Beefs & Bouquets, Sept. 26

To submit a beef or bouquet to the Nanaimo News Bulletin, e-mail or send a tweet to @BeefsBouquets.

BOUQUET To Sandi, Carol and Maureen for all the work done to make our 50th high school reunion an unforgettable event.

BEEF To the rude customers who verbally abuse their cashiers at grocery stores. What makes you so superior to the girl working 30 hours a week while still in high school?

BOUQUET To the construction of the new library on Hammond Bay Road. Hopefully this bouquet does not turn into compost if there is only one entrance and one exit.

BEEF To a restoration company that has a housecleaning business on the side. Accepting $100 cash in July for cleaning to be done supposedly in September from a client who is cognitively challenged, while involved in his restoration, is unethical.

BOUQUET To Larry, our good friend, for the wonderful prank you played on Dave and I. You deserve a hole-in-one for your efforts.

BEEF To the rude person in the coffee shop. An elderly lady nicely asked which line she was in. The person pointed to the pickup line and said, “If I was in that line I’d be standing there.” The person needs the line for manners.

BOUQUET To the writer of the beef about the abusive man in the restaurant: thank you. I said a prayer for his wife and then I went upstairs and kissed my own.

BEEF To the stunned parents who bring their small children to the big dog park at Beban. Double beef to the parents who allow their children to stand on top of the tunnel or play in it. There are many other more suitable places to take your children to play.

BOUQUET To Island Overhead Door. Elaine and her group were so amazing and helpful. Had a problem once again with a product and called them – was amazed at the service provided. You are professional and caring.

BEEF The neighbour’s unit flooded out my cognitively challenged brother’s condo. The restoration company assigned, assured us his unit would be restored – not a patched ceiling, unprofessional painting, a patched backsplash, and mismatched paint colours.

BOUQUET Our daughter-in-law’s dog and her landlord’s dog got out of their gated yard in Harewood, and managed to get to Tenth Street from Seventh Street unharmed. A most caring, kind lady let them in her van while inquiring and hoping to find anyone who might know of their owner – she located their owner and saw them safely returned.

BEEF To the woman who was judging me for helping a couple in need with a few bucks so they could get something to eat. It’s my money and my choice to help. It’s people like you who don’t make this world a better place.

BOUQUET To Jenna at Breze Salon for making my very first manicure so wonderful. I felt so comfortable with you, like I’ve known you all my life.

BEEF To the person beefing about the teenage boys in the bright matching pants. Does this really have that negative of an impact on your day? Let’s show good examples and not make fun of people’s clothing.

BOUQUET To United Carpet Nanaimo staff for professional, positive assistance in choosing new flooring for a restoration at a Harwell Place unit, in a difficult situation. The installer was meticulous. He took pride in his work. The results showed it.

BEEF To parents for taking risks by running amber lights. It shows potential young people how not to drive defensively. Just slow down and try not to show off such poor driving ‘skills.’

BOUQUET To Charlotte at Coast Capital who helped our new company start up a business account. Thank you for helping us find the best options to fit our needs and leaving us a thoughtful gift when we came in to sign more papers the next day.

BEEF To the police officer at the Bruce Avenue and Seventh Street intersection on her cell phone and in a school zone.

BOUQUET To the person who used his precious time to hand in my car keys I left at Brooks Landing RBC ATM. Also searching out the car the keys belonged to and leaving a note on my window telling me he handed the keys in.

BEEF To the garbage men picking up garbage Sept. 18 on Hammond Bay Road who left my bin half full of two-week-old garbage.

BOUQUET To the gentleman who walks Rutherford Road picking up litter. Very community minded.

BOUQUET To Darren at the City of Nanaimo. No matter what job you’re doing, you always give 100 per cent.

BEEF To the father who left his two toddlers in the car alone while he ran into the coffee shop. Just because you can see them doesn’t mean you can protect them. This is why there is a drive-thru.

BOUQUET One hundred extra coffee breaks to the MRI technician at NRGH. You took me in instead of having your well-deserved coffee break so that I didn’t have to spend any more time fretting.

BEEF To rude customers who take out their bad day on their servers. Restaurant workers are paid minimum wage and try their best to make your visit as enjoyable as possible.

BOUQUET To the nice City of Nanaimo worker who picked up my son’s hat on Departure Bay Road.

BEEF To the hairless cats with rotten teeth. What lousy pitchmen for the SPCA.

BOUQUET To our co-run directors Michelle Tonn and Shelley McKenna of the CIBC Run for the Cure committee. They work tirelessly to encourage and support our small but mighty committee.

BEEF To the panhandler outside the supermarket. How arrogant of you to think your moderate skill on the ukelele, of all things, is worth my tossing you some of my hard-earned cents.

BOUQUET To Snuneymuxw First Nation and other citizens. City council’s arrogance united the best elements to defend the park and stop Colliery dam destruction.

BOUQUET To the Save-On-Foods employees at Terminal Park – Aaron and Kyle – who helped an elderly man who could barely walk with his grocery shopping. Customer service at its best.

To submit a beef or bouquet to the News Bulletin, e-mail or send a tweet to @BeefsBouquets.

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