Beef to the corporation that sponsored recent ‘green’ Olympic Games in Rio. To make room for beef ranches, the sponsor clear cut most of the Amazon jungle, bullying indigenous tribes from their homes, and killing off species of animals and plants.

Beef to the corporation that sponsored recent ‘green’ Olympic Games in Rio. To make room for beef ranches, the sponsor clear cut most of the Amazon jungle, bullying indigenous tribes from their homes, and killing off species of animals and plants.

Beefs & Bouquets, Sept. 22

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

BOUQUET To Erin Ovens, Beauty Boutique manager at Shoppers Drug Mart in north Nanaimo, for her unbelievable kindness in helping my dad when he misplaced his fragrance gift certificate.

BEEF To illegal dumpers. I’m a small business owner trying to make an honest living and I pay for my garbage services. What gives you the right to think I should pay for yours, too?

BOUQUET To Mayco Mix manager Doug for his integrity and community mindedness in a recent interaction with the company – much appreciated.

BEEF To the driver who hit and damaged my black BMW in the Costco parking lot and left the scene without leaving his or her contact info. How can you not park within the lines at Costco?

BOUQUET To Tim at Pioneer Fireplace on Terminal Avenue. We had to replace some parts on our woodstove and he was a tremendous help. He is very knowledgeable and saved us a lot of money.

BEEF I can no longer get FM on cable and have been listening to a radio station. The music is nice but there are continuous repeats day and night. If I hear Joni Mitchell singing “they paved paradise and put up a parking lot” once more I may lose my mind.

BOUQUET To Christina and Vanessa at NCKC, the best kayak and canoe camp leaders ever. They are always so nice. When my sister fell off the monkey bars they ran to help her.

BEEF To speeders on Second Street. I’ve seen two pets hit by cars in the past month. With kids back in school I am worried for their safety.

BOUQUET To all the people on my numerous paper routes who kept me hydrated during hot summer days. Being able to soak my head and hat with the hose has done wonders for me as well.

BEEF To people, especially store clerks, who think in order to use the handicap change room one must be in a wheelchair. Not all handicaps are visible, lung disease being one.

BOUQUET To Wendy from Nanaimo hospital pacemaker clinic for showing patience with my elderly husband after his surgery and during his first check-up. Your assurance and kindness made this procedure more bearable.

BEEF To the driver in the black truck throwing a beer can out his truck window on Metral Drive. Want me to come dump all my garbage on your front lawn?

BOUQUET To the person who returned a black iPhone to Rogers. We are so grateful. We’ve been able to retrieve so many memorable photos.

BEEF To the corporation that sponsored recent ‘green’ Olympic Games in Rio. To make room for beef ranches, the sponsor clear cut most of the Amazon jungle, bullying indigenous tribes from their homes, and killing off species of animals and plants.

BOUQUET To OR nurse Sean for volunteering to stay late when he could have been enjoying the outdoor summer weather. You saved the day. A grateful patient.

BEEF To the woman running and squealing in an off-leash park. Of course you are attracting dogs and cougars, bears, etc. If you are so paranoid, stay home.

BOUQUET To a lady who helped me with a spaghetti recipe today at a local food store. Thanks for the spaghetti recipe advice. The only ingredient that was missing was you. Wish I had gotten your name.

BEEF To the person condemning the soft drink ad for accusing the older brother of bullying. I, the middle of four sisters, was teased from the nipper age to late teens. A kind of love seen in very few families today.

BOUQUET To the assistant manager at the auxiliary thrift store for selling my dad a fishing vest at a discount when he only had $6 left in his pocket. He wears it every day.

BEEF To all parents of young children to control their outbursts of squeals and yelling of their misbehaved children. Parents need to take control and have responsibility of their children and stop their loud behaviour as other people do not appreciate the loud unnecessary noise.

BOUQUET To Donnelly Skylights that recently installed sun tunnels in our dark dismal bathrooms and transformed them into light, airy spaces. Their fast, professional, courteous service is much appreciated.

BEEF To those who complain of government cutbacks/closures of programs. You are giving the government incentive to continue their abominable decisions, enabling them to generously reverse same decisions close to election time, and banking heavily on citizens’ short-term memory.

BOUQUET To Frank of Jim Chiminy chimney sweep. He’s prompt, extremely knowledgeable, honest and super nice. After checking, he said our stovepipe didn’t need cleaning and he only charged half-price for inspection and insurance receipt.

BEEF To the city and the couple on Pipers Lagoon beach. Where is the enforcement of the no dogs on beach in the summer months?

BOUQUET To Nanaimo city graffiti removal employee seen out and about at an early hour cleaning up the destruction and defacing to property by others. I’m certain all residents and visitors alike are very appreciative.

BEEF To parks and rec for closing the aquatic centre pool before the schools re-opened and having ‘everyone welcome’ at the Beban Pool. It was chaotic for our regular scheduled therapeutic aquatic class.

BOUQUET To the emergency staff at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. The staff on duty could not have done more to help me on my day in ER. Harassed, overworked, and always keeping their cool.

BEEF To drivers who treat the intersection of Westwood Road and Jingle Pot like a four-way stop. If I am turning left off Westwood coming up the hill and you are third or fourth car coming down the hill, what are you waiting for? A light is really needed at this intersection.

BOUQUET To Brody and Donald at Woodgrove Chrysler.  You both went above and beyond to get my truck fixed under warranty when you didn’t have to.

BOUQUET To my husband Dave. I love you and am so incredibly proud of you. Thank you for always being my rock. Love M.

To submit a beef or a bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, please e-mail

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