Beef to the woman who called the police and told them I was selling drugs at the parking lot. She said she saw me with a bag of drugs. The bag contained two rainbow trout. I fish to relax, now I worry.

Beef to the woman who called the police and told them I was selling drugs at the parking lot. She said she saw me with a bag of drugs. The bag contained two rainbow trout. I fish to relax, now I worry.

Beefs & Bouquets, Sept. 16

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

BOUQUET Thanks to our wonderful garbage collector who came to my rescue when I fell from my walker and couldn’t get up. I was already on my way to the hospital because I was in so much pain when it happened.

BEEF To the beefer complaining about food trucks at Departure Bay beach. The food trucks are a pleasant treat and are welcomed in the neighbourhood. Bouquet to food trucks.

BOUQUET To the Bulletin for many years of listing people’s birthdays and anniversaries; sorry you had to stop. Bouquet to Paula for many years of doing a fantastic job of listing them.

BEEF To the senior couple at the fast food restaurant who belittled a staff member of Indian descent. I called out the woman because she told the young man she couldn’t understand a word he was saying. Apparently she was to be addressed with the king’s English by her standards. Shameful behaviour.

BOUQUET A huge thank you to the couple who guided my sister to the B.C. Ferries terminal. Because of you she was able to spend the last hour of her husband’s life with him before he passed from cancer.

BEEF I was very disappointed by the poor example displayed by a paramedic at a coffee shop who wasn’t wearing a mask and walked very close to me and stopped in front of me without any consideration of distance. Then they turned around and threaded their way through customers who were coming in through the door marked ‘entrance only.’

BOUQUET To the staff and veterinarian on duty at the Central Vancouver Island Emergency Hospital. Thank you for your kindness and your expertise. Your prompt care of my small senior dog was much appreciated.

BEEF To the woman who called the police and told them I was selling drugs at the parking lot. She said she saw me with a bag of drugs. The bag contained two rainbow trout. I fish to relax, now I worry.

BOUQUET I visited First Choice Tax Services for help with my pension. They found a CRA tax error and refiled my tax return. A humongous thank you and more than 300 virtual hugs.

BEEF I don’t wish to sound mean about it, but one of the murals downtown is sub-par compared to the others. The graffiti is better, as well as all the other art done up the street.

BOUQUET To the worker who cleaned the lot at the end of 13th Street and did a wonderful job. Thank you. Beef to the driver of the van who thinks it’s a place to camp.

BEEF All my life I’ve wondered why innocent animals have to die because they kill for food, and it’s often a human’s fault. Yet humans can kill for nothing and get away with it. Go figure!

BOUQUET To Quality Foods for using green eco-safe bags. Truly a step in the right direction.

BEEF To the auto detailing shop for quoting me a price on the phone then doubling it. Then they washed my windows with a rag so greasy that it took me nearly half an hour to remove the grime.

BOUQUET Many thanks to the employees of the City of Nanaimo. Our flower gardens are sensational, the open lots that have hanging baskets as well as grass beds and floral tubs.

BEEF To the city. Instead of putting up new windows on the Port Theatre, why not spend money on cameras on roads like Departure Bay Road and get people off the road that are terrorizing the neighbourhood.

BOUQUET After I cleaned my gas fireplace, it stopped working. I called a professional. After 10 minutes, the fireplace came back to life. Cost was zero – what a delightful surprise. Thank you for helping a senior in need.

BEEF I have noticed a huge increase in litter in my neighbourhood recently. I also noticed that two garbage receptacles on Bruce Avenue have been removed. The city’s public works department said they were removed because they were getting filled with garbage every day. Now the litter is on the ground at the bus stops.

BOUQUET Thanks to the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom for organizing a successful commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima – in spite of COVID-19. With music and song, interesting displays and speeches, not to mention free goodies from Food Not Bombs, I am very glad to have attended the event.

BEEF To those of you who have no excuse to not wear a mask when businesses say it is mandatory, you are very immature, selfish and stubborn. Very careless and irresponsible to put others at risk. You should not be allowed to shop. It is not just young people doing this either.

BOUQUET To the Pharmasave at Southgate mall, the most friendly, helpful, family-oriented drugstore I’ve been to.

BEEF I would like to address the inconsiderate souls who sit in their vehicles, engines running, to enjoy the comfort of their air conditioning or heaters while their partners are doing errands or in the stores shopping.Please consider the environment that you are polluting unnecessarily.

BOUQUET A heartfelt thank you to the person who took the time and effort to pick up my articles that had fallen off my wheelchair and took them to guest services at Woodgrove. Made my day!

BEEF To the emergency room nurse who told my father-in-law they knew he was in a lot of pain but was just going to have to live with it.

BOUQUET To the girl in the dark-coloured SUV who called out “Hello, have a nice day.” Thank you, you made my day. Hope yours was good too. We need more of that kindness.

BEEF It made me cry for the young family with the noisy children. Bless all the other people who wrote in support of them. I’m 84 years old and God knows how I miss the noise of my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I don’t see them often enough.

BOUQUET Kudos to Quality Foods in south Nanaimo for using compostable shopping bags. They can be re-used as compost bags for your green bin.

BEEF To the city for speed limit issues at Departure Bay beach. The 40 kilometres per hour signs have been covered in trash bags all summer, so the speed limit there automatically defaults to 50km/h on that stretch of road full of families crossing the street and cars backing out of parking spaces. What could possibly go wrong?

BOUQUET Thank you to David at Nanaimo Autobody. Twice in one year I brought my car to him. The workmanship is top-quality and after four estimates, he had the best prices and very friendly service.

BEEF To businesses and households that put up security lights without a thought to the impact of where the light might shine. I would think that the light should be tilted to shine on your own property, not in my windows. If I wanted lighting I would put up my own.

BOUQUET Thank you so much to the young man who rescued my wheelchair after it fell out of our vehicle. He was kind and helpful. God bless you!

BEEF To the neighbour. Barking dogs, smoky campfires in city limits and every available power tool and lawn maintenance equipment running early mornings and every weekend.

BOUQUET To the gentleman from garbage disposal who knocked on my door and reminded me that I had not put out garbage. I am disabled and elderly. He asked me to open my garage door and tied up the bags and took them to the truck. I was so grateful.

BEEF To the irresponsible dog owner on Oar Road beach who watched her dogs both poop and left it there even though bags and a garbage pail were right in sight. Bouquet to the young man who called her out, to which she replied that she was an essential worker. When did that allow one to break the rules?

BOUQUET To Kal Tire on Victoria Road for helping a nurse get to work on time after fixing a flat tire for her.

BEEF I see so many homes and businesses in the early morning that are watering their lawns and letting a full stream of water flow down the gutter to the drain grate. The public would only respect a business that didn’t water during restrictions, so please consider it. A green lawn during these times is quite selfish.

BOUQUET To Tyler at Toyota for removing live rodents from the air filter of our car. You did it with class, patience and a good attitude, plus you still had smiles for us. A superhero? We think so.

BEEF To the beefer about food trucks parking at Departure Bay. Food trucks pay the City of Nanaimo for the privilege. They also help make the beach experience more fun, as shown by the number of people who patronize them.

BOUQUET To the lovely girl Brenda S. at Central Drugs on Dunsmuir Street for her nice care for customers.

BEEF To the whoever wrote about CNG buses using fans to “atomize” LNG for greater fuel efficiency. The fans are in fact part of the centrifugal system to separate the propane from the CNG so it can be used as the primary fuel source below 50 km/h.

BOUQUET To the employees of Copcan Contracting who were installing the water pipes on Holden Corso Road. They were all so polite and respectful and gave us a heads-up whenever they needed to shut off our water and left our boulevards even better than they were.

BEEF To those who think their children should not be going back to school this year. Children need socialization and education, it’s critical for their personal growth and developmental stages of life.

BOUQUET To Clydesdale Moving and Hauling. Jay, Curtis and Wade provided punctual, speedy and professional moving services. They were careful, efficient, friendly and obliging. Thanks for a worry-free move.

BEEF To those complaining about the food trucks. Our community fought for those designated spaces and the food truck owners pay a fee to use them. Common sense would be to park across the street in the huge empty lot and walk over to grab a lunch sometime – maybe then you’ll know why hundreds of people love having access to the amazing food trucks that park at the beach.

BOUQUET To Dufferin Place care staff. I appreciate their had work, dedication, outstanding performance and high standards of care. You are truly special people with compassionate hearts.

BEEF Please consider moving the casino to a new site. The old Sears building would be a wonderful spot to relocate. It should definitely move away from an area that assists the homeless and hungry – this area takes away from the visitors to the casino. With the proposals of new housing in this area, it will lead to many more people hanging around the outside of the casino. During this COVID closure would be a perfect time to relocate.

BOUQUET You are here for a reason. You are too beautiful to disappear.

BEEF To council members who keep approving so many new developments, particularly in the north end. Aside from the fact that it’s making Nanaimo look like one big subdivision, ripping down all the green space, how about the traffic and our lack of health care (can’t find a family doctor, hospital beds in the hallways, months to get surgeries just for examples) for our existing population without throwing in more development projects?

BOUQUET To the North Cedar Fire Department, paramedics and every individual person who assisted us. My mom had a fall at the Nanaimo River and was unable to walk up the trail. You all were absolutely amazing, we cannot thank you enough. I appreciate the care you provided and the team effort to get her up safely. My mom is now home and recovering. Thank you for all that you do.

BEEF To the city for not taking any action to remove graffiti in bus shelters and other areas. There is so much of it and it looks horrible. Those doing this please stop and keep your city nice.

BOUQUET Thank to Larry for playing music for seniors in our backyards under trees. Buttertubs enjoyed three weeks in a row. The walkers at the marsh stopped and listened also. Fantastic!

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail

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