Beefs & Bouquets Nov. 8

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A green bouquet to Hub City Cycles Community Co-op for their legacy grant from the Council of Canadians. They reflect in practice what a better world looks like.

A HUGE BOuQUET to the Dover Bay Secondary School students who organized themselves and voluntarily cleaned up discarded garbage at Pipers Lagoon Park recently. You are an inspiration to everyone.

Condolences and bouquets to our American neighbours, friends and allies for their suffering with super storm Sandy.

A sweet-scented bouquet to the young Pakistani girl and education activist, Malala Yousafzai. May she recover quickly and become a world leader in peaceful living.

Another bouquet to Kal Tire for their excellent service with my damaged tire.

a bouquet of Halloween candies to the kids on Honeysuckle Terrace. Their costumes were great and they were all polite.

a toothy thanks to Larch, the manager of the Real Canadian Superstore. He walked the store aisles to find me and give me my toothpaste. That’s service with a smile.

a huge bouquet of daffodils to the owners and staff at the Well (Wellington) Pub. They are the happiest group of individuals, serve the best pub food and have the best prices in town.

a bouquet of red roses to Kelly, who did psychic readings by donation to the Nanaimo SPCA at Fibber Magees recently. After nine months of unemployment, I took your advice and I now have a new full-time job.

BOUQUETS OF MEGA THANKS to all the pet detectives in the East Wellington area. I have followed up every lead given to me by so many in rain or shine. Copper, my orange, declawed, Mexican tabby, missing from the kennels since Aug. 10, is out there. He just doesn’t know where his new home is. If you have seen Copper, please call Betty any time at 250-585-7738.

a bouquet of kindness to the great hostess from Pirate Chips who made us the best order of french fries this side of the Rocky Mountains. She not only conversed with us while she worked, she also brought us a nice box of warm, home-made mini doughnuts when she realized we were having car troubles to help take the sting out of waiting for a tow truck.

a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin. Thank you for drawing attention to the use of earthquake survival kits in the cartoon in Saturday’s newspaper. I was told soon after moving to Vancouver Island that the best place to keep an earthquake kit is in the trunk of the car. If you are on the road and cannot get home when the earthquake strikes, then you could live in your car. Hopefully your car will not be under a pile of rubble.

Huge thanks for the wonderful service from Jeff, Roxanne and the staff at Broco Auto Glass. We highly recommend them.

a bouquet of synthetic oil to Ben at Mr. Lube. He is a great guy and did a great job. Thanks, Colin.

Big bouquets to the wonderful Nanaimo Concert Band musicians.    Their 140th anniversary concert was incredible. They truly are an amazing bunch of talented musicians. It was brilliant from start to finish.

A bouquet of sticks and pucks to Kasjac Contracting for their generosity in sponsoring my son’s hockey team. It is greatly appreciated.

a beef about technology being forced on us. I’m glad it’s available for those who want it, but it should be our choice. I have an analog TV set and a digital box. When the set ceases to work, I should be allowed to buy another one. Instead, my choice is between a flat screen, which I don’t want, or no TV. Some choice.

a beef to the person who taped the paws and tails of cats and also to the person who doesn’t believe pets have thoughts and souls. My labrador retreiver has more sense than some people. Pets are a joy and comfort to many. Be kind to your four-legged friends.

A loud beef to all the people who feel they need to set off their illegal fireworks within city limits at all hours of the night. The racket sends my pets under the bed until morning. I hope that the only property damage is their own.

a cheap beef to the local store manager who was told that a customer was buying for a house fire victim, but would not even offer a discount.

a beef. The city is not doing enough to stop people from setting off firecrackers at Halloween. This goes on for at least five nights prior to the event and it is unacceptable and annoying. It looks like the ban is not working well here. I hope someday it will be banned completely in B.C.

A big beef to the person who decided to take all of the carved pumpkins from the front of houses on a Townsite-area street and then smashed them on the road the night before Halloween. Your senseless, malicious act broke my sons’ hearts. My sons, aged five and six, spent hours carving their pumpkins and putting up the decorations that you stole from our home. Shame on you.

a beef. The rest of Canada puts up with French on everything, while Quebec fights English on almost everything.

A recycled beef about the garbage pickup in our area. When you pick up the recycling and drop some from the bag while putting it in your truck, please pick it up.

a beef about the protest march that happened downtown at the exact time the kids were trick-or-treating. Way to show the kids that bullying works. My five-year-old wanted to know why all those people were yelling for Stephen Harper to go home. Good job, Nanaimo.

A beef to the driver who parked illegally on Metral Drive because he was too lazy to use the parking lot, then pulled an illegal U-turn when driving away. To top it off, the driver had the audacity to hurl garbage out the window as he drove off. Would you do this in your neighbourhood?

A beef to the professional drivers who speed on Metral Drive like it’s a race track. You have no right to drive anything but the posted speed limits of 30 km/h and 50 km/h. Set an example for the rest of the drivers. Just because it’s late at night doesn’t give you the right to speed.

A stinky beef to the building owner who put up a fence in a parking lot, making it difficult to park. Please settle your differences in a more mature way. You’re just inconveniencing the public.

a beef to the woman who shouted at my friend in a grocery store checkout line. The lady you yelled at is suffering from two kinds of cancer, has a five-year-old to care for and was about to undergo surgery. She is ill, worried, distressed and afraid. The last thing she needed was your venom. When she got home she called me in tears. It was really the last straw for her. Have some compassion for others.

a beef to whoever didn’t turn in my tuque to the lost and found. Unfortunately, it was lice-free, but I hope its gobs of accumulated hair gel cause you to have an acne breakout.

Nanaimo News Bulletin

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