Beefs & Bouquets, Oct. 2

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To Baker Supply for above and beyond customer service. Very courteous about a very late return.

BEEF To the unkempt burial site at Departure Bay. It is a big eyesore in the midst of a beautiful part of our city.

BOUQUET To local rapper Matt Sirreal Dunae for performing recently at TeenFest. His new song, Words Like Weapons, is a poignant message that bullying is not cool.

BEEF To the speeding van driver on Caledonia Avenue who ran over my wife’s cat right in front of her and didn’t have the common decency or human compassion to stop and apologize. Thank you to the Good Samaritan who came by while she was crying with her dead cat and offered to help her bury him.

BOUQUET To the woman on Jingle Pot Road. Someone hit a large bird and it was clear the bird was dead. The woman in front of me stopped and used a blanket from her trunk to move the dead bird. A very short distance later, there was a dead rabbit on the road. The lovely woman pulled over and used the same blanket to move it to the roadside.

BEEF To the dog owner on Brightman Road who chains his poor dog up day after day. Dogs are to be treated with kindness not like a prisoner. Do him a favour and re-home him.

BOUQUET To my handyman, Michael Ottosen. You have done so much awesome work for me and the added extras do not go unnoticed. My home is finally starting to look like I always knew it could.

BEEF I thought airing commercials for tobacco products was banned, but I saw an ad for a new electronic cigarette the other day on Canadian television.

BOUQUET To Dan, Mosh and Peter for their success in table tennis at the B.C. Seniors’ Games.

BEEF To the person who stole a valuable porcelain musical egg which contained a message to our daughter at our garage sale last month. If you give it to your daughter I hope you tell her it was stolen.

BOUQUET To Angela Negrin at Pirate Chips who helped calm my baby while I enjoyed a delicious pulled pork poutine. Even more impressive was that this local entrepreneur had her own darling babe to take care of at the restaurant, too.

BEEF To Nanaimo city council. Eighteen verbal and 20 written comments, all but two opposed to the recycle facility to open on Old Victoria Road. Who do these councillors represent? I certainly won’t be voting for them in November.

BOUQUET To the lovely woman who insisted on paying for my parking at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital after I was without enough change and no credit cards as they were recently stolen. You restored my faith in human kindness. BEEF To the lazy male thief who stole my wallet rather than going to get a real job.

BOUQUET To all the Saudi students of Vancouver Island University, organizers and speakers who made Saudi Arabia Day at Maffeo Sutton Park a wonderful day of cultural exchange and learning. The dances, poetry, photos, national dress and food were wonderful. We had an enjoyable and informative day sharing your culture.

BEEF To people who waste the time of workers with petty complaints. People are busy and don’t need or want to spend precious time on something that people with grade school reading comprehension skills can understand. Most people not only know how to read, but comprehend what they read.

BOUQUET To the special lady who helped me last Wednesday at Costco when I bought larger items than I could manage. She not only pulled the large trolley, but also got help for me to put everything in my car.

BEEF To the lady taking her two grey terriers to do their business at Pipers Lagoon Park. You obviously had no intention of following the leash-only rules as your dogs had neither collars or harnesses. I hope you step in what your dogs leave behind.

BOUQUET To those who give 110 per cent. BEEF to those who give significantly less than that.

BOUQUET To the rehab entrance at the hospital. It almost makes one forget the pain, why one had to go by there on the way to rehab or the hospital.

BEEF To the people who line up at the food bank for free groceries every week, but are not willing to work for money by delivering a newspaper.

BOUQUET To Heather at Costco’s customer service desk for offering to watch my baby girl so I wouldn’t have to carry her in her car seat, without the stroller, to bring my other daughter to the washroom.

BEEF To diesel truck owners who leave their engine idling while parked. The diesel exhaust is highly toxic, intolerable and cancerous. A beef to those who buy these diesel trucks but don’t really need them.

BOUQUET To Harman’s staff. Special thanks to Lillie for the special service she gave to us about fixing our chair. Also to Mat for making the cushion and back better than a new chair.

BEEF To the dad who didn’t take off his hat to sing O Canada at Mountain View Elementary School on the first day of school. The principal is teaching our children manners and you stood at the front and didn’t remove your hat.

BOUQUET To Sanitech Services and especially Robin who came out to my rescue last week and did a fabulous job of cleaning our carpets. He dropped everything and came out at 7 p.m. to cover another missed appointment.

BOUQUET To Country Grocer for great customer service.

BOUQUET To the fellow mom who offered to help load my groceries onto the belt at Thrifty Foods while I managed my baby and preschooler. That sort of help is rare but very appreciated.

BOUQUET To Bayshore Restaurant for all the wonderful food for our wedding weekend. You guys went out of your way and over the top to supply us with amazing appies, lunch and the fabulous Sunday brunch.

BOUQUET To the owners of the new medical centre on Boundary Avenue and Dufferin Crescent. Built with steel, concrete and brick. They have done a great job on the landscaping. We are so pleased to have to them as our neighbour.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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