted by one. Shame on you.

the Unemployment line to our city councillors for abusing their power – 24 per cent for wage parity? If the job is too hard for your current wage, you need to step aside. I am sure that you are all replaceable.

an Explosive beef about the fireworks ban enforcement in Nanaimo. It seems loud explosions and the rockets’ red glare are not enough to get the attention of the RCMP. Only if they get a complaint with an exact address do they take any action and even then they just tell the offenders to stop.

A huge pile of bird-pecked garbage bags to the worker who continues to put our empty can in the middle of our driveway. We have to stop, get out, move the can, then get back in the vehicle to park. None of our other neighbours get this special treatment. We have even asked you nicely not to do this.  Please be considerate and put it back on the grass.

A beef to the B.C. Liberal Party. Seniors and low income families planning to buy an inexpensive electric chopper for $9.99 get an enviro charge of $2.25 added on. But wait – there is more. On top of that you are charged HST on both $9.99 and $2.25 for $1.47 more. Cost: $13.71.

An animal control beef. Dog owners around Mansfield Park have turned the park into an off-leash dog park even though a sign on every entrance reads ‘no dogs allowed on playfield’. The city does nothing. There is an off-leash dog park only three blocks away.

a maple leaf beef to some city businesses and to the city itself for not replacing the flags – Canadian, B.C. and other flags – that are flapping about in a tattered, torn and faded state.

a friendly traffic beef reminder to people who drive with a disabled parking sign on the rear view mirror. I was told when I received my sign that it is illegal to drive with it on the mirror, as it can block your view. I see a lot of people driving around with it up. Apparently, you can receive a $100 fine. Please take the signs down while driving and keep our roads safe.

A big beef to irresponsible pet owners. Sure you use the green bags for the poo, but then you dispose of them in bushes or on other people’s properties. Grow up, take your crap home and phone your regional district to find out how to dispose of it.

A huge beef to a mechanic shop for not doing the work you charged me for. There are many good, honest shops in Nanaimo and I had thought this shop was among them.

A beef to the city’s parks department. This year’s Halloween display at Beban Park looks cheap and boring. This was once a labour of love for all the children to enjoy. This year’s effort is simply not good enough.

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