Beefs & Bouquets, Sept. 12

To submit a beef or bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET Nanaimo is a wonderful city and I’m very fortunate to live here.

BEEF To people who take their pets into grocery stores. It is a health code violation. If it is too hot to leave your dog, cat, etc., in the vehicle, then leave them at home – they’d probably be happier.

BOUQUET To McDonald’s on Mary Ellen Way. What a bunch of friendly, courteous employees. Always so pleasant. It’s a pleasure to eat there.

BEEF To the golf course for allowing their course to deteriorate. Where are the maintenance staff? We enjoyed the facility over the years, but since our recent well-meaning comments appeared to fall on deaf ears, sadly we won’t be returning.

BOUQUET To Fibber Magee’s for their kindness in offering coffee, before opening time at 11:30 a.m., to two seniors who were having a difficult morning.

BEEF To the person at the grocery store who stole my dad’s favorite blue walking cane. His back was only turned maybe a minute. Stealing is one thing but stealing a crippled man’s cane, you should be ashamed of yourself.

BOUQUET To Wine Works for the lovely customer appreciation salmon barbecue last weekend. The food was great. You just do everything so well.

BEEF To the person upset about losing his sushi to a deer crossing the road. The deer were here first. Maybe you should slow down.

BOUQUET To the wonderful person who turned in my bag to the Chase River Country Grocer on Monday evening. I’d accidentally left it in the shopping cart. It was a huge relief to rush back there and find it was fully intact at the customer service desk.

BEEF To the young man riding on a bike dragging a small white dog behind him along Bowen Road this past week across from Bowen Park. I hope someone ties you to a vehicle and drags you along so you will know how cruel this is. A dog this small does not need this kind of exercise.

BOUQUET To Raj and the staff at Christensen Collision. Thank you for repairing the key marks on my truck while I was on holiday. Raj was very friendly, professional and made me not want to go anywhere else.

BEEF To Nanaimo school district. I am shocked there are only four hours and 42 minutes of teaching time each day and less on Friday when they get out early. Let’s put students first and stop taking so much time away from them, like a proposed extra week at spring break and more Pro-D days.

BOUQUET To the lady, who wanted to remain anonymous, who donated $500 to the Community Lunch program at St. Andrew’s  Presbyterian Church.

BEEF To Nanaimo drivers. Before getting in your vehicle please think of all your loved ones before you hit the road. Drive safely – slow down, stay off cellphones and pay attention.

BOUQUET To the wonderful owner of Gabriel’s Cafe on Commercial Street. Never mind you have great food and service, but you went above and beyond by calling my gym and getting my car, house, and work keys back to me. You rock.

BEEF To a radio commercial for warning us that police in our area will be ticketing people using cellphones while driving. Police should ticket themselves – I have seen numerous cops driving with cellphones plastered to their heads.

BOUQUET To the two kind and very strong men who pushed my Toyota off the Island Highway and onto Aulds Road so I could park safely at the mall. I would have been stranded without you. A mechanic found a large mouse nest in the engine.

BEEF To the people that badly damaged the giant fungi covering the tree stump in Linley Valley – this was one of Nanaimo’s secret natural wonders until you threw rocks at it.

BOUQUET To the magnificent men of Andrea Crescent. You step up time and again with willing hearts and strong bodies to help with our projects. Good news: no new projects in sight.

BEEF To the restaurant that gives out gift certificates for a contest which we won. You were very rude whem you told us we weren’t allowed to use them anymore.

BOUQUET To the lovely young woman in the Ford Explorer who bought my latte at the Terminal Park Starbucks drive-thru. You made my day and I will definitely pay it forward.

BEEF To the network that changed its name. It confuses the viewers and the TV schedule publications take some time to catch up.

BOUQUET To Dr. Dumper for going above and beyond for us. Your hard work is very much appreciated.

BEEF To students who can’t be bothered to apply for my award but complain about their student loan debt.

BOUQUET To the people who helped me after a running injury: the biker, the woman in a wheelchair and the electric bike rider. You were all so helpful and went out of your way to help me.

BEEF To provincial employees who refuse to full identify themselves and are too useless to answer or return a call or letter.

BOUQUET To Dean and Darren for the great job of repairing the potholes in our alley.

BOUQUET To the person who found my son’s wallet at the Harbourfront Library and turned it in to the front desk. It’s so good to know there are still lots of honest people out there.

BOUQUET To travel agent Lynn Alexander. This lovely lady gave us first-class service to book our first cruise ever to the Mediterranean. Lynn worked hard to make sure we had the holiday of a lifetime.

BOUQUET To the Nanaimo Blues Society and all volunteers for the wonderful Summertime Blues Festival.

BOUQUET To all the donors and participants who helped make Give the Gift of Life kidney walk and paddle such a great success.

BOUQUET To Speedy Auto Glass for their great customer service.

BOUQUET To the three or four drivers in Cedar who actually stop at stop signs.

To submit a beef or bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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