Beefs & Bouquets, Oct. 23

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET Thank you to our Nanaimo Regional General Hospital staff and volunteers.  My husband was treated with respect and dignity in his final days.

BEEF To the people who abuse handicapped parking who are obviously not handicapped. Just because you have a handicapped sticker for another person who you may drive in that car, when that person is not in the car with you, you do not have the privilege of using the handicapped parking.

BOUQUET to Gord and all the staff at Long Lake Nurseries. Gord is very patient with gardening questions and gives great advice.

BEEF To the drivers who think it is not against the law to text while stopped at a red light. You are still behind the wheel of a vehicle that is in operation.

BOUQUET To Fredrich’s Honey. It is rare today to find businesses run with integrity and concern for their customers. A personal thank you for your kindness and generosity.

BEEF Why does it seem that I’m the only one on the road going the speed limit and stopping at stop signs?

BOUQUET Thanks to Dave from Buccaneer Inn for donating a truckload of cans and bottles to our Nanaimo junior 10-pin bowling program’s bottle drive.

BEEF To the veterinary clinic. They decided our little dog had a crushed larynx and that he needed to have a tooth pulled at an estimated cost of $1,500. I took him to another vet – no sign of a crushed larynx, and he did need a tooth pulled at the estimated cost of $700. Unfortunately his throat was so full of cancer he had to be put down immediately. We are heartbroken, and also angry at the abuse, threats and gouging the first vet did to us.

BOUQUET To Tina at Natural U Spa for donating her time and money to the Multiple Sclerosis Society. She has donated free pedicures for us. This is being done in honour of her mother who has MS and lives in Taiwan.

BEEF To the person who is leaving apples in the Rock City neighbourhood. Leave them in your own yard. We don’t need raccoons and rats around.

BOUQUET To the staff at Gordon’s Home Sales for helping a friend buy a house.

BEEF To the secret people who got our taxpayers’ nine million dollars for land at Linley Valley.

BOUQUET To all realistic seniors who recognize their diminished skills and decide to give up driving. You make yourself and everyone else safer. Bravo, Mom and Dad.

BEEF To people who say that vegetables and salads are delicious.

BOUQUET Thank you to the person who found my red wallet with duct tape on it at Wal-Mart the day before Thanksgiving. You turned it in with everything, plus money. May karma bless you.

BEEF To gas prices. As I write this, gas costs 115.9 cents per litre in Victoria and Comox, 125.9 in Vancouver and 128.9 in Nanaimo. Stop ripping us off.

BOUQUET To my amazing friends and people in the Nanaimo community. My husband tragically passed away, and I am so grateful for the amazing support for me and my children. Thank you.

BEEF To the gas stations in Nanaimo. Having found out that the price of gas is cheaper south and north of Nanaimo, I find it unethical for gas stations to charge so much more here. I assume you all buy your gas from the same suppliers.

BOUQUET To Dennis and the staff at Budget Brake and Muffler Auto Centre. Your customer service is second to none. We sincerely appreciate that you went above and beyond to ensure our vehicle was ready as promised.

BEEF To Lantzville for cutting the tax exemption for Aspengrove School and setting a dangerous precedent. Let’s apply the same reasoning to all churches who get a free ride on prime real estate, yet the vast majority do not use them. Religion is your choice, just as it’s a choice to send your child to private school, so the public shouldn’t pick up the tab, right?

BOUQUET To the B.C. residents choosing not to buckle to this province’s government and hydro provider for refusing smart meters.

BEEF To the van driver for shouting and cursing at the workers at Dairy Queen. I hope you lose sleep and customers over your behavior.

BOUQUET Bundles of thanks for my beautiful eyebrows to Donna at Neon Nails who does the best semi-permanent eyebrows and other wonderful esthetics for ladies at great prices. She is so gentle and very good at what she does.

BEEF To the Ministry of Transportation and the forestry company for ignoring the illegal and illicit activities on McKeown Road. For seven years the neighbourhoods have been asking for the gate to be moved to the parkway trail entrance.

BOUQUET To Lisa, Dean and Jill for their dedication to continuing the theatre group, we wouldnt have a theatre if it wasn’t for you. Thank you also to the committee, and stage manager Sarah for all the time and dedication they put into creating awesome shows for all of Nanaimo to see. Thank you, love the Schmooze family.

BEEF To the retired man who thinks he can hold up lines in the grocery store and coffee establishment telling his jokes – we are working. That is our livelihood and our jobs that you are disrupting. You don’t seem to get that we are stuck being polite because you have caught us at work.

BEEF A grocery store is asking for volunteers to take orders from its stores for no remuneration whatsoever – free volunteering. This will to add profit to a multimillion-dollar business. It is vastly different from volunteering for a local charity. Something just doesn’t add up here.

BOUQUET To Kal Tire on Norwell Drive for its great service and exceptional customer care when I got my wheels caps recently for my car. Kregg was tenacious with his follow-up with the supplier and made this customer very happy.

BEEF To the guy on Elk Trails Way for letting off fireworks that scare all the pets and people on the block. We moved to the country to get away from that.

BOUQUET To my parents for being pretty awesome. They’ve always been supportive of my endeavours.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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